The dates don't open up consistently at 30 days or any other number of days. It seems to be quite arbitrary lately. Disney will open up the dates to a certain point, maybe 3-4 weeks away, and then won't move that date for some time. It isn't a rolling date, like the 180 days to make regular ADRs - it just sticks in one place until they decide to change it. Another discussion board is reporting that the dates are only open until maybe July 7 or 8. If you check your dates and it is saying that there are no FP+ available, it is almost certainly because those dates haven't opened up yet. The frustrating thing about that website is that it will let you search for any date in the future, rather than just telling you that those dates aren't open. If your dates have opened, I would almost guarantee that there will be times available. Most tourists just don't know about the BoG FP+, so it isn't that hard to get a FP+ once the window opens. And it doesn't do any good to call WDW - neither the dining CMs or the tech support people have been able to give any correct information about this. The dining CMs continue to maintain that the only way to get a FP+ is to get an email invitation, which we all know isn't true. And the tech support people have no access to this FP+ system and can't help at all.