The graph above according to the site I found is specific for films in wide-release.Thats not really true, 2018 saw the largest number of movies released with 873, its been increasing over the same period as overall tickets sold went down.
U.S. & Canada: movie releases per year 2024 | Statista
In 2023, a total of 504 movies were released in the United States and Canada, up from 456 in the previous
So while the majors maybe released less tentpoles, there were more movies released overall.
I'm flummoxed by your data as it just says 'films released'. Does that not include things such as streaming films? What about limited released films few people go to? While it's not 2018, 2019's The Irishman is an example of a film that was technically released, made a few million, but mostly everyone who saw it watched it on Netflix.
The trend still holds up because if there are less films per year that attract a wide audience, then naturally less tickets will be sold. There are many other factors at play but that trend is a noticeable one.