M:S disappointing


New Member
I will ride M:S for the first time in April and I hope it will be worth the 3 hours I will probably spend in line for it. :lookaroun

If anyone hasn't done this already: On the DVD for Pirates of the Caribbean... go to the bonus section. There is a "commercial" for M:S and it makes it seem like the biggest thing since whipped cream at a frat party. Nonetheless, as long as I can spin around at the Haunted Mansion... the trip will be well worth it. :sohappy:


I rode MS for the first time in Oct. Depends what your definition of intense is. I believe the ride fulfiled my definition. The feelling of your face and skin being pulled off of you was great. I only rode it once due to the feeling afterwards. It felt like my brain was spinning around in my head when I got off the ride. Did I like it ? YES. Is it a ride that I would do over and over? Doubt it, that would depend on if I felt the same every time I got off the ride or If I got use to the feling. Overral, MS was a wonderful experience.

BTW... My bro, and my father rode it numerous times and they absoultely loved it.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Jfc2021
my wife and i went to WDW in Dec for our honeymoon very excited to ride Mission Space. after reading so many great reviews, i was really disappointed with the ride. not once was i like "wow, this is amazing". after hearing everyone talking about how intense it was, we both walked out of the ride with the same conclusion- that it was just ok. we didn't even try to ride it again and there were no lines. any one else agree that this is very overrated?

During December when you went they "softened" the ride so people wouldn't get sick anymore. My dh and I went to WDW in November for our honeymoon, and we went on it...I loved it. I thought Test Track was highly over-rated.


New Member
Re: Re: M:S disappointing

Originally posted by LoriMistress
During December when you went they "softened" the ride so people wouldn't get sick anymore. My dh and I went to WDW in November for our honeymoon, and we went on it...I loved it. I thought Test Track was highly over-rated.

Mission: Space has not been toned down! The g-forces and centrifuge speeds have been set for a very long time now.:)


Well-Known Member
any ideas on how to gauge this ride for kids???? We will have 6 with us, of course I know that the 3yr old wont be going on this ride, but the older kids love the thrill rides. The seven year olds has mastered the big wooden rollercoasters like "The Screaming Eagle" at Six Flags, but on our last trip to WDW she wasnt tall enough for SM but our nephew did ride Matterhorn and SM and BTM at DL. both are 7, so I am not sure about this ride. I can keep one off with me while waiting with the toddler, but what do we do with the other one? Keep him off as well, but then who gets to accompany me? any ideas????


New Member
Originally posted by Dwarful
any ideas on how to gauge this ride for kids???? We will have 6 with us, of course I know that the 3yr old wont be going on this ride, but the older kids love the thrill rides. The seven year olds has mastered the big wooden rollercoasters like "The Screaming Eagle" at Six Flags, but on our last trip to WDW she wasnt tall enough for SM but our nephew did ride Matterhorn and SM and BTM at DL. both are 7, so I am not sure about this ride. I can keep one off with me while waiting with the toddler, but what do we do with the other one? Keep him off as well, but then who gets to accompany me? any ideas????

First off, if your 7 year olds can tackle a wooden roller coaster without problems, then they should be more than fine with Mission: Space. Mission Space is not jerky, and frankly contains no truly "scary" ride elements. It is more of an experience than anything else. If your little ones can handle simulators they should do just great!

As for your predicament of who gets to ride with whom and watch the toddler at the same time, I'm afraid I can't help you there.


Well-Known Member
Well thanks for the info. I wasn't sure what this ride was really like, so I didn't know if the kids could handle it. We will have enough adults to keep track of the kids, I just didn't know if the adults and older kids (9-13) should ride M:S first and I would sit off w/the toddler and the 7yr olds. But from what it sounds like, the 7yr olds can go along w/the group and I'll wait to do the child swap after they ride. (they do offer the child swap on M:S don't they?)


Well-Known Member
Went in December, rode with kids ages 4, 6, 10, & 12. The 4 years old was crazy for this ride!!!! He rode it a total of 5 or 6 times.


New Member
I'm really excited to ride!

Our last trip to Disney was in June, and we didn't get to ride M:S....so we are really pumped about riding it on our trip in Feb. I have noticed that some people are commenting about M:S saying that it wasn't as good as what they thought? I'm curious...what were you all expecting, and what didn't Disney deliver in this attraction. I don't want to be dissapointed (which I still think it's going to be AWESOME)....but just your thoughts on this if you have a chance... Thanks in advance!


New Member
I just rode M:S for the first time last Friday and I spent quite a bit of time reading about it before I went (mainly on this site). I usually have no problem on rides, but after reading so much, I was a little nervous. I think I had gotten myself so worked up, and the reviews were so great, that I too was a bit disappointed or maybe I should say relieved that I didn't get sick.

I rode 4-5 times and the first time I was too afraid to look anywhere but the screen due to the warnings and was kind of dizzy when I got off. 2nd time was just after cheeseburger & fries and I was a tiny bit nautious, but only for a couple of seconds. The 3rd - 5th times I was used to the feeling and could critique the ride itself. It is a little short IMO, and there is one part I think after landing on Mars that there is a big crash noise, but no jarring of the ship, which one would expect. I guess since it mainly spins, it can't jar? I also think it would be a nice touch when you are getting your assignment and the light shines on you, your picture should come up on the screen to make it more real. That's a small thing, but I think people like to see themselves as part of the ride.

Finally, I may be by myself here, and apparently a LOT of technology has gone into this ride, but I get a little disappointed when attractions are simulations. I'm not a coaster junkie, but somehow I feel like I've been jipped when it's a simulator. I still enjoy them, but I guess I actually like to go somewhere!


New Member
Re: I'm really excited to ride!

Originally posted by Zipadeedoodah
Our last trip to Disney was in June, and we didn't get to ride M:S....so we are really pumped about riding it on our trip in Feb. I have noticed that some people are commenting about M:S saying that it wasn't as good as what they thought? I'm curious...what were you all expecting, and what didn't Disney deliver in this attraction. I don't want to be dissapointed (which I still think it's going to be AWESOME)....but just your thoughts on this if you have a chance... Thanks in advance!

Just don't go in thinking that M:S is the best innovation since sliced bread. It is a wonderful experience...a truly great ride...however it is not PERFECT!:D If you go in with this attitude you will most surely enjoy yourself. I reccommend that you notice the detail inside the cabins, especially the pushable switches that activate certain lights and sounds. M:S is a sensory overload. ENJOY!:wave:


New Member
I was in Disney in October, and I had not even heard much about M:S before I went... I knew it was there, but I didn't really know what it was about, so I didn't have any real expectations for the ride. I thought it was fun, but I rode it once and that was it. It wasn't that it made me sick or that it was too intense, it just seemed kind of cold and sterile to me, plus the fact that when you walk into the ride, it's a big room with a bunch of the rides sitting there... It kind of killed the mood for me, because it didn't really make you think you were getting into a space shuttle. They have all the build up, the mission briefing room, and after that... a big room with a bunch of simulators.

I guess I just don't go to WDW for the thrill rides. There's an amusement park within 20 miles of any metropolitan area where you can ride thrill rides for under $50. Some of them can really be cool, but when I'm spending large sums of money to go to WDW, I want a Disney experience, and to me, M:S was not it. It just seemed sterile. I guess I am just nostalgic and prefer the slow-moving rides like Horizons and Spaceship Earth. M:S, while technologically impressive, could have been at any theme park...

That's just my $.02

General Grizz

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Originally posted by vizaezuul
It wasn't that it made me sick or that it was too intense, it just seemed kind of cold and sterile to me, plus the fact that when you walk into the ride, it's a big room with a bunch of the rides sitting there... It kind of killed the mood for me, because it didn't really make you think you were getting into a space shuttle. They have all the build up, the mission briefing room, and after that... a big room with a bunch of simulators.

That's exactly what I felt. Don't you love the 45 minute wait of listening to mission control statements, cramped up staring at a rotating wheel? I also am not too fond of the clear speakers and ventalation systems which gut right out.

You never see this at Wonders of Life.

I wonder which one is more "outdated" in this sense.


Well-Known Member
Well, the more I think about it, the one thing I took away from M:S was the puke factor since I don't do well on rides that spin you a million times a minute. It did make me ill. Those rides generally do. However, that aside, I think it was done well for what it is. The G forces were however very cool. Spine was nicely aligned afterwards.


Active Member
I am usually dissapointed with my first rides, on almost anything I've been on, when I heard how great it was (Tower of Terror, RRC, Soarin over California, Test Track, Dinosaur etc) When I heard bad comments about an attraction, I usually enjoyed it more (Space Mountain at WDW, Kali River Rapids...)

The only two attractions that I heard great comments about that lived up to my expectations were Spiderman and Mission:Space. Ok, MS is not perfect (while Spiderman is perfect for me), especially the fact that you can see the simulators, and for the mild ending. BUT, it is such a unique experience and feeling for your senses and your body that, at least for me, it is worth all the hype. I mean, there is nothing like it in the world and that what makes the difference. I also love the queue line and the build up with Gary Sinise, definately an improvment over preshows like Dinosaur for example. And look at that building!!!!! :kiss: woah, no really, it is the only attraction that I dream of again and again and again. And I dreamt of it before it opened, I can say I had really great expectations for it, and it wasn't a letdown.

I want (unlike TOT) to travel to Florida just to ride it again!


New Member
One thing I have learned from this thread is that putting to much of an expectation into something can truly ruin the ride experience...

A good example of this happened to me with Spiderman. I was expecting an all out sensory explosion. Unfortunately this didn't happen. I don't think I've ever been more disappointed in a ride. The effects looked fake, the story was incoherent, the 3-D was blurry as heck, and the simulation didn't feel all that cool (kinda like involuntary movement on a hammock).

Spidey taught me to just go and enjoy M:S, instead of expecting to much. In turn, I think I had much more fun!:)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by imagineer99
One thing I have learned from this thread is that putting to much of an expectation into something can truly ruin the ride experience...

A good example of this happened to me with Spiderman. I was expecting an all out sensory explosion. Unfortunately this didn't happen. I don't think I've ever been more disappointed in a ride. The effects looked fake, the story was incoherent, the 3-D was blurry as heck, and the simulation didn't feel all that cool (kinda like involuntary movement on a hammock).

Spidey taught me to just go and enjoy M:S, instead of expecting to much. In turn, I think I had much more fun!:)

Well you definately had a different experience on Spider-Man than I did. To me Spidy, Tower of Terror, and Splash Mountain are the only rides that actually came up to my huge expetations. I think that if Spidy was in a Disney park it would probably be the best attraction in the park.

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