as ive stated countless times you end up with more ticked off guests bc standby lines are going nowhere... the parks simply dont have enough capacity, efficiency and too much downtime alone with too many things closed shops noone has any desire to browse thru anymore bc all are basically the same... i agree things need to change been saying it for a very long time now.... everyone has dismissed the idea of choosing times yet noone can prove one way or the other if that will help... open up the booking window for resort guest say a week before and allow 1 ride pre booked i dk... but i do know when something doesnt work and nothing gets done the end result will be the same... people have claimed some success lately we shall see when i go in less than 4 weeks... im going to try and keep a detailed list of genie/Das/Wait times etc and whats available while not making it my top priority of my trip.. im pretty sure i can manage to do it
also i still cant see how more people are suing Genie than FP im sorry i just dont see it and i get that less inventory and al the reasons above but still dk how FP for me was way more effective than genie... for everything
I agree the park currently has more demand than capacity, however I don't see how your solution is really helping the capacity issue. If resort guests are allowed to pre book 1 ride. It ticks off offsite guests, and resort guests that didn't know they could prebook (same issue as FP+).
The only way to curb the demand is to increase the price. I see 3 ways they can do that.
1)Raise the base ticket price. Make it $200 a person per day, bring back free FP+, or move to standby only.
- Prices out some families
-No long any paid option to wait less and ride more
-Everyone is equal
2)Raise the price of G+. Make it something like $40 a day.
-Does not price out families from going to WDW that can't afford G+. They can still go and ride things in standby, watch shows, and buy food/drink/souvenirs
-Some customers that would have bought OG G+ now are shifted to the standby lines
-New G+ tier of customers now have greater availability of G+ actually making the system work more like it should
-Club 33 and VIP still have advantage of basically unlimited LL
3)Create a tiered G+ system. Leave the base price of $15 for G+ and something like G++ described above for an additional $25.
-Does not price out families from going to WDW that can't afford G+. They can still go and ride things in standby, watch shows, and buy food/drink/souvenirs
-Customers that would have bought OG G+ may or may not buy the new G+ with less offerings, but still able to skip many D and C ticket rides.
-Customers can now buy G++ which allows them greater availability on all the top tier rides
The way I see it, you should get what you pay for. A ticket gets your in the door and access to all the standby lines. If you want to upgrade and be able to skip some lines but not others, there is a price. If you want the ability to skip all lines it should be a higher price. Simple supply and demand. We know Disney won't add significant capacity any time soon. Prices need to go up one way or another to make those that can afford it have a better experience.