Losing the Magic?


Well-Known Member
There is no Magic lost for me. I just finished my 25th trip. I'm excited about my 2nd trip to DLR in February and looking forward to going December 2013 with my grandbabies. Some trips are better than others. A perfect trip was our 2009 Christmas trip. Everything went perfect even the seating in the restaurants where we had reservations to see the fireworks.


Well-Known Member
I have to say there was only one trip where I did not feel that I had a magical time. It just seemed that there were larger crowds and many more disgruntled people there. Afterwards, we got home, and I really had a long think on what bothered me the most. What I realized was the fact that I had lost my Gramma, who had a very large part in raising my brothers and I, three days before the trip had a hugh impact on my feelings. Disney did its very best but my heart was bleeding. I have been back for numerous trips and found the magic is still there. One day we will go again when the Christmas decorations are up and it will be as glorious as I remember.
Our frame of mind has a serious impact on what we let bother us no matter where we are. I give cudos to all the CMs that show up everyday at work, do a great job to help run a hugh operation, and do it will a positive attitude! So thank you, CMs, for all that you do to make WDW one of the best places to be on this earth.

Frank Rizzo

I think people really need to stop heading down there with their eyes wide open looking for issues to complain about...
Yes I agree completely. If you go to Disney to find imperfections and CM's that don't know your specific meal plan at the exact time they are helping you, then you can do that just about anywhere. When I go to Disney I don't let small things get to me, as it is not worth your dollar if you aren't having a great time. Also I have been to both Universal and Disney, and if you ask me the CM's are absolutely amazing at guest relations. From smiling to every guest that walks by, to doing evrything the can to make all happy, these workers are absolutely some of the best in all the World. we must remember that these people are just that, people, and this is their job. They could just as easily get the same amount of money working at a restaurant in Florida, but they chose Disney so they could lighten up our day's and be a part of the MAGIC that will exist until the day they close their doors.


OV 104
Premium Member
but they chose Disney so they could lighten up our day's and be a part of the MAGIC that will exist until the day they close their doors.

I have a feeling it has more to do with they were the ones hiring than saying "Hey I want to go make random people smile because I am just that good natured!"

Frank Rizzo

I have a feeling it has more to do with they were the ones hiring than saying "Hey I want to go make random people smile because I am just that good natured!"
Well it might not be their only reason, but is surely a part of the reason. All I am saying is try to find me another place in the world where almost everyone of the employees act to the standards of that of Disney. It would be tough to make a list.


Active Member
I was very concerned about the same thing -
When I called to book my most recent vaca (11/1-11/8) the woman on the phone was NASTY!!! I told her she was the most un-Disney like person I had ever talked to and in response she yelled no I'm not! Then later in the call she asked if I still wanted to speak to a supervisor, I answered Maybe (figuring I'd give her one last try to fix the situation) but instead, she said... maybe? is that a yes? It was insane!!!! After that I did end up talking to someone more helpful & booking my trip. But on other calls, making ADRs I felt like I had to instruct them & they really didn't know what they were doing. I ended up writing an email, which was answered really quickly & followed up with by a phone call. I was reassured that Disney hadn't "slipped" but I was just not sure how this trip would turn out. Well, I am happy to say this was one of the most magical trips I have ever had to the world (my 12th, including being married in the wedding pavilion, so it wasn't like I had never been there). We got so many little extra special touches, cast members really going out of their way to make our stay magical! I'm sorry that wasn't your experience too.


New Member
I think "frequent flyers" have a tendency to get overly critical. If you've seen everything so many times, so ofetn that all you can focus on is the non-perfections, you might want to change up your touring. We visit WDW every two years and I'm always so swept away by the magic that I have never noticed the broken yeti, drunks at Epcot or malfunctioning effects on the ToT.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I think "frequent flyers" have a tendency to get overly critical. If you've seen everything so many times, so ofetn that all you can focus on is the non-perfections, you might want to change up your touring. We visit WDW every two years and I'm always so swept away by the magic that I have never noticed the broken yeti, drunks at Epcot or malfunctioning effects on the ToT.

Thanks, I already have. Plus Ive since discovered that I actually can find similar enjoyment in other places that arent as over priced, trading on nostalgia and good will and actually care about their customers.
As for " magic" I believe I can also apply that cliché to many places Ive visited since its not trademarked.


New Member
My most recent trip to WDW was in 2010. My family and I stayed in the Bay Lake Tower at the Contemporary. It was a lovely hotel. Not the best in the resort... lacked theme and was a little bare but a great room nonetheless. This was our 8th visit to the resort since 1998. Nothing will ever beat the first time my eyes captured the incredible imagery of the resort. I still get chills when I remember walking into the Wilderness Lodge (the first Disney hotel for me). Maybe it was the hotel, maybe it was the fact I knew the place too well but it just felt different. One thing that stuck at like a sore thumb was the shameless self-promotion for Disney and ABC related movies/programming. Sure there has always been advertising but the "Tron" monorail was a bit much. We've only stayed at Magic Kingdom resorts a few times before and we rarely spend the whole trip in one resort. We usually jump around so we can experience every Disney hotel. The Villas at the Beach Club are by far the best. It is quiet and it just felt like a relaxed area. I just can't help but think the odd feeling was caused by the new hotel. We were very fortunate and excited to stay at the new place but it just didn't do it for us.

We had some great memories though and it definitely will not be our last visit to the resort.


I think that it is the person who loses "the magic". This has nothing to do with CMs or the parks or the garbage cans or rude kids. It has to do with how *you* feel when you are there. I have been over 12 times and I never lose the magic. Yeah, things may have changed at WDW but it comes from within.

Regarding the Dining Plan, it has been in existence for so long that I am sure the CMs just assume that people know how it works and what is included. I ask if I have a question. I dont wait to be told. I always do the dining plan so it is no big deal but there are times I have questions. Also, maybe you just happened to get grumpy CMs. o_O


Hi all,

Just returned Sept 2 from our trip in the cabins. We love Disney, we are frequent vistors since the 1990s. With that said, this trip seemed to be missing "something". It was not a bad experience with 1 person, but throughout the parks. Honestly it felt like going to Six Flags. There was no MAGICAL feeling. Is it because they are cutting back? For instance we had a meal plan and 99% of the food service personnel didnt tell us what we were entitled to. For example, quick service you get meal,drink,and dessert. In the past they were always helpful in telling you what you needed to correct your order. Now if you dont ask, you are not told. So you must know your meal plan.
Also the staff at the checkin at the Cabins was not knowledgeable. Disney usually felt like they had better staffing, seems to be falling short...

Usually we are already planning our next trip while we are there, but this trip doesnt leave me with the same feeling.

Wolfeman, I know what you are talking about. We just got back from our 8th trip down there and I said to my wife as we were driving home that I really couldn't put my finger on it but it just didn't feel as magical this trip. Yes we had a wonderful time and all of that, but something seemed to be off.

As for people saying the magic has to come from within, that is not the issue at all. My friends and family can attest that there is probably enough pixie dust in me for 100 Magic Kingdoms, and I ALWAYS make the best of everything and try not to look at the bad (which can be hard after being on these sites and getting the flaws pointed out to you).

I think that part of what makes (made) Disney the best is that the CM's DID make that little extra effort in reminding me of my dining choices, or offering information without waiting for me to ask for it. The CM's that will see that maybe you aren't quite feeling the magic and do something little to pick you up and make your day special. Like the CM on our previous trip who was playing dumb about the Frontier Hoedown when we asked and then stood by us for 15 minutes talking to my daughter to find out that she loves Brer Rabbit, then when the Hoedown started, he made sure she got pared up with him. He didn't have to do that, we didn't ask, he just did it. That's the magic!

I, along with all of you, will be back (after we take the next year off having a baby!) and hopefully the Disney magic will be there again. That's what we go for, the Disney magic, not just the magic I carry around all the time.

Hopefully that makes sense!

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