That was our experience in October. We lost the flexibility of being able to vacation the way we want in exchange for a system that forced me to start my day on the phone competing with other people to go on rides at times dictated by Disney. And I had to pay for the privilege. How they've convinced people that this system "adds flexibility to your day" is beyond me.
My thinking is that the system is going to garner quite a few complaints and will be tweaked after enough people have had annoying experiences with it. Right now it's too new, and it seems many of the people defending it have not actually used it.
I think you've hit on something here. When people are "competing" with others, are they more apt to spend to avoid that competition to be able to do what they want to do? Could this Genie+ nonsense just be the first step to a more lucrative offering from $lappie and Josh, all wrapped up in pretty Disney wrapping paper proclaiming it to be "more magical"?