Lion King DVD Pre-Orders Not Arriving


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Ok so here's my drama/venting post. Sorry if ya'll have already heard this from others. I, like many other fools, pre-ordered the Lion King DVD from the parks in July when I was there. Guaranteed to be here today for the release date. Guess what??? Not Here!!! Nope, nowhere to be found my poor mailman is running from me in fear. (Exaggeration) I call the shipping place that sent me the email that it was shipped on 9-27 arriving in 4-10 days via US Postal Service. OK...I knew it shouldn't be here til today. Well, when it didn't arrive I called the place. They were extremely rude. Gave me some lame excuse that it's the Postal problem not their problem. Mine must just be coming later. If I don't like it call WDW merchandising. Then rudely said he had other calls to attend to and it was not their problem too bad. I call WDW merchandising. The fellow I talked to was so polite but again, it's not WDW Merchandising problem it's the shippers problem. However, he tells me if I don't recieve it by Friday let them know they'll ship me one. He then proceeds to tell me that they are taking names and phone numbers because of the large quantity of complaints they are getting already today. If I recieve it call them and let them know and if not they will ship one to me. He also tells me, that they are logging complaints so they can deal with the situation with the shipper who told them that all orders were shipped on the 30th, (funny my email says the 27th) and that everyone should wait at least 15 days from then before it will be considered lost and reshipped. So to make a long story short, here it is release day and I don't have the DVD and can't purchase another one and cancel this order because it's the Postal Service at fault not WDW or the shipper. So for anyone who pre-ordered, be aware you may not receive the DVD for who knows how long. I am going to follow up now that I am done venting and write a long email to WDW about the situation. I could've bought it cheaper and hours ago.


Well-Known Member
I have never understood this phenomenon of pre-ordering.

First of all, who made that word up? How can you order something before you order it?

Second, I see no apparent advantage to it for the consumer. Other than, you get to pay a higher price usually than what you would at your local retail store. I can only see this being advantageous if you are dealing with limited editions and certificates of authenticity, etc.

Its not like the manufacturer is going to fail to ship enough to meet the demand at Walmart. Even if that were to happen, it is only a short amount of itme before Walmart screams at Disney to get more product into their warehouses.

Thats just my thoughts on the matter. Its kind of like creating a market for bottled water where as it used to be free from any fountain.


Account Suspended
When I bought it backstage it was cheeper than what it'll be when...wait, today.

And from what I was told, and what it came across to me as, the "4-10"days was from the DAY OF RELEASE.


Active Member
I ordered mine at the Wilderness Lodge gift shop during my stay in July. I received it in the mail yestersay so I am a happy camper.


New Member
i like to pre-order because disney gives away the lithographs with the movie. the only way to get the lithos is to pre-order. in any case i have delt with some of these shipping places and i can feel disneys pain. what happenes is this , disney sends large quantities of the movie to the shipper with addresses and instructions to ship things out at a specific date so it will arrive on a specific date. after that disney dosn't have much contact with the shipper. now the shipper deals with other companies not just disney. since i have worked with some of these shipping places before i can only assume that they got behind or something really stupid, and instead of informing anyone they just forget about it. Disney dosn't know anything happened untill they get complaintes or calls saying there shipment never arrived. all the shipper is going to do is say oh it was shipped and you end up in the big visous circle (i'm typeing quick at work please don't comment on my spelling, thanks). the shipper says it's the post office or the delivery company, disney says it's the shipper, it's a mess. and the sad part about it the only way the merchandise can be tracked is if it was sent by ups or fedex that gives tracking numbers so you can see the actual date it was shipped and track it , however that costs more money and nobody the shipper or disney will send it out that way unless they charge you extra for it. my guess is that you will get it in the next 3 or 4 days and if you look on the packege i am almost certian that it wasn't shipped either the 27th or the 30th. if i hazard a guess it was supposed to go on the 27th but the 27th was a saturday, so they waited till monday the 29th to move it to the loading dock, on the 30th it got scanned and tagged and went to the shipper in this case the post office, then was sorted scanned etc and didn't get out till at least the first. then it would be a week to 10 days. for a parcel that is.


New Member
Like Sherm00 said, it's the only way to get lithographs, unless you want to go on Ebay. We normally pre-order (or order before the release date, how's that) so we get the lithographs. And there is a slight convenience to getting it at home (not the overriding consideration. Oh, and we got ours yesterday (sorry, careship)
25 Days to go.


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Anyway it seems as though many people are not receiving it when they were supposed to. I ordered mine from the store in EPCOT and was made the guarantee it would be here by the release date. It's just frustrating and angers me that of course, there is no one to blame. I guess I blame my own stupidity for trusting my order would be here when it said so. I pre-ordered it because my boys wanted the pin and the beanie type Simba they were giving away. I have pre-ordered before from Disney Store and other non-Disney places and have never before had something come after the release date. I have usually gotten it early which was part of the reason I gave in to ordering it at the parks, I would have pre-ordered it from the Disney Store or Blockbuster anyways. I have learned a very valuable lesson today. Especially when the kids came home expecting to see this movie today. So, I ended up renting the stupid thing from Blockbuster, boy this movie just keeps getting more and more expensive. Seeing as the local store has them for $16.99 and I bought it for $29.99.


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Originally posted by Catch 22
You guys should think yourselves lucky, in the UK we have to wait until the 31st October for the release.....:(

You need someone here to send you one.

Actually, as I know nothing of the differences, do y'all even have the same type of DVD's as we use? My son is going to France this summer for 3 weeks, I wonder what kind of differences he'll run into. Hmmm, things to ponder before he goes.


New Member
I pre-ordered from the shop at Animal Kingdom and I haven't received mine either. When I ordered it I was guaranteed that it would arrive today. Mail has come and gone and no DVD. :fork:


Well-Known Member
I preordered the Gift Set from the Disney Store catalog 1-800 number and it arrived on Monday, with the set of lithographs in the folder included. Grand total: $38.15, which isn't too bad for the gift set.


Account Suspended
I really dont know why you people are getting worked up over a DVD. Sure its the Lion King but cummon. You actually expected something to be there exactly on the day you were told? Things happen with shipments, trust me, I know, I used to work for Gamestop before I started at the Mouse's House and we had this problem a few times.

Just chill out, relax, have a beer or something and wait a day or so.


I pre-ordered mine with a $15 gift certificate free for Mastercard owners that signed up on their website. I had another gift certificate kicking around, so I ordered it for $0. That's one reason why people pre-order. If I had waited til release, my Amazon gift certificate would have been expired.

Only problem is that has not even shipped my copy yet. At least you guys that bought from Disney know it is in the mail and not sitting in some warehouse.


Meega, nala kwishta!
Originally posted by careship
You need someone here to send you one.

Actually, as I know nothing of the differences, do y'all even have the same type of DVD's as we use? My son is going to France this summer for 3 weeks, I wonder what kind of differences he'll run into. Hmmm, things to ponder before he goes.

Uk uses a different Regeion Code, so unless the UK player is an open Region player and they can play back NTSC (UK uses PAL format as well), that's why they have to wait. I'm sure France uses a different Region Code than US as well.

I just bout mine from Walmart today, I got the deluxe box set for $33, and the regular 2 disc set was going for $15. As much as I despise giving my money to Walmart, those are really good prices for DVDs.


New Member
Why not just pre-order at the Disney Store and get your litho's at the time of purchase??? You go to the Store on the day its released and your copy is waiting on you when u arrive.

I have bought things from Amazon and others, but on a new release like the Lion King, I simply pre-order it the Disney Store and get my litho's that day. Others I can simply buy at Wal-Mart and most of the time at a cheaper price.:)


Well-Known Member
I preordered mine threw the website/catalog order because they aren't selling the Gift Set threw the Disney Stores, only the website and catalog. Also, I wanted the lithographs, so for me that was the best way to go.


New Member
I too have not recieved my copy on the receipt I have it says to wait until the 8th ( tomorrow and so if it doesnt show up ) i am then going to call . I also bought one from the disney store so I went and picked that one up but the reason I wanted the one that was through the mail is I wanted the little plush and pin the disney store I got the lithos


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by careship
You need someone here to send you one.

Actually, as I know nothing of the differences, do y'all even have the same type of DVD's as we use? My son is going to France this summer for 3 weeks, I wonder what kind of differences he'll run into. Hmmm, things to ponder before he goes.
Nah, US is Region 1, UK has Region 2.

Actually I only found out about this DVD yesterday. It will probably end up being a Christmas present for the kids.

Little hint for people though.

Play.Com normally deliver pre-ordered DVD's, CD's and Games 2-3 days ahead of the street date.


I buy about 99% of my DVD's and CD's through them, plus they are really cheap as well.


Well-Known Member
I drove to Wal-Mart last nite at midnite to get one. They put them out at 12:15, I got one in my hot little hand and went home and I've already watched it. Forget that pre-ordering stuff. :D :lookaroun

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