I agree completely. It's like everyone wants to be a comedic one up-man. The jokes were okay to begin, but now that they've essentially been recycled thousands of times, they have lost any comedic value and are just annoying. It's especially annoying when you have 10 straight posts or so of people trying to 'best' one another with their variation of a dumb Stitch joke.
Then again, I really hate a lot of the dumb internet sayings ("thread win" comes to mind as one that is especially abrasive. How the hell do you 'win' a thread? Most discussions are inherently subjective. Should we just cease conversation when someone is declared 'winner'?) and intentionally misspelling words or omitting for the sake of being hip ("haz", "WANT", etc.). I really don't understand why people can't just converse online the same way they would in person. Although, maybe that is how kids these days are conversing in person. It may seem cool to converse with like age people using such slang, but I would hazard a bet that most people over the age of 30 think you sound like an idiot (heck, I'm under the age of 30, and I think people sound like idiots when they post in such a manner).