Man-oh-man! Where are you guys getting your info from?
Here's how it works based on experience. The minimum I've ever had for a return time for FAST PASS is 40 minutes after it was issued, meaning I get the Fast Pass at 9:00 but can't come back to ride it until 9:40. 9:40 or anytime thereafter you can now go to another Fast Pass ride and get a new Fast Pass for that popular ride.
The rule is that you can't get another Fast Pass until the return time for the one you hold in your hot little hand begins.
Now, here's what eventually happens to add to everyone's confusion. As the day drags on, the return times become longer and longer into the day because the machines are programmed to give out passes in an orderly fashion with Return Times going up until just before the park closes.
So let's say at 2:00 you go get a FAST PASS for Splash Mountain, but the return time posted says you can't return to ride until 6:30. First of all, that kind of sucks, but remember you do get to eventually avoid the totally heinous long- line that this great attraction usually gets.
Is it worth it to get this FAST PASS? Yes.
Will you be missing out on opportunities to get other FAST PASSES since the return time for this one isn't until 6:30? Absolutely not.
Why? Because Disney implemented a very merciful rule upon us eager riders. After 2 hours expire from the time your Fast Pass was issued, meaning when you got your Fast Pass--in the case of our Splash Mountain Fast Pass we got it at 2:00--you can go to any other Fast Pass machine in the park--in our example that would be 4:00--to get your next Fast Pass. So you'd end up actually holding two Fast Passes at the same time--even if both end up coincidentally having a 6:30 return time.
So the rules for getting a next Fast Pass when you already have one in hand--you can get the next one until anytime after your current Fast Pass return time begins, or, if your Fast Pass return time is more than two hours away, you can't get your next Fast Pass until after two hours have expired from the time your pass was issued.
Hope that makes sense.
And BTW--it doesn't matter what land the rides are in. The only thing that matters is your return time or the two hours.
Oh yeah, and if you're still confused, then completely read your Fast Pass once it's issued and it will tell you the exact time when it's okay for you to get another one. The info is actually printed at the bottom of the Fast Pass.
Pretty cool, huh?