I've been on the original Land ride a couple of times. I only remember it a little, so i rely on Martin's videos to recollect. I definitely miss the live narration, and the original song was catchy, but other than that i think the newer version is still quite great. I actually like the extended rain forest scene a bit better, that's such a peaceful and pretty beginning. While i really like the original song too, i REALLY like the new music as well, very ambient and well suited for the mood.
I wish they would bring the live narration back with a real person in the boat. And they could find a place to put the Listen to the Land song (i think it would go rather well as a song for a new movie in the theater upstairs). But all in all, i really don't mind the changes to the Land ride much at all. I find the newer version more relaxing than the original at least. It's much more intact than all the other rides in Future World. Perhaps that's a reason i love it so much. I hope they don't tear it down. It has rarely had a line when i went (though they usually didn't have much trouble filling the boats, it seems pretty efficient).
Just fix that dog already.