If they do ship them to be refurbished, I'd be surprised... (though perhaps it's been contracted to an outside company)
From what I've been told, the WDI staffs on each coast have their own "specialties" where each will handle the appropriate jobs for both resorts:
The West Coast WDI people specialize in animatronics, which is why things like Lucky, Muppet Mobile Lab and the Yeti were built out there and shipped east.
The East Coast WDI people specialize in pyro, fountains and show/lighting controls, which is why they were the ones to develop the air-launchers used in RoE (and then installed at Disneyland), the inferno barge for RoE, as well as the fountains and many other show elements for World of Color.
So because it's their specialty, that's why I'm wondering why they'd ship them west to get refurbed. Maybe they're shipping them out to a company not to refurbish but for duplication? ("Here... Take these and make us a brand new set...") Just speculating here...