Looking for a Cast Member who wants $$$$!


Well-Known Member
MaraBelle28 said:
Actully I sang there for two years and left to finish my degree in vocal performance. I left on great terms. I loved being a cast member and I wasn't trying to "cheat the system", I was being nice. Period. Like I said I took no payment... just being nice. Does anyone remember when people used to be nice for no reason?!?!
Being nice doesn't usually involve "stealing from my employer" for me. :wave:

edit... You can try to rationalize it however you want, but the fact of the matter is, what you were doing was wrong.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
MaraBelle28 said:
Actully I sang there for two years and left to finish my degree in vocal performance. I left on great terms. I loved being a cast member and I wasn't trying to "cheat the system", I was being nice. Period. Like I said I took no payment... just being nice. Does anyone remember when people used to be nice for no reason?!?!
Yep... I do...

But working without pay...??? So I'll refraise... You were just plain Lucky!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


New Member
Original Poster
I still don't believe I was cheating the system or disney in any way.. we had the wonderful benefit of passing on our discount to whomever we chose.. if we werent staying in the room, it was limited to 5 times per year. As long as I stayed within in that I was JUST BEING NICE to those whom I chose to use those 5 times on! My goodness... seems like this forum is just looking for people to persecute. I'm sorry I started this! Again, didn't mean for it to get like this!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
wannab@dis said:
edit... You can try to rationalize it however you want, but the fact of the matter is, what you were doing was wrong.
that is why i refered to it as a moral issue to me...... but different strokes for different folks.

CORRUS: be careful..... the last time i went on a "gut" feeling, i was slapped by a very hot woman. ouch. :lol:


Tim G

Well-Known Member
jmaxwell007 said:
that is why i refered to it as a moral issue to me...... but different strokes for different folks.

CORRUS: be careful..... the last time i went on a "gut" feeling, i was slapped by a very hot woman. ouch. :lol:

Won't happen, dear Maxwell, won't happen... :D


Well-Known Member
jmaxwell007 said:
that is why i refered to it as a moral issue to me...... but different strokes for different folks.

Maybe it's not as black and white as I first saw it... but it does seem a little 'questionable' at best. I guess my question would be... Did they tell their manager every time they did this for someone or when they received a free meal in return for 'being nice'?


mkt said:
while finding a CM that wants (or more accurately, NEEDS) money won't be hard... finding one willing to do this over a public internet website that Disney monitors is.

not to hijack a thread but...how do we know that disney monitors this website? Just wondering. the thought that someone remotely close to making some of the calls at disney reading my opinion here makes me feel all warm inside. :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
ltbeach said:
not to hijack a thread but...how do we know that disney monitors this website? Just wondering. the thought that someone remotely close to making some of the calls at disney reading my opinion here makes me feel all warm inside. :sohappy:

It has been proven in the past... Cms saying something here and being spoken to at work about it. Contents of posts have also been quoted in newspaper articles. :wave:


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
ltbeach said:
not to hijack a thread but...how do we know that disney monitors this website? Just wondering. the thought that someone remotely close to making some of the calls at disney reading my opinion here makes me feel all warm inside. :sohappy:

I've received letters, emails, and phone calls in the past from Disney Legal and Disney Media Relations due to things I may have posted on this and other message boards.

They're watching.


Well-Known Member
Disney monitors just about every site that talks about them! You can even tell when they don't like the site becuase they will buy the rights to the site's domain.


New Member
Ok, ok. My post was harsh. I take it back. I don't want to be known as the "rudely disgruntled" guy. You were just working the system and I can respect that.


hmmm, do you suppose thats why that phantom monorail post kept appearing and disappearing. so that the site owner could stay out of trouble?


Account Suspended
The way it works - cuz i investigated...

There are more crappy folks on the internet than you can shake a stick at.

Some work for the mouse is various "front end" jobs and they report CMs they feel are saying bad things, etc. Like stool pigeons and they expect to be rewarded for it - though often the company realizes it's crap and ignore. Some areas really can't tell what is "confidential" information and so the leader of a specific area has to deal with it. Most anything that folks would post to the boards is considered public information - yes the systems say "confidential" but are also the backbone of the service information systems.

Important stuff is labeled "reactive only" or "unpublished information" and "do not discuss."

The other group is whiney "fans" of Disney who feel they are some sort of police force against the CM's. They feel CM's in their free time owe them politeness. Not true. If in my free time, you're being a jerk, I can call you a jerk. If i went and said "I'm from Disney and we think you're a jerk" that'd be another story.

A certain "alien versus predator" owner of a website is the epitome of this delluded mindset.

Those also are often ignored by Disney in real terms, but forwarded to an area "just incase" and if anything a slap on the wrist is given. Occasionally you get a manager who for some reason beleives CM's have to be nice in their free time - often with a stick up their bum who just transfered from the Disney store or backstage clerical or some other non-guest area - who makes a fuss of it but then gets their tooshy chewed up by the union.

Disney does have folks who are reading for certain info. In the past, posting info about discounts at hotels prior to the release date was a big one.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
mousermerf said:
The way it works - cuz i investigated...

There are more crappy folks on the internet than you can shake a stick at.

Some work for the mouse is various "front end" jobs and they report CMs they feel are saying bad things, etc. Like stool pigeons and they expect to be rewarded for it - though often the company realizes it's crap and ignore. Some areas really can't tell what is "confidential" information and so the leader of a specific area has to deal with it. Most anything that folks would post to the boards is considered public information - yes the systems say "confidential" but are also the backbone of the service information systems.

Important stuff is labeled "reactive only" or "unpublished information" and "do not discuss."

The other group is whiney "fans" of Disney who feel they are some sort of police force against the CM's. They feel CM's in their free time owe them politeness. Not true. If in my free time, you're being a jerk, I can call you a jerk. If i went and said "I'm from Disney and we think you're a jerk" that'd be another story.

A certain "alien versus predator" owner of a website is the epitome of this delluded mindset.

Those also are often ignored by Disney in real terms, but forwarded to an area "just incase" and if anything a slap on the wrist is given. Occasionally you get a manager who for some reason beleives CM's have to be nice in their free time - often with a stick up their bum who just transfered from the Disney store or backstage clerical or some other non-guest area - who makes a fuss of it but then gets their tooshy chewed up by the union.

Disney does have folks who are reading for certain info. In the past, posting info about discounts at hotels prior to the release date was a big one.
hmm... funny thing... I remember a first hand encounter with one of the CM's whose job was in Internet Security... he has account on every Disney sites and lurks


Account Suspended
Um, i did say they have people - but they typically care less about the aforementioned petty crap. They're looking for the discount codes being released early and stuff like that.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
ahh... I didn't get pegged for petty crap or discount codes... but letters from Disney Legal telling me to cease and desist mean I pi$$ed someone off.


Well-Known Member
MaraBelle28 said:
I am a former cast member who is deeply missing those resort discounts! I have several friends who have made my reservations and checked me in over the past couple years, but my last CM friend moved to New York! I'm basically looking for a cast member who'd be willing to make reservations for me on the portal in exchange for $50 per reservation. I plan on coming once in Dec, Jan, and Feb so thats $150 right there! Please email me at mara@ignitedsoul.com if you're interested.
Classless. Unethical.

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