Lunch Planet Hollywood?

Have any of you Planet Hollywood haters even bothered to go to the Planet Hollywood website and let them know how you feel?

It seems to me, that nothing will change unless they are made aware of your feelings.

The squeaky wheel gets the pun intended

If you google Planet Hollywood, there is a corporate email address where you could write and voice your complaints.

Seems to me, you would be doing everyone a favor by doing this.
I'd hate to see this place close because of bad service that corporate wasn't even aware of.

Personally, it's one of my favorite places to dine and I've never had a bad experiance there. I recommend it to all my friends and they all loved it as well.

Yes we could complain to PlanetHollywood and maybe they would do something and maybe it would get done in a few months time.... of course during that time countless other people would suffer the same bad experience we did.

It would be better if the place just died from lack of business. That would send a message to other businesses that you can't just bank on a name or decorations but actually have to deliver good food and good service.

After all it isn't my job to try and help fix PlanetHollywood. If the corporate powers that be don't want to make sure their customer enjoy decent food and service that is their choice. I'll simply spread the word that the location at DTD is horrible and hope that the Hard Rock cafe that replaces it will be better.

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