Ohh yes! Part of my job during strawberry festival time is to count the money and count the buckets to know how many berries to order for the next day. So today she tells me that the Key Club group is taking all the night shifts, I was like ok great! She goes but there is a catch, you can't go out there. I'm like umm why? She says well she doesn't really like you.
She apparently doesn't like me because back at my november event she showed up and told the volunteers that I set up in my museum rooms that they weren't needed and they could just go home!
A volunteer comes down and chews me out because why did I get them to give up their saturday if I don't need them. Well come to find out she went and got rid of those people, replaced them with her kids and then one of the kids that I assigned to a room she told them that I was wrong and there was nothing in there that needed to be watched!
So I pull her aside and I say to her, Look I appreciate you bringing your kids out but you can't run my volunteers off because these volunteers are ultra sensitive and I can't get these people mad. Well she starts yelling at me and saying how dare I, and I don't appreciate her. I told her that if she wanted to put someone in a room that was fine but she needed to tell me, I thought it was very diplomatic. And that was all that was said. So now instead of going out there and figuring out the berries for the next morning I have to do it that morning and they have to have the berry count before 8 am, so I have to be there by like 6:30 to get the count done! :fork: