Have I told you lately that I 👍 you?
I’m sure it would be very interesting, particularly if you don’t just go by ride count, but by total capacity of riders per hour per park (since so many of the things ended up with 1000+ less capacity/hour than the rides they replaced), plus factor the reduction in ride lengths that keeps people in the pathways and queues rather than in the buildings longer (many replacements being 25% or less in the length than their predecessors and even considering things like figment which closed its second story and took a substantial amount of track out to REDUCE the length of its existing ride and make it worse for some reason)It would be interesting to see how much guest attendance has increased vs new attractions and shows (subtracting any they have closed and not counting any they’ve just redone/replaced in the same spot)
and oh yeah park hour decreases as well. I remember when MK was open well into the AM hours at times
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