Well-Known Member
My wife and I were at WDW over the weekend and not once, but twice at expensive sit down restaurants, the waitstaff overrode the pin function because of spotty wifi. I repeat, the pin function was overridden! This should not happen under any circumstances! If the wifi is spotty, fix it, don't make my information less secure!
We spoke to the manager at Brown Derby about this. I told him it was the programmer's lazy way out. If a program can be written to override the pin, a program can be written to take the pin offline and make them have to match in the back to complete the transaction.
The magicbands are advertised as convenient and secure, well, this weekend they were not. Disney, fix the wifi, or find another work around, you have no right no just decide to make my information lass secure.
The big problem with this is that someone could steal a bracelet and try to use it to pay for something and then charmingly pretend their PIN doesn't work. If the SOP is to over ride these then they aren't secure at all. PIN should be required at all times.