Lightning Lane at Walt Disney World


Well-Known Member
I'm sure it will change for a lot of people who grew up on Super Mario Bros. and Donkey Kong and kids who play Nintendo games now. If done well, they might even get me and my wife to drive over for a day. There will still be people who have no interest in those things, either, though - just as I'm sure there are people who love Universal and have no interest in going to WDW.
There are plenty of folks who feel the same way about Disney as you do about Universal. They think WDW is just princess fairy tales and kiddie rides, with crappy french fries and nothing else to eat. Many are also bothered by things like the fake geyser at WL.

Theme parks are expensive. Nobody should visit if the idea isn't appealing.

This thread is also getting wildly off-topic. It all comes down to dollars though. Up to now, MK is the king of theme parks, but they won't remain king if they keep going downhill while the competition keeps getting better.

Chip Chipperson

Well-Known Member
1. I am sure part of this is emotional bias.
2. I love the Universal rides you listed. Are you saying Pooh, ItaSW, Little Mermaid, Carousel, Playhouse Junior, Dumbo, Buzz, Triceratops Spin, and Aladdin aren't 'kiddie' rides? Do you skip all of those?

Hippogriff, Woody and Goofy's Barnstormer = the same Vekoma Jr. - just slightly different configurations and theming. Though maybe you skip Goofy. The theming is pretty lame.

3. Harry Potter is a pretty big franchise. I'm not going to say as big as Mickey, but the books have sold over 500 million copies. That's not nothing, even if they don't appeal to you or your family.

1. Emotional bias? I'm referring to the way Universal markets itself in their TV ads and even on their own website. There's no emotion involved - at least on my part. I can't speak for others who seem offended at the possibility of someone on a WDW message board not visiting Universal.

2. No, I don't skip all of the things you mentioned, but I do skip some of them (try to get me on Small World without paying me or guilting me into riding with someone who can only handle boat rides, and I've never bothered with any of the Disney Jr. stuff. I also skip Aladdin (unless I'm really just desperate to ride something and there's no wait) because it's just Dumbo in a different part of the park. However, there are enough non-kiddie, non-thrill rides at WDW to make it worth it to me. Also, this is tied to the issue of preferred IP. I love Toy Story, so I'll ride Buzz, TSMM, and even Alien Swirling Saucers. I have no desire to visit a Dr. Seuss land at all.

3. Obviously Harry Potter is a big franchise. I addressed why that's not enough to get my money in another post.


Well-Known Member
You 100% don't. I was genuinely curious. I personally struggle to see how someone that is active on a WDW forum has 0 interest in Universal. I was hoping to hear your reasoning so I can better understand your position. You can do whatever you want, you also don't have to tell me your reasonings if you don't want to, but i figured I would ask.
This is a WDW forum. Not a Universal board.


Well-Known Member
There are plenty of folks who feel the same way about Disney as you do about Universal. They think WDW is just princess fairy tales and kiddie rides, with crappy french fries and nothing else to eat. Many are also bothered by things like the fake geyser at WL.

Theme parks are expensive. Nobody should visit if the idea isn't appealing.

This thread is also getting wildly off-topic. It all comes down to dollars though. Up to now, MK is the king of theme parks, but they won't remain king if they keep going downhill while the competition keeps getting better.
WL is my favorite resort and I like the fake geyser :)

I really love what Universal Orlando is doing.

WDW will still remain King it's simply too big to lose to Universal Orlando.

The good thing that in any event, the tourist wins in the battle of the theme parks :)


Well-Known Member
You're absolutely right... It is silly to me that they can have so much vitriol to a theme park to actually refuse to set foot in when its in the same city mere minutes away from another theme park that has made some questionable decisions in the past decade, slowly destroying its own brand... This is coming from a Disney Annual pass holder. Given the choice I would still keep my disney pass (for now) even though Disney doesn't want me there. I still take every opportunity to enjoy Universal when I can because it provides an equally good, but increasingly better experience.
LOL Don't mistake indifference for vitriol. Your insecurity is showing. It's ok some people don't like the exact same things as you. Really.


Well-Known Member
Probably. I mean, I'd go with the rest of my group if they wanted to browse the shop but I wouldn't make a point of going otherwise. There's very little in any of the World Showcase shops that I'd ever actually buy, with the exception of maybe Germany. The Harry Potter lands look like they did a great job on them. However, those alone aren't enough to justify the price of a ticket to me since I'm not a Harry Potter fan - especially when they decided to split it into both parks. I'm sure I'd walk around and think it was cool for what it is, but I'm not dropping $109+ just to visit a cool land for books/movies I've never read/seen (or $164+ for a park hopper ticket so I can see both lands). I also wouldn't buy a WDW ticket just for Pandora, but I'll enjoy it while I'm in the park.
I think the other poster...was trying to answer your question more hypothetically than personally. I'm not a fan of every IP at Universal, but some are really great.

One not yet mentioned is the Minions. The preshow of Minions is really well done. They recently did away with the 3D goggles- so this isn't a spoiler, but they had a whole section of the preshow that was 'what-not-to-do' with your 3D goggles. now I happen to like Minions, but even if I didn't, I could still appreciate the humor of that pre-show.

I don't know I'd shell out $100+ to see just that it, but it is funny.

I also strongly want to say, IMO, Universal has improved greatly over the last 20 years. The upkeep and service are much better than they used to be.

Still, the big picture isn't really what you or I like personally, but more will WDW keep drawing customers, and how many- if they keep disappointing so many visitors. they probably won't disappear, but I could see them getting de-throned.

Basil of Baker Street

Well-Known Member
I have a US AP. I've been on 2 4 day trips so far and now it kinda meh. I may do one more trip before it expires. Felt the same way when we last had UOAP's in 2018. My last Dis AP was also in 2018. Didnt renew to do some other things outside of Orlando. I would do 7 day trips to Dis and would never feel meh. That has always been my problem with Uni, I get bored with it. I've just dug my heels in and not going back to DIS until this Genie+ gets under control. Doesn't seem they need my $ right now anyway so I wait..


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
No vitriol here for Universal. Hope and plan to spend 5 nights in ’24 or ‘25. For now though, WDW satisfies our theme park needs. It’s a one stop shop. A happy bubble that grabs us. Every nook and cranny of WDW has layers of breathtaking, and such a vast variety of experiences. We go all different seasons and always more we want to do.

I’d probably repeat Woody ride at UO because he’s a fav. Some of the other ‘kiddie’ rides I suspect won’t be as repeatable. I’m not as into Harry as StarWars, not as into Horror Nights as MHSSHP. For sure I’m biased though, because we are so familiar with WDW. We’d love to try the whole UO experience including Volcano Bay and Epic U. My expectation is UO will end in B+ territory while Disney gets A-. Really don’t know yet.

Chip Chipperson

Well-Known Member
We all have emotional bias.

Sure, just not when it comes to factually stating how Universal markets themselves. The first of images on the front page of their website is a roller coaster filled with crash test dummies wearing shirts that say, "Thrill Immersion Model." The 2nd image is Velocicoaster and the 3rd is one of their hotels. I'm not sayinig it's a bad thing. I'm saying that someone who doesn't like thrill rides will see their marketing and be less likely to want to visit Universal over WDW where most of the rides are on the tamer side (with a few notable exceptions, obviously).


Well-Known Member
To tie all this back to the topic of this thread I am starting to understand why so many of you loved FP+. It worked well for how you tour the parks, it was free and was available to everyone.

On the other side cause most you don't visit other parks much it's hard for most of you to see the benefits of an Express Pass system. All you look at is price and it being limited in availability.


Well-Known Member
To tie all this back to the topic of this thread I am starting to understand why so many of you loved FP+. It worked well for how you tour the parks, it was free and was available to everyone.

On the other side cause most you don't visit other parks much it's hard for most of you to see the benefits of an Express Pass system. All you look at is price and it being limited in availability.
It could definitely work as well at WDW too if the higher capacity rides like haunted mansion had no option for it. Holy smokes does LL ruin that attraction unlike anything else!


Premium Member
To tie all this back to the topic of this thread I am starting to understand why so many of you loved FP+. It worked well for how you tour the parks, it was free and was available to everyone.

On the other side cause most you don't visit other parks much it's hard for most of you to see the benefits of an Express Pass system. All you look at is price and it being limited in availability.
I would love an Express Pass system as long as it was the same as Universal’s - given free to deluxe resort guests.

I’m told that can’t happen at WDW and we have no idea how the system would work at Universal if deluxe resorts were not getting it free. Would enough people buy it to significantly shorten the standby lines? I’ve heard that “plenty” of people pay for Express Pass, but plenty get it free. Maybe someone knows, but I haven’t seen any knowledgeable answers here.


Premium Member
I would love an Express Pass system as long as it was the same as Universal’s - given free to deluxe resort guests.

I’m told that can’t happen at WDW and we have no idea how the system would work at Universal if deluxe resorts were not getting it free. Would enough people buy it to significantly shorten the standby lines? I’ve heard that “plenty” of people pay for Express Pass, but plenty get it free. Maybe someone knows, but I haven’t seen any knowledgeable answers here.
Deluxe resorts at Disney would include all of DVC guests as well. I would be ok with that lol but I don’t see that happening


Well-Known Member
I would think the overwhelming majority of DVC people have tickets during their resort stays. Many are (or were) annual pass holders.
Could be... This is all hypothetical because it's never going to happen but I don't see Disney letting this happen without an upcharge to their tickets.


Premium Member
To tie all this back to the topic of this thread I am starting to understand why so many of you loved FP+. It worked well for how you tour the parks, it was free and was available to everyone.

On the other side cause most you don't visit other parks much it's hard for most of you to see the benefits of an Express Pass system. All you look at is price and it being limited in availability.
As far as price is concerned, how much did you pay for Express Pass the last time you visited? How many days and for how many people? I’m trying to get a sense of what people who go there actually do as far as buying the passes.


Well-Known Member
As far as price is concerned, how much did you pay for Express Pass the last time you visited? How many days and for how many people? I’m trying to get a sense of what people who go there actually do as far as buying the passes.
I was solo so and I paid $120. I can't give you a good sense of it as I rarely buy it. We have been going end of January usually and find it's not needed as wait times aren't that bad.

Take Cedar Point for a good example of cost. My wife and I go in May and again in July. In July due to how busy is it we almost always buy Fastlane. On average Fastlane costs about $170 per person a day. We go for 3 days so it's about $1000 for the 3 days on top of our park tickets.


Well-Known Member
1. Universal actively promotes themselves as a thrill-ride park. You can't blame vacationers for seeing the marketing and thinking, "Nah, that's not for me," if they don't like thrill rides.
2. How many of the non-thrill rides listed are kiddie rides? For someone without kids, what should I find appealing about Caro-Seuss-el, Cat in the Hat, Seuss Trolley, or Woody Woodpecker? Also, how many people consider Slinky Dog Dash to be a thrill ride? And there are 2 more parks at WDW that were omitted from your list (notably, Magic Kingdom, which is still a huge draw for people going to WDW).
3. Obviously, very few (if any) guests at either resort are fans of every single IP in every single park. But for many people, Disney's IP has a different level of attachment. What does Universal have that has the combination of nostalgia for adults and modern appeal to kids that the Fab 5 have?
1. Their newest media push with the yellow dummys 100% does ill give you that
2. So you don't want thrill rides and you don't want kiddie rides? Ok rides I would consider family attractions:
DHS (7): BATB, Frozen, Indy, MMRR, Muppets, TSMM, Mickey Shorts
AK(12) : Animation, FotLK, Chakranadi, KiteTails, Nemo, Gorilla Falls, Bugs Life, Safaris, Kora Tinga Tinga, Jungle Trek, Na'vi, Tam Tam, Viva Gaia,

USF (13): Despicable Me, Hogwarts Express, ET, Fast and Furious, Kang & Kodos, Men in Black, Jimmy Fallon(?), Bourne, Horror and Makeup, Blues Brothers, Tales of Beedle the Bard, Animal Actors, Celestina
IOA (6): Hogwarts Express, Flight of the Hippogriff, Storm Force, Poseidon's Fury, Frog Choir, Triwizard Spirit Rally

I will 100% give you that given your desire of no thrill rides, MK and EPCOT are the best parks in Orlando but USO is a 14 mile drive from MK. Honestly once I'm in Orlando there is much of a difference to me as far as who owns which park... I just go to the one I want to go to.

3. Emotions can play a large role in your decision making. I personally love and grew up with HP, so that has just as much emotional attachment to me as the fab 5, but I totally understand if that is not the case.

I'll reiterate, people can go to whatever park they want. They DO NOT have to defend themselves if they don't want to. It just simply surprises me that people will go back to WDW repeatedly, but never give an extremely similar product at similar costs just down the road.

Linking it back to the G+ thread... I actually don't mind G+ that much, but I do prefer the Express pass that Universal offers. I would like to see disney offer a similar product because I think it enhances the experience. I am a Disney fan boy all the way. I definitely go there more than USO. If I have 4 days in Orlando I will probably just hit the 4 Disney parks. However I would much rather hit USO on a 5th day than repeat a disney park. Also comparing the skip the line systems. I would much rather have an express pass at USO for a day than a day at MK with G+

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