Active Member
I see where you're coming from Luke I do, but seeing as my niece experienced Abby's exact situation except for the fact that she was actually beaten by the girl and is in high school, I tend to agree with what the principle is doing. I mean you're only about a year younger than me but when we were in high school, midddle school kids were mean but they didn't have cyber bulling like they do now. I mean I for one am glad that this principle stepped up to bat, in my niece's situation the principle was very non-schilient about the whole thing; O fights happen it's just part of having so many raging hormones in one place, sorry but I call faul on that! :shrug:
Hey Christa...
Maybe it's because we're a small school system, but our principal told us that they have never had a knock-down drag out fight take place....some pushing/shoving at times, but nothing worse than that. Interestingly enough he said it was more likely to have something like that happen more when he was in school. Yes, there are raging hormones all over the place, and yes, attitudes run rampant in junior high, but to dismiss what's happened by saying 'fights happen' ?

It makes me think of that brilliant parenting excuse that runs rampant when kids get after one another, "kids will be kids"