Lightning Lane Premier Pass


Premium Member
Alas, none of us needs to visit a theme park, so we don't actually need to buy any theme park upcharges.

Imagine though if hospitals and other businesses adopted the same upcharge model...

Have a medical emergency? Good News! Our hospital now offers Lighting Lane Emergency Care for a small upcharge!
(Or you can wait in the regular line to be seen for triage care if your medical needs are not urgent. The standby wait will be an extra 30-60minutes.)

We actually do now have paid Express Lanes on some highways like I-4 in FL. And airport security has multiple upcharge options.

Maybe large theaters/sporting venues should add the premium bathroom opportunity!

Starbucks is also missing out on a possible revenue opportunity.
I’m not sure what you mean. There are moral and legal issues that prevent upcharges in certain situations. Health care and bathroom availability come to mind.

No one needs to visit a theme park, but if they decide to do so they are probably going to buy whatever makes their visit more enjoyable.

As you point out, many businesses do offer upcharge products.


Well-Known Member
Alas, none of us needs to visit a theme park, so we don't actually need to buy any theme park upcharges.

Imagine though if hospitals and other businesses adopted the same upcharge model...

Have a medical emergency? Good News! Our hospital now offers Lighting Lane Emergency Care for a small upcharge!
(Or you can wait in the regular line to be seen for triage care if your medical needs are not urgent. The standby wait will be an extra 30-60minutes.)

We actually do now have paid Express Lanes on some highways like I-4 in FL. And airport security has multiple upcharge options.

Maybe large theaters/sporting venues should add the premium bathroom opportunity!

Starbucks is also missing out on a possible revenue opportunity.
A local carwash that I have a membership to has a Fast Pass lane. Every time I go through it, I think about taking a picture and posting it here. 😂


Well-Known Member
In a way the subject is trivial, but in another sense, theme park upcharges are core to everyone's collective theme park experience.

The more parkgoers embrace theme park upcharges, the more all parkgoers are impacted. Upcharges get normalized, even if we don't buy each particular upcharge. Companies are always looking for new revenue.

When Disney changed over to dated park tickets, for example, other companies followed suit.

The more parkgoers embrace upcharges; the more companies will happily charge us more.;)
Sure, nearly everything is interconnected if we really want to dig into it, but if we were all concerned about how our purchases impacted others we would never buy anything. Instead, we worry about what holds personal value to each of us.

Personally, I think LLPP is a rip off and LLMP is a joke for how we tour the parks, so we don't get either of them. Enough people currently think differently so those products continue to exist.

At the end of the day, it is simple for me, if the parks get miserable due to crowds and/or long line, we just won't go until that changes. If it never does, so be it. Disney is not a necessity, and this world has way too much to see/do to waste time with something that makes me miserable.


Well-Known Member
I just wish people would at least try to put themselves in others shoes more often instead of assuming everything is an attack on their own personal beliefs (which I know we are all guilty of at times, including myself). Sure, this is an internet message board in 2024 so maybe I am the unrealistic one here but an honest conversation about these topics would be a lot more interesting.
Ditto. What he said!

The point I have been trying to make is that there is a connection between what WDW does, and what other businesses do. When I see a change like this, that is one of the broader considerations I have, not just how it will impact me on a single visit.

My teachers used to ask, "If everyone else is jumping off a large cliff, does that make it a good idea?"

Personally, in the case of this latest upcharge, I'm not just asking if I want to buy this upcharge myself, but I feel we have some collective ability to warn others if we think WDW is offering a bad product/upcharge.


Premium Member
Ditto. What he said!

The point I have been trying to make is that there is a connection between what WDW does, and what other businesses do. When I see a change like this, that is one of the broader considerations I have, not just how it will impact me on a single visit.

My teachers used to ask, "If everyone else is jumping off a large cliff, does that make it a good idea?"

Personally, I'm also not just asking if I want to buy this upcharge, but I feel we have some collective ability to warn others if we think WDW is offering a bad product/upcharge.

At least, that was the purpose of this forum for most of the years I have participated.
I agree as long as it doesn’t get to the point of ridiculing or insulting those who find value in a product/upcharge.

Jumping off a cliff is generally not a good idea. But people can have a great time at an extra-hours event even though others may find insufficient value in them.


Where the hell are we — Paris?
Premium Member
You don’t need LL to visit the Disney parks.

You don’t need LL to visit the Disney parks.
Absolutely Right.


That’s why they’re going to do everything they can to persuade guests to buy it.

Of course it wouldn’t be possible that LL is the cause of the problem shown above, not the solution.


Premium Member
Original Poster
Absolutely Right.

View attachment 832950
That’s why they’re going to do everything they can to persuade guests to buy it.

Of course it wouldn’t be possible that LL is the cause of the problem shown above, not the solution.
and never underestimate the power of Disney saying LLPP’s are sold out to help persuade more to feel like they may need it for their upcoming trip


Well-Known Member
Alas, none of us needs to visit a theme park, so we don't actually need to buy any theme park upcharges.

Imagine though if hospitals and other businesses adopted the same upcharge model...

Have a medical emergency? Good News! Our hospital now offers Lighting Lane Emergency Care for a small upcharge!
(Or you can wait in the regular line to be seen for triage care if your medical needs are not urgent. The standby wait will be an extra 30-60minutes.)

We actually do now have paid Express Lanes on some highways like I-4 in FL. And airport security has multiple upcharge options.

Maybe large theaters/sporting venues should add the premium bathroom opportunity!

Starbucks is also missing out on a possible revenue opportunity.
Have you been living under a rock?

Businesses have been offering different experience/options for goods and services forever. Its how supply and demand works.

There have been express lanes for about as long as there have been toll roads. Discounts for tolls bases upon useage and what "plan" you have.

First class passengers on flights get better meals, early seating, more space, ect.

Medical insurance companies offer different tiers of coverage, which gives you more options, different services the higher tier plan you pay for.

I guess you have never been to new sports stadium, but they have added premium private bathrooms, exclusive restaurants, free food, some even have special parking and access to stadium if you purchase suits or have tickets in exclusive upsold locations at the park.


Well-Known Member
Businesses have been offering different experience/options for goods and services forever. Its how supply and demand works.

Yeah, Disney is all upcharges, and if we wanted to, we could be snide and dismissive about all of them, not just LLPP. "I would never pay $200 for my kids to get a cheap, itchy dress and a terrible shellacked hairstyle at BBB", or "what fools pay hundreds for party tickets to stand in line for candy I could get for $3 at Sam's Club", etc. Other people feel differently, and I'm genuinely happy for them that they get to spend their money in a way that brings them joy! Many upcharges are there, just baked into premier products, e.g. you purchase a deluxe stay and you are paying an upcharge for extended hours.

It seems like there's a split between the people who value their money more than their time, and people who value their time more than their money. This doesn't always map solely to wealth -- we all know very well-off people who'll drive around town to save a few bucks because they get a thrill from it. But it seems like the hostility is coming from people who put in an enormous amount of time (e.g. by hanging out here years/decades on Disney message boards) learning how to "hack" Disney -- how to maximize rope drop, exactly how early you need to claim a parade spot, the "secret" spot for X, Y, or Z, etc. -- and they're upset at people who value their time more than money. But to the people who value their time more than money, spending that much time on online message boards can feel as wasteful to them as spending $2000 for a day's PP feels to you.

You can either spend your time making money that you use to buy back time, or you can spend the time itself. Neither is right or wrong.


Well-Known Member
We know Disney started with the A to E ticket system. I think if Disney stayed with the ticket system and allowed the prices to creep up folks would think nothing of it.

But then Disney moved to the “pay one price” system. Then they added Magical Express included for free. There was a point where even a costly WDW vacation had a perceived value.

Then the pandemic happened and Disney used it to “hit the reset button” and everything changed.

APs values are destroyed (yes I know many love this) DAS destroyed (yes I know many love this too), Magical Express gone, free fast pass gone, standby in many cases gone, replaced with the virtual queue “lottery”, the creation of LLMP, they took the worst aspects of the free fast pass and now charge for it, LLSP (frustratingly only on some attractions) and now LLPP They same folks who used to use the free systems in the past are now using it because “they value their time more than their money” and I understand that because the LL system is so broken folks will go for LLPP.

Can we disassociate the word “value” and Disney going forward please.


Well-Known Member
We know Disney started with the A to E ticket system. I think if Disney stayed with the ticket system and allowed the prices to creep up folks would think nothing of it.

But then Disney moved to the “pay one price” system. Then they added Magical Express included for free. There was a point where even a costly WDW vacation had a perceived value.

Then the pandemic happened and Disney used it to “hit the reset button” and everything changed.

APs values are destroyed (yes I know many love this) DAS destroyed (yes I know many love this too), Magical Express gone, free fast pass gone, standby in many cases gone, replaced with the virtual queue “lottery”, the creation of LLMP, they took the worst aspects of the free fast pass and now charge for it, LLSP (frustratingly only on some attractions) and now LLPP They same folks who used to use the free systems in the past are now using it because “they value their time more than their money” and I understand that because the LL system is so broken folks will go for LLPP.

Can we disassociate the word “value” and Disney going forward please.

There are two attractions on VQ…


Well-Known Member
Have you been living under a rock?

Businesses have been offering different experience/options for goods and services forever. Its how supply and demand works.

There have been express lanes for about as long as there have been toll roads. Discounts for tolls bases upon useage and what "plan" you have.

First class passengers on flights get better meals, early seating, more space, ect.

Medical insurance companies offer different tiers of coverage, which gives you more options, different services the higher tier plan you pay for.

I guess you have never been to new sports stadium, but they have added premium private bathrooms, exclusive restaurants, free food, some even have special parking and access to stadium if you purchase suits or have tickets in exclusive upsold locations at the park.
I'm well aware of the above and that was my point! (though perhaps it was a little unclear with the way I posted).

(Also, I must be a bit older than you, because I lived through decades of toll highways before Express toll lanes were added, especially FL's I-4, which I listed as having Express Lanes.)

It was not me who followed my post by saying premium health care and bathrooms could not be added.


Well-Known Member
We know Disney started with the A to E ticket system. I think if Disney stayed with the ticket system and allowed the prices to creep up folks would think nothing of it.

But then Disney moved to the “pay one price” system. Then they added Magical Express included for free. There was a point where even a costly WDW vacation had a perceived value.

Then the pandemic happened and Disney used it to “hit the reset button” and everything changed.

APs values are destroyed (yes I know many love this) DAS destroyed (yes I know many love this too), Magical Express gone, free fast pass gone, standby in many cases gone, replaced with the virtual queue “lottery”, the creation of LLMP, they took the worst aspects of the free fast pass and now charge for it, LLSP (frustratingly only on some attractions) and now LLPP They same folks who used to use the free systems in the past are now using it because “they value their time more than their money” and I understand that because the LL system is so broken folks will go for LLPP.

Can we disassociate the word “value” and Disney going forward please.
Honestly most of what is contained here is just so far off, it is either a bad attempt at trolling, or just absurd projecting on a subjective personal opinion as objective standards as to be almost not worth commenting on. But since it's xmas week and there's time to kill, lets trying it.

First this A to E ticket thing has to at some point stop. They haven't been in use in the parks in 40 years. I believe its last use was in 82....42 years ago. So for the 53 or so years of WDW operations, over 80% of the parks life did NOT involve this antiquated system. None of the kids going to the parks today remember or experienced it, nor did the parents of the kids now going to the parks. It was an abnormally small outlier of the overall life of WDW parks decades ago.

As to magic express, personally when we flew and didn't drive to the parks, it was a great offering. It was also started before wide spread ride shares became part of the mainstream culture. It was also only an offering for a limited subset of travelers. Only guests of the park who weren't local, and who were flying into MCO AND who didn't want their own car would ever utilize the service. Private ride shares have expanded such that getting personal rides that pick you and your family up directly from the airport, and take you directly to your destination are as easy as clicking on your phone.

The ridiculous statement that standby lines "in many cases gone" either means you don't go to the parks, and haven't in years, or your just basically lying/throwing things into the post for no reason. In all of WDW there are only 2 virtual que rides. 2 in all of Orlando. That's not even 1 per park, let alone rising to the level of many standby lines being gone.

In total, what the value of a vacation is to each family is 100 subjective. I don't care about your finances, and what you might thing has value or doesn't, just as I am sure you aren't concerned with what I find valuable. But a WDW trip isn't an indexed commodity. Vacations aren't ranked on some type of exchange where there is some objective value to each day at different parks across the country where set values are established such that what you pay for a certain time at WDW can be compared against the standard cost to find GOOD value or BAD value for what you paid. So maybe you don't like DAS now or AP's thats fine. But don't think your personal opinion gets to dictate value.


Well-Known Member
There are two attractions on VQ
Yes, it needs to be zero and have standby.

I did win the Guardians lottery once but my return time was over 6 hours away, needless to say I have not ridden Guardians yet.

If I I was allowed, I would have waited on a 80 min standby instead of having to stick around for a return time that was over 6 hours away.

That’s just me I guess.


Well-Known Member
Yes, it needs to be zero and have standby.

I did win the Guardians lottery once but my return time was over 6 hours away, needless to say I have not ridden Guardians yet.

If I I was allowed, I would have waited on a 80 min standby instead of having to stick around for a return time that was over 6 hours away.

That’s just me I guess.

I like the Guardians VQ (though I do think it should be standby). I’ve never had an issue easily getting the 7 am queue.

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