Self-important? Not exactly. Yes, there is what could be called a self-important desire to peacefully enjoy an attraction and not have Joe Loudmouth making brainless comments, talking on his cell phone, texting, taking flash pictures, or meandering through the theater. Those are the true self-important jerks. If you can't be civil and courteous to the people around you, then you really shouldn't be in public. That's a bit extreme, perhaps, but I think you see my point here. I'm only asking for courtesy to EVERYONE. If that's being self-important, then guilty as charged.
Now, how is it hypocritical to be unhappy about rude guests? I'm not being rude in any way, shape, or form. I'm taking my seat, and preparing myself to enjoy the upcoming attraction. I'm being what I wish others would, so that everyone could enjoy it. I will admit to a bit of hypocracy, though. I stated I would be happy if there was a way to skip Maelstrom. I'm ragging on people for skipping the movie, yet I'm willing to do the same just to see the movie. So, you got me on that count...even though you didn't bring it up; I did.
Finally, as for getting upset, isn't that kind of the purpose of these boards? If you're unhappy about something at the Parks you can express it here. True, people aren't expected to agree with you, and I wouldn't expect anyone to. What others think of The Spirit of Norway is their own business, but they and Disney shouldn't be trying to diminish the experience for those of us who do wish to enjoy it. The whole poll thing is ludicrous. Yes, I'm sure many don't care for it. That gives them the right to be, as you put it, "self-important" and rude? Sorry, I don't buy that...not for a dollar, and certainly not for the price of admission to the Park. Then again, I also don't buy the idea that a ride can't be followed up by a movie. If I liked Maelstrom, I would consider the movie a bonus. As it is, I consider the movie almost an apology for the lame ending on the ride, but I personally appreciate an attraction where there's more than one part to the experience, be it a movie at the end or whatever. That's just me, though, being self-important again.