That last sentence shows a basic misunderstanding of how the national debt works. You see, the US doesn't go to China with it's tail between its legs and beg some cash. Instead, the US offers securities for sale. These are bought by individuals, corporations, the Federal Reserve System, and local, state, and foreign governments. These entities buy the securities because they are seen as a good investment. None of these investors can 'call' the debt. Also, it should be noted that China holds only eight percent of this country's national debt.No...I feel good about myself because people employed on these shores got paid to assemble Chinese components which means that the wealth is spread... at least somewhat. You do not have to submit to my own opinions but I also do not have to submit to your smarmy retorts either. I live by and run my company based on beliefs that I hold true to.
Someday when the Chinese nation calls in the debts owed we will only have to look in the mirror to see who is to blame.