Lightning Sparks Disney Bus Fire


Well-Known Member
I heard there was a CAR fire there yesterday during the traffic report on Sirius radio but I never thought is was a Disney bus.


Active Member
cmatt said:
oh get a grip, no one was injured. Some people on here take things WAY to seriouslly - lighten up! We may poke fun at it, but its the OMG'sss not disney again!!!11 attitude in the first place that musters a sarcastic yet humouros (well your humourLESS) comment..... in the first place:wave:
:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Bravo sir! This whole story is once again the MEDIA being dummies and blowing things way out of proportion. First off those are NOT Disney buses, those are basicaly buses with Disney Adverts. on them, they are not true Disney owned Company Buses. Next THAT GAS STATION ISN'T EVEN ON PROPERTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Disney Buses would not be filling up off property. Next when was the last time you were on any PUBLIC transportation and the driver stopped to get gas?????????? NEVER!!! WHich means there was no people on the BUS, and obviously the driver is fine.

In summary, the NEWS MEDIA sucks they jump the gun on stories they take little things like this and run with them. And the best is people buy into their garbage, how many times do when your watching shows before the evening news and you get this type of teaser "Is there a hidden danger in your microwave popcorn? We'll tell ya at 11!"
This isn't such a rare occurance. A few years ago I was checking-out of the All Star Sports and as I was walking to my car I heard sirens and sure enough, over at the Magic Kingdom bus stop the Disney Transport was on fire!! It lengthened my stay just a little longer as we watched the fire department handle the fire.

"We entered a contest...yeah, we lost...hahahaha...."


Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I hope Disney will review its position on operating buses as this incident quite clearly illustrates that it is far to risky to operate large metal objects in area s [prone to lightning.

Perhaps information videos could be screened at stops to increase awareness of he risk and guests given waivers to sign to minimise the threat to Disney from lawyers of families of dead and injured passengers


Active Member
DHS Flo said:
With all do respect, in what way is the media blowing this story out of proportion? The actual news story (see link on page 1) does not identify the bus as being part of official Disney Transportation.

Watch the video, "DISNEY BUS BURNED" even though they even say it wasn't a DISNEY BUS why is it labeled as so in the story?? Because like I said "Is there a hidden danger in your microwave popcorn? We'll tell ya at 11!" Throw the Disney Name on that report and peopel are going to freak out and watch the news.


Active Member
Pumbas Nakasak said:
I hope Disney will review its position on operating buses as this incident quite clearly illustrates that it is far to risky to operate large metal objects in area s [prone to lightning.

Perhaps information videos could be screened at stops to increase awareness of he risk and guests given waivers to sign to minimise the threat to Disney from lawyers of families of dead and injured passengers

tee hee :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
mikemand25 said:
It looks like a Downtown Disney resort bus. The ones that are contracted out for the Lake Buena Vista hotels. IT does not look like a actual Disney Transport bus. is'nt a disney owned bus.....on the video the reporter says that it was'nt a disney owned is owned by a limo company that goes to disney resorts areas....but yeah i thought the same thing about it looking a little different..

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