Losing the Magic?


Original Poster
I remembered I started this post last year. We just spent 8 awesome days at disney. It was great. This was the 3rd time in 3 years. It was all so nice. Magic is different, but still there


Well-Known Member
For us, three weeks ago, the magic was definitely there and this is after 20+ straight years. Can't say I ran into any disgruntled CMs. Some are less enthusiastic than others but not disgruntled. CMs are workers in their workplace and with more than 55,000 it would be a surprise not to find a few who are less enthusiastic. It doesn't spoil anything and we have so many great experiences with wonderful CMs who bring out the magic that it always seems to be there.

George Lucas on a Bench

Well-Known Member
I feel this way about numerous things in WDW.

One is the state of the parks. We'll focus on Magic Kingdom. The poor maintenance and alterations to classic attractions seriously annoys me. Splash Mountain is a wreck, Tomorrowland has all these lame attractions like Stitch, Monsters Inc., a rundown Carousel of Progress, a dance party (???) etc., classic Fantasyland has been significantly eradicated, new Fantasyland is geared towards little girls and Pirates of the Caribbean has all these George Lucas-style changes. It's nice to just chill out in a place that hasn't been molested or modernized, like the Swiss Family Robinson treehouse.

Another problem is modern guests. So many people seem so cynical these days, plugged into their phones and maybe not even enjoying the parks? My childhood feels totally ruined when I'm in line for the Haunted Mansion and there's a play area with bubbles blowing and comical sound effects, but most everyone's on their phones as though they're not in WDW. I wonder what the heck has happened in the world and why no one is just taking in the great atmosphere of the cemetery, the house on the hill and that howling dog, eagerly awaiting the doors to open and for that smell to hit you. But it still does and at least that ride mostly hasn't been screwed up.


Well-Known Member
I don't completely agree with the idea that you need to bring the magic. If its in you, you can vacation anywhere and have it be magical. I think Disney needs to bring the magic. I don't know if that makes sense or not.

I do think that if you feel the magic has slipped that you should vacation elsewhere. Maybe visit Uni, Sea World and other Orlando attractions. Maybe go to an entirely different place. If too much Disney makes it less than magical, take a break from Disney. It is a big world out there. Go see the rest of it. :)

You can come back later. :)


Well-Known Member
Had the same 'Six Flags' or 'Alton Towers' feeling on my recent trip to Disneyland Paris. Still had an awesome time though.

Although reading threads like this will put you in a bad state of mind so you will feel more negative eg people moaning about Splash Mountain and how bad it is, recent trip reports state it is no where near as bad as people are making it out to be so relax and don't take anything posted on this site too seriously and you will have a great time.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
I feel this way about numerous things in WDW.

One is the state of the parks. We'll focus on Magic Kingdom. The poor maintenance and alterations to classic attractions seriously annoys me. Splash Mountain is a wreck, Tomorrowland has all these lame attractions like Stitch, Monsters Inc., a rundown Carousel of Progress, a dance party (???) etc., classic Fantasyland has been significantly eradicated, new Fantasyland is geared towards little girls and Pirates of the Caribbean has all these George Lucas-style changes. It's nice to just chill out in a place that hasn't been molested or modernized, like the Swiss Family Robinson treehouse.

Another problem is modern guests. So many people seem so cynical these days, plugged into their phones and maybe not even enjoying the parks? My childhood feels totally ruined when I'm in line for the Haunted Mansion and there's a play area with bubbles blowing and comical sound effects, but most everyone's on their phones as though they're not in WDW. I wonder what the heck has happened in the world and why no one is just taking in the great atmosphere of the cemetery, the house on the hill and that howling dog, eagerly awaiting the doors to open and for that smell to hit you. But it still does and at least that ride mostly hasn't been screwed up.
Dude, I come here...read your posts...and then I have to check the name to make sure it wasn't me having posted my thoughts already. It's uncanny.

And I'm going to steal 'Pirates has been George Lucasfied'!

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
I don't completely agree with the idea that you need to bring the magic. If its in you, you can vacation anywhere and have it be magical. I think Disney needs to bring the magic. I don't know if that makes sense or not.
That makes total sense!

Disney is as good as you allow yourself to play and be immersed. But it is not one-way. If I could conjure up the magic feeling at my local carnival, I'd save myself four months of hard slave labour to pay my credit card bill and visit there instead.

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
I don't completely agree with the idea that you need to bring the magic. If its in you, you can vacation anywhere and have it be magical. I think Disney needs to bring the magic. I don't know if that makes sense or not.

I do think that if you feel the magic has slipped that you should vacation elsewhere. Maybe visit Uni, Sea World and other Orlando attractions. Maybe go to an entirely different place. If too much Disney makes it less than magical, take a break from Disney. It is a big world out there. Go see the rest of it. :). Well I've been going abroad since 1972. Have covered most of Europe.And the east.Lived in Canada.Done the west coast from Frisco to San Diego.Been to Mexico.Loved all my vacations,well apart from Gran Canaria,that island sucked.But nothing for me compares with WDW.( oops,Vegas was fun ) Long may the magic live in my heart.;)

You can come back later. :)


Well-Known Member
I have had trips where it did not feel as magical as it did in the past. Sometimes I just feel its a state of mind and nothing that Disney could do can make it better.


Well-Known Member
People might not like what I'm about to say but it's true in the eyes of our family........ready?

The workers at universal seem to be friendlier and more outgoing than those we have encountered at Disney World. I'm not knocking the Disney workers, I'm just saying that the folks at Universal have ALL been great! From the guy collecting the trash to the managers we've talked to. Not ONE single frown or unfriendly conversation.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
People might not like what I'm about to say but it's true in the eyes of our family........ready?

The workers at universal seem to be friendlier and more outgoing than those we have encountered at Disney World. I'm not knocking the Disney workers, I'm just saying that the folks at Universal have ALL been great! From the guy collecting the trash to the managers we've talked to. Not ONE single frown or unfriendly conversation.
No funny looks from me. Staff at UNI was great when I was there.

But then, I also had more fantastic CM's at WDW than I could count! Of all my qualms, rude staff isn't one of them.

Tinkerbell 8

Well-Known Member
I have to agree with a lot of previous posts here and say that the magic really depends on you. Disney provides the environment to have a magical time, and that's their job and they do it quite well or else this website wouldn't exist and all us fans would be obsessed with something else. It's not our responsibility per say, but its up to us to feel that "magic". I go to Disney every year and I go with the frame of mind that I am going to the happiest place on earth and I make sure not to let the little things get me down, like getting run over by strollers or wheelchairs, or having rides not work at 100% function. If I did let those things get to me, then it would feel like I was in the regular world and I would not be spending all that money to travel somewhere to feel that, I go to Disney to escape. I still tear up when I walk down MS USA, I still clap to the music from MSEP, I still cry every time we leave the park to head back home, so for me, the magic is still very much alive.


Well-Known Member
Maybe it's the construction. Checking in at the POLY, we were all stuck at the "far away" rooms due to refurbishing rooms, etc. The construction @ GF DVC is also kinda annoying.:eek: Love the new FL, but still construction gets in the way of the "true" magic.:( That's why we're waiting until 2014 to go again. I know there will always be improvements/ construction, but it does take away "some" of the magic.


Active Member
We were told by a CM at DTD that they are not allowed to ask or tell you about the 10% discount you get for using the Disney Chase Visa card for purchases over $50. The woman suggested we always ask.

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