Long live the Eastern Gateway or how I learned to love the Anaheim City Council after the election.

Ismael Flores

Well-Known Member
I could see DtD being taken down in the next 5 years to be honest. It's already partially empty and the virus is going to make more tennants go out of business with no park operations to support them.

well parts of DTD take up the bottom floor of the Grand Hotel so those would not go anywhere except maybe be turned into eateries instead of retail or be taken over by the hotel.

Their best bet is to turn the whole thing into an entertainment area geared towards hotel guests.


Well-Known Member
Based on sales and Guests, places like World of Disney and LEGO should stay, as some apparel and related items to use on your visit, like Sunglasses, also make sense.

But in the last 20 years, the tenants have shifted to more entertainment and dining.

But you don't want to eliminate all retail, just make sure you have the right mix.

Disney has learned that the locals won't come just for DtD. So they need to focus on Tourists staying nearby plus Theme Park guests.


Well-Known Member
Disney has learned that the locals won't come just for DtD. So they need to focus on Tourists staying nearby plus Theme Park guests.
Disney's new parking policy doesn't attract locals to visit. They can't force locals to buy anything. Locals are more likely to buy food for a night out. Disney isn't building new hotels, which should attract more tourists to spend money in the resort. It's the model that works so well in Orlando, but somehow failed to gain traction in Anaheim. Playing hardball with locals just makes Disney a less appealing place to visit. Now they are closing The Void for some licensing violation. This is a tough time for everyone and Disney decided to make a good product an enemy.


Well-Known Member
Never lived there; just occasionally visited our cousins who did. I know one trip was in '78 for the King Tut exhibit at the Seattle Center, and we went back in '79 for the All Star Game at the dome. I remember a few other trips but they're not tied to things that I can google to identify the year. :)

I returned to Seattle in '78 to see friends/family and also went to the King Tut exhibit! That was such a big deal! The lines were epic, as this was all long before they could have done online ticketing and crowd management. It seemed the entire Seattle Center was just one big line to get in to see King Tut.

Isn't it funny to think you and I may have been standing in line a few feet from each other 42 years ago and now here we are on a Disneyland website talking about it?? o_O


Well-Known Member
Heard elsewhere, maybe here, that The Void is now void of experiences...

EDIT: Heard here: https://*****.com/2020/07/the-void-...disney-springs-location-potentially-affected/

Thank you! We kicked off the new Downtown Disney thread with that news a few days ago. Ongoing Downtown Disney discussion is here...



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Do you actually know what's in any of those buildings? Or what the amortization schedule is for the TDA building, parking structure, and Eat Ticket? What about the massive renovations they just made on the Former Animation and 500 buildings to replace N-19? (Oh yeah, and "Pyro Farm") They have reclaimed better than 90% of what they can from the North Service Area. While it's theoretically possible to squeeze a bit more, it would probably be limited to a third attraction for Galaxy's Edge, and not for at least 10 years. We'll be lucky if they can finish Avenger's Campus and re-skin Splash Mountain. But hey, dream away.

I was just kidding and I threw Avatar in there to rankle a few people.


Well-Known Member
I returned to Seattle in '78 to see friends/family and also went to the King Tut exhibit! That was such a big deal! The lines were epic, as this was all long before they could have done online ticketing and crowd management. It seemed the entire Seattle Center was just one big line to get in to see King Tut.

Isn't it funny to think you and I may have been standing in line a few feet from each other 42 years ago and now here we are on a Disneyland website talking about it?? o_O

I was right there with you guys. We were visiting relatives in Anacortes one summer, and we all drove down to see it. (I actually double-dipped by seeing it in LA on a field trip as well.)

I blame Steve Martin for all the fuss.


Well-Known Member
I was right there with you guys. We were visiting relatives in Anacortes one summer, and we all drove down to see it. (I actually double-dipped by seeing it in LA on a field trip as well.)

I blame Steve Martin for all the fuss.

Oh, geez. I had completely forgotten about that Saturday Nite Live skit he did. Hysterical!

Young'uns: In 1978 there was a huge King Tut craze in America as the exhibit of priceless antiquities from the Egyptian boy king's tomb traveled the USA at major museums. People waited in lines for hours to get in to see the exhibit when it arrived in their city. Then Steve Martin (former Disneyland CM) appeared on Saturday Nite Live and did this bizarre musical production number about it and started a minor dance craze at discos across the country.

It made sense at the time. Trust us.

What does this all have to do with this thread about the Eastern Gateway, you ask??? King Tut and Disco are both as dead and buried as the Eastern Gateway! With the dire straits The Walt Disney Company is currently in, and with all the projects for their parks that have been cancelled, some literally in mid-shovel, there's no way they'll be moving forward on the Eastern Gateway plans anytime soon.

Check back in 2025.
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Well-Known Member
Oh, geez. I had completely forgotten about that Saturday Nite Live skit he did. Hysterical!

Young'uns: In 1978 there was a huge King Tut craze in America as the exhibit of priceless antiquities from the Egyptian boy king's tomb traveled the USA at major museums. People waited in lines for hours to get in to see the exhibit when it arrived in their city. Then Steve Martin (former Disneyland CM) appeared on Saturday Nite Live and did this bizarre musical production number about it and started a minor dance craze at discos across the country.

It made sense at the time. Trust us.

What does this all have to do with this thread about the Eastern Gateway, you ask??? King Tut and Disco are both as dead and buried as the Eastern Gateway! With the dire straits The Walt Disney Company is currently in, and with all the projects for their parks that have been cancelled, some literally in mid-shovel, there's no way they'll be moving forward on the Eastern Gateway plans anytime soon.

Check back in 2025.

Actually, maybe before that, if tax incentives from some level of government pushes construction projects.

A lot of things are in flux.....

The DVC tower is moving forward.


Well-Known Member
I still say it is best to kill the eastern gateway project completely and totally and make it clear it can NEVER happen.

There are MANY reasons for the Eastern Gateway.

The Simba Parking Structure was approved in the Original Deal in the 1990's, so no issues with the city.

The Security Area (and now Health Screening) needs to be moved farther away from the Entrance Turnstiles.

The Transportation plaza is sitting on VERY Valuable Land, and can be moved with little pushback from the city.

Disney owns all the land, including the areas needed for the bridge.

If they push for permit approval before November, they know they have a friendly Planning Commission and City Council.

The election is getting interesting, but I think things are settling down. I think I like the candidate for District 1, to run against the Clueless Denise Barnes, who is not business friendly.

District 4 looks like a business friendly, local boy Democrat will be the front runner to replace a termed out councilmember.

District 5's Councilmember is running for reelection, and is the front runner, for now.

And strong rumors of a recall the mayor petition are still out there. It will be combined with a Gate Tax proposal. Backed by UNITE HERE, if they go for it, gathering the signature should be not a problem.

But if things go the way I am working in making happen, Disney might have a 6 to 1 advantage after the election. The drawback, Dr. Moreno will be on the warpath worse than ever, meaning he will talk even more at meetings.

But if the Get Out the Vote campaign by the DPOC and the Moreno Bros go their way, including the Mayor's recall, you could have a 4 to 3 council controlled by Dr. Moreno/UNITE HERE.

That would be a result that would make it very hard for Disney to get things done in the city.

A lot of things can happen before November, and more folks can declare a campaign before the August Deadline.

Scary to think I am a Power Broker, but that is my current role, and trust me, I will be working hard to find and support those who have common sense, and other important skills to help make all of Anaheim a better place to Live, Work and Play.

But getting back to the Eastern Gateway, getting the approval is an important part. After the approval, Disney can do things in phases.

Phase 1 is the Bridge, Security/Health/Ticket Plaza, and the Transportation Plaza. This gets Disney's main goals completed. Then, while working to build new attractions in the old area, you can build the Pummba Structure, so the parking spaces are available when the new area opens.


Well-Known Member
From a guest standpoint, the eastern gateway would be terrible, as Disney will use it as a way to eliminate all tram service from the parking lots.


Well-Known Member
Phase 1 is the Bridge, Security/Health/Ticket Plaza, and the Transportation Plaza. This gets Disney's main goals completed. Then, while working to build new attractions in the old area, you can build the Pummba Structure, so the parking spaces are available when the new area opens.

Let's hope their second attempt at Eastern Gateway, whenever that comes, includes in Phase 1 a much better bridge design.

That was one of the things I agreed with the critics on; the pedestrian skybridge they proposed was cheap and ugly. It looked like the cheapest alternative won after a couple rounds of budget cuts. With mod Mickey heads slapped on it to provide "Whimsy!".

If they have a second shot at this, they need to build something that will improve the homeless mall that Harbor Blvd. has become, and not make it even uglier looking. And not something that will give the homeless campers a shaded place to sleep off a hangover and panhandle as tourists families try to scuttle quickly past them.



Well-Known Member
Ok, Power Broker ;).

So my take on this (from 3,000 miles away) is Disney will need to decide if they (1) are worried about the worst case scenario you lay out and thus need to develop a sense of urgency, (2) know what the post-COVID landscape will look like enough to lock in designs, and (3) are willing to make the changes necessary to get the plan approved. I guess alternatively, if your best case scenario plays out, will they still have to make concessions to get it approved?

Of course we (S.O.A.R.) are worried about negative outcomes, it has happened in the past, and we know it can happen again.

All we can do is trying to protect ourselves to prevent negative outcomes. What is scary is a Recall campaign, as they (UNITE HERE, etc.) will bring up a lot of negative stuff.

As for point 2, The Entire project doesn't have COVID-19 issues, other than adding the Health/Temperature check area, which can be blended into the Security Check. The area is all outdoors (Parking structure has lots of air circulation due to the vehicle engines). As much as Disney would love to get rid of the ticket booths and switch to online only, they know that some ticket/guest relations windows have to be built. The areas are open and easy to do social distancing, if they keep crowds low.

Disney thinks they have enough Hotel Owners to get the design passed, so long as the Planning Commission is friendly to them. A Planning Commission looking to not approve something, only needs one person/business to complain, to show cause.

Disney has made some design changes to make access to the Security Check area easier, and will agree to more signage.

The city is ready to step in during/after the project, adding more median fencing, removing sidewalks, etc. to force people to use the bridge. (Not Disney's job)

I would love a 6-1 council, happy to have it remain 5-2, but 4-3 for either group creates problems, as you have no room for error, one bad day for a councilperson can mess things up. A group of folks can agree on many things, but not everything.

Once again, the Parking Structure can be built "by Right", so long as the follow the 1990's agreement, so it is the plazas, pathway and bridge that have to be approved. And if the Hotel Owners (near the Gateway) are happy, that is all Disney needs.

The restaurants don't have the clout, or any legal argument, to stop the project. Last time, the commission was looking to say No, and used the restaurants to do it.

So the plan submitted had been reviewed by City Staff, and should be approved as submitted.


Well-Known Member
Again, from a guest perspective, the Eastern Gateway is a bad idea. It also will dramatically reduce foot traffic on Harbor negatively affecting those businesses.


Well-Known Member
Again, from a guest perspective, the Eastern Gateway is a bad idea. It also will dramatically reduce foot traffic on Harbor negatively affecting those businesses.
Disagree. I've been looking forward to it. Does it change our decision of off-property hotel? Quite possibly, but that isn't a negative in my book. Staying on Harbor, but walking to the parks in a "Disneyfied" area away from a busy street and getting into that "Disney bubble" sooner are plusses in my book. For example, for years we chose to stay at hotels on Katella for the main reason that the walk down Disneyland Dr. was much more peaceful than the walk down Harbor.

If Disney makes the walkway "porous" to the local businesses on Harbor, as they described in the original discussions, it shouldn't affect those Harbor businesses dramatically.

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