Love Bug Update


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Original Poster
I know this was asked a few weeks ago. I did not care cause I was weeks away from my trip. I am leaving a week from this Sunday so now am wondering. Are those nasty bugs EVERYWHERE yet?
We arrive in 10 days, and I would also like to know how the "love-bugs" are this year.

Thanks for all the great help I have recieved on this site.


Active Member
The only time I ever experienced them was in the Spring of '06 when I was a CP I forget exactly when. I didn't see any down there at all this last weekend though.


Well-Known Member
Not only are there no love bugs down here or at WDW. When I was there for my extended weekend in August, I noticed that there was not a single Seagull at CBR or any of the themeparks.... that was really weird... I asked my gf if I was crazy but she said she didnt see any either!


Well-Known Member
They are just really annoying bugs, don't bite that I know of, but they are EVERYWHERE!! I was down in May a couple of years back and they were horrible. But that is the only time I have had to deal with them.

Sir Hiss527

New Member
Usually you only see them during May and part of June, and there only out for a couple of weeks. But those couple weeks become quite annoying when you keep having to wash your everyday.


New Member
They look like lightning bugs with no lights...when we were there the last of May first part of June--they were everywhere:hurl: They are so annoying!!! We are going the same time next year..I am so hoping they will not be there--I had never seen them so bad as this last time...
The love bug (also known as march fly, honeymoon fly, telephone bug, kissybug and double-headed bug) (scientific name Plecia nearctica) is a small flying insect common to the southern United States, especially along the Gulf Coast. It is most often known as a serious nuisance to motorists driving at high speeds when the insects spatter on their windshields in great numbers.

Love bugs mating
Edit: pic removed from my photobucket See Wikipedia link.

Single love bug
Edit: pic removed from my photobucket See Wikipedia link.

I lived in Orlando for 18 years. Luv bugs are not that big a problem.

The biggest problem is having to wash them off your car.

To remove love bug remains from your vehicle:

A) Wet the area with the dried bug splatter
B) Rub the affected areas with a dryer sheet
C) Rinse the area with water.
D) Then dry area completely with another dryer sheet

In the 18 years I lived there there was NEVER a "swarm" or "Infestation"

Anyone that has or currently lives in the mountains (NC, TN, ect) knows of ladybug season. IMO luv bug season i snot as bad as ladybug season.

For more information visit Love Bugs Wikipedia


another thing to know is Love Bugs seem to LOVE combustion engine exhaust fumes. I can be out on a day where there are few around and start a weed wacker and had swarms of them appear out of nowhere.

So, the lesson is: don't bring your chainsaw, week wacker or edger into the parks with you and you will be fine.


Last year seemed especially bad for love bugs. We went down to Disney the last week of September and I spent the first part of my trip washing the entire front half of the car in the Port Orleans parking lot immediately after checking in. They weren't on there for more than hour before I could wash them off, but the sun did a good job of cooking them on nice and solid. We have to drive to Florida again the same time this year and I am not looking forward to it. Lousy bugs. :fork:


New Member
They were all around us last October! We were at the Mighty Ducks pool at ASMovies and my wife and kids were freaking out swatting them with flips flops....:lol: ..... and then they all wanted to go back to the room. And there again they were, all over the walls, doors and windows! We did not see them at the parks just the Resort!


New Member
They were just awful last year. We were there towards the end of September. Don't squish them as they smell really bad. I was brushing some off of my shirt and must have squished one. It smelled like a really gross plant. It was very strange.


New Member
We vacationed twice during the second week in May and they swarmed the bus stop at the Wilderness Lodge. A bus driver told us that they liked the pine trees around the lodge. We did not see any in the parks or the water parks. They were a real pain and once they landed on you, they smashed very easily instead of just brushing off.
another thing to know is Love Bugs seem to LOVE combustion engine exhaust fumes. I can be out on a day where there are few around and start a weed wacker and had swarms of them appear out of nowhere.

So, the lesson is: don't bring your chainsaw, week wacker or edger into the parks with you and you will be fine.

LOL, it' snot the exhaust they are attracted to. it's the fresh cut grass.
I remember the love bugs from the first time we went to WDW. I hated them. Do they have a purpose

Love bug larvae grow up in grassy areas and feed on dead vegetation. The adult love bug does not eat, but subsists on the food taken in during its larval stage. Upon reaching maturity the love bug spends the entirety of its life copulating with its mate, hence its numerous romantic nicknames. The male and female attach themselves at the rear of the abdomen and remain that way at all times, even in flight. In fact, after mating, the male dies and is dragged around by the female until she lays her eggs. Females lay up to 350 eggs in debris, and about 20 days later the eggs hatch into larvae. The larvae may live for months before passing into adulthood.

Its character as a public nuisance is due not to its bite or sting (as it is not capable of either), but to its apparently highly acidic body chemistry. Because airborne love bugs exist in enormous numbers near highways, they die en mass on automobile windshields, hoods, and radiator grills when the vehicles travel at high speeds. If left for more than an hour or two, the remains become dried and extremely difficult to remove, and their acidity pits and etches automotive paint and chrome

The above is quoted from Wikipedia.

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