Live-Action ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’


Well-Known Member
Several companies pledged to oppose it. Disney initially took a noncommittal position, then over-compensated (to make up for their perceived inactivity) by saying stuff like how they were going to actively lobby against the bill (and I seem to recall those who voted to pass it?). That, coupled with the leaks, made them more of a target than others which took a more public position in opposition to the bill early on. I also believe Disney’s outsized position in entertainment (and family entertainment in general) made their actions more noticeable.
The reality is that Disney’s position as the archetypal family entertainment company and prominent position when it comes to theme parks and blockbuster movies makes it more of a target than other companies.

I’m not saying it’s “fair” but it’s definitely the case. Being the big dog has certain perks but it also puts a bigger target on you for criticism and media attention.

Anything Disney does that has any relationship to what children are exposed to is going to be under the microscope more than other entertainment companies.

Tony the Tigger

Well-Known Member
The reality is that Disney’s position as the archetypal family entertainment company and prominent position when it comes to theme parks and blockbuster movies makes it more of a target than other companies.

I’m not saying it’s “fair” but it’s definitely the case. Being the big dog has certain perks but it also puts a bigger target on you for criticism and media attention.

Anything Disney does that has any relationship to what children are exposed to is going to be under the microscope more than other entertainment companies.
Disney, and most other major companies, have grown on social issues like the majority of the country - especially since laws changed.

The entitled minority who lost and can’t handle it are taking it out on a company they apparently thought would remain backwards with them.

The later generations will reward Disney for this. They are playing the not-even-that-long game.

Go ahead - delete it.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
The reality is that Disney’s position as the archetypal family entertainment company and prominent position when it comes to theme parks and blockbuster movies makes it more of a target than other companies.

I’m not saying it’s “fair” but it’s definitely the case. Being the big dog has certain perks but it also puts a bigger target on you for criticism and media attention.

Anything Disney does that has any relationship to what children are exposed to is going to be under the microscope more than other entertainment companies.
Exactly. Just ask McDonald's how it went when the childhood obesity stuff blew up.


Well-Known Member
But Tony- if they’re in the right, morally and from a future-historical perspective, why shouldn’t they be transparent and open as to their intentions?

Keep in mind, Tony is speaking for Disney in this case, but for arguments sake, let's say Disney is feeling the exact same moral ground that Tony believes they do. The answer is $$.


Premium Member
I haven’t been following for long. Does anyone know when Disney plans to release this movie or at least a trailer? Or is everything on hold until the strike is settled?


Well-Known Member
I haven’t been following for long. Does anyone know when Disney plans to release this movie or at least a trailer? Or is everything on hold until the strike is settled?

Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but this film is complete. So it should not be impacted by either strike.

March of 2024 and I'd expect a teaser to accompany Wish.


Well-Known Member
Possibly. Could be impacted if they need reshoots (most films do) or ADR.

True, but I am expecting the strikes to be resolved soonish (I predict September) so reshoots would take place normally in that case. They'd still have what they need for a teaser though. Especially since Wish is near Thanksgiving, if the strikes go on longer than I (optimistically) think.


Well-Known Member
That's another thing though. This film may face less than normal competition as a result of the strikes. So, if it's well received, it could translate into a longer financial run.

I hope they do too, like I said before, I'm not rooting against Disney (I own their stock), I'm just not confident in its leadership. I love to be proven wrong and hope they do.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
I’m sorry, but I hope this flops! This live action remakes has to stop! It’s like they want to replace that animated originals. 😭
They are not replacing the animated originals despite what some think.

The animated original still exists and will continue to exist, and still holds an important place in Disney history.

If they really were trying to replace the animated original don't you think they would redo the outside of the building that literally has the dwarfs on it -


It is just like all the other live action remakes, its a modern retelling of the tale the animated originals were based on.


Well-Known Member
The original Snow White cartoon is barely a movie about a damsel on the run who had to be rescued by various men because all she really had to offer the world was her cooking, cleaning and beauty. (She was also naive and innocent, I guess, but that seemed to hurt her more than help her in the end as she had to be rescued more times than Jake Sully's kids in Avatar 2.)

The primary antagonist is motivated by jealousy... a jealousy that comes from being FURIOUS that the damsel dared to be objectively prettier than her (according to a magic mirror).

The movie is well produced and good looking but the story is terrible and the messaging is worse.

All this is to say that there seems to be literally no interesting way they could remake this movie beat for beat like they've done for so many other live action remakes without ending up with a product that would mostly appeal to sexists and "traditionalists" in today's society. This movie is absolutely going to have to do something new.

I'm excited to see what they come up with and look forward to debating whether they pulled it off. Being someone with a terminal case of the woke mind virus, their inability to put in newer, modern ideas without it looking contrived and forced is incredibly annoying to me as I generally agree with what they're trying to get across.
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Well-Known Member
All this is to say that there seems to be literally no interesting way they could remake this movie beat for beat like they've done for so many other live action remakes without ending up with a product that would mostly appeal to sexists and "traditionalists" in today's society. This movie is absolutely going to have to do something new.

That’s fine so my answer would be “why remake it at all?” Just leave it alone and create (or adapt) a new story to tell the story you want? Why even bother “remaking” something if you have to do wholesale changes?

It just feels like a setup for failure.


Well-Known Member
Being someone with a terminal case of the woke mind virus, their inability to put in newer, modern ideas without it looking contrived and forced is incredibly annoying to me as I generally agree with what they're trying to get across.

That’s my thing. I mostly don’t have an issue with the stuff Disney is trying to do and am a huge supporter of inclusion but they need to figure out how to do it more effectively without having it feel forced and out of place. I think even those who are not left leaning would be fine with more progressive things if it was part of good storytelling and needed rather than awkwardly inserted


Premium Member
That’s fine so my answer would be “why remake it at all?” Just leave it alone and create (or adapt) a new story to tell the story you want? Why even bother “remaking” something if you have to do wholesale changes?

It just feels like a setup for failure.
It could be good, especially with Greta Gerwig’s involvement.

There are only so many times people can say not to remake the original animated versions. I understand the sentiment, but it gets a bit repetitive and Disney is clearly doing the live-action remakes.

Maybe try giving some of these movies a chance before getting so worked up. TLM came out great.


Well-Known Member
There are only so many times people can say not to remake the original animated versions. I understand the sentiment, but it gets a bit repetitive and Disney is clearly doing the live-action remakes.

Obviously a lot of the discussion is repetitive but that’s a nature of message boards and quite frankly is going to continue until Disney “rights the ship” and starts getting solid box office returns. To me, as much as I don’t care for the live action remakes, I’m more concerned with having them be done well and be something people want to see.

Maybe try giving some of these movies a chance before getting so worked up. TLM came out great.
With all due respect, it’s up to Disney to make and market something I’m inspired to see not for me to buy a ticket just because.

(To be fair, I’m personally just not interested in the live action remakes at all - the only one I have seen in the theater was BATB and it wasn’t because I was eager to go - so there’s little they would do to inspire me. But the principle is still in play for the general public.)


Premium Member
Obviously a lot of the discussion is repetitive but that’s a nature of message boards and quite frankly is going to continue until Disney “rights the ship” and starts getting solid box office returns. To me, as much as I don’t care for the live action remakes, I’m more concerned with having them be done well and be something people want to see
(To be fair, I’m personally just not interested in the live action remakes at all
Then maybe the discussion is better suited to the box office thread?

I know the nature of discussion boards is repetitive, but there’s no reason to raise it to an art form.

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