In my opinion, this is assuming the family that would purchase the "Free LLPP package" would purchase LLPPs if the "Free LLPP package" did not exist. In my mind that is a massive no.
Disney has brought back "Free Dining packages". We all know at the deluxe level you DO NOT save money on dining on the "Free dining package" because of the rack price of the room, the ticket and park hopper requirement, minimum stay, etc.
Take the "Free dining package" and replace the Free dining with LLPPs; one for each park.
It costs Disney ZERO, they DO NOTHING for the "Free LLPP package and these folks STILL need to purchase food, more money for Disney.
There is no guarantee folks on the "Free Dining" package will purchase LLPPs AND Disney has to make and give folks "Free" meals.
My math says giving guests someone that costs the company ZERO and require guests to pay rack rates with minimum stays, ticket packages with park hoppers etc. is getting folks to book, makes the company money (for no additional costs) AND the guest feels they are getting value with the "Free LLPPs" that is actually vapor and costs the company nothing.
In my opinion, the real reason Disney will never do this is NOT to lose sales of LLPPs; they really do have to control the number of LLPPs given out to make the LL queue bearable, if the LL queues start to creep into the 20 min range its a bad guest experience for folks purchasing LLMPs, LLSPs and LLPPs.