Seemingly a complete outage. Can’t buy Genie, book Genie if purchased already, book virtual queue, book park reservation. Fortunately I booked a park last night or I’d seemingly be out of luck even having a place to go this morning.
Got up at 6:55 — because that’s what I’m forced to do to ply the game now — and can’t do anything.
Do the top execs not realize how much harm they are doing to their brand? Been here two days so far and Rise and Tron were both down for significant hours (not counting Big Thunder and others being down as well), this IT fiasco this morning…do they not understand that the guest experience is so poor now? (Let’s not discuss the two cast members on separate occasions badmouthing a guest when they walked away from them. I say that and we also interacted with some wonderful cast members.)
Personally, I may not be done with Disney (DVC ownership plays a role in that), but I DO NOT recommend Disney to anyone anymore. In fact, I’ve convinced folks NOT to come.
The parks are really a mess.