I still say it is best to kill the eastern gateway project completely and totally and make it clear it can NEVER happen.
There are MANY reasons for the Eastern Gateway.
The Simba Parking Structure was approved in the Original Deal in the 1990's, so no issues with the city.
The Security Area (and now Health Screening) needs to be moved farther away from the Entrance Turnstiles.
The Transportation plaza is sitting on VERY Valuable Land, and can be moved with little pushback from the city.
Disney owns all the land, including the areas needed for the bridge.
If they push for permit approval before November, they know they have a friendly Planning Commission and City Council.
The election is getting interesting, but I think things are settling down. I think I like the candidate for District 1, to run against the Clueless Denise Barnes, who is not business friendly.
District 4 looks like a business friendly, local boy Democrat will be the front runner to replace a termed out councilmember.
District 5's Councilmember is running for reelection, and is the front runner, for now.
And strong rumors of a recall the mayor petition are still out there. It will be combined with a Gate Tax proposal. Backed by UNITE HERE, if they go for it, gathering the signature should be not a problem.
But if things go the way I am working in making happen, Disney might have a 6 to 1 advantage after the election. The drawback, Dr. Moreno will be on the warpath worse than ever, meaning he will talk even more at meetings.
But if the Get Out the Vote campaign by the DPOC and the Moreno Bros go their way, including the Mayor's recall, you could have a 4 to 3 council controlled by Dr. Moreno/UNITE HERE.
That would be a result that would make it very hard for Disney to get things done in the city.
A lot of things can happen before November, and more folks can declare a campaign before the August Deadline.
Scary to think I am a Power Broker, but that is my current role, and trust me, I will be working hard to find and support those who have common sense, and other important skills to help make all of Anaheim a better place to Live, Work and Play.
But getting back to the Eastern Gateway, getting the approval is an important part. After the approval, Disney can do things in phases.
Phase 1 is the Bridge, Security/Health/Ticket Plaza, and the Transportation Plaza. This gets Disney's main goals completed. Then, while working to build new attractions in the old area, you can build the Pummba Structure, so the parking spaces are available when the new area opens.