Originally posted by PhotoDave219
Well obviously Mr Hill went to the Fox school of reporting.
Lets look at some really respected people, like Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel's "Elements of Journalism" - A Journalists first obligation is to the truth.
Now is it true that thos AP holder got sick? Probably. Is it also true that most people didnt? Yes. Was that reported? No. Is this biased against Disney? Yes.
I have a degree in this as well as several other forum posters. Jim HIll is as much of a reporter as Geraldo Rivera, considering that neithers material is balanced nor objective.
In fact, ive got a basic New Reporting and Writing book, titled simply ''News Reporting and Writing' by The Missouri Group. Perhaps he should read it. ON page 12 Accuracy, fairness and objectivity. Is Mr Hill's article Accurate? Only in that There is a ride called Mission:Space, it is at Epcot and at least one AP holder out of the masses got sick. Was it a fair article wherein both sides of the story were presented? No. Is Jim Hill Objective? Nope.
Wait, JHM isnt like Geraldo... rather he's the Matt Drudge of Disney.