What people should start to realize is, that Disney put 1.5 billion into this. No company is going to put 1.5 billion into their corporation if there was not a plan of action on how these bands will recoup it all, and then turn a huge profit.
We should brace ourselves for Disney to announce that they will start charging for fast passes and charging for fast passes could not have been done without the invention of the magic bands.
Lets pretend that in the future, Disney allows people to get only one with their ticket. But then they offer 5 fast passes for 10 bucks a day, per person, for every day of their ticket bought. So for a family of 4, with a 10-day pass, Disney will now get 400 bucks back. Now try to guess how many family of 4's enter Disney each month. 3000? which is probably ultra conservative. If so, Disney recoups 1.2 million a month.
Trust me, I am not the only person who thought of this. Disney is aware of this as well and they also are aware Universal has been charging for years for this. 1.2 million a month times a year gets their 1.5 billion back in a couple short years.