I know this is a really difficult concept for people, but popularity does not equal quality. It's a childish argument.
The parks were designed to facilitate a certain kind of guest behavior. Every public area, from queues to restaurants to walkways to shops, were built to enable the parks to operate in a particular way. Line-skipping is directly counter to that particular way. For line-skipping to work, you would have to redesign the parks from the ground up, and completely alter how guests think and behave. To their credit, Universal realized this VERY QUICKLY and scrapped the half-baked virtual line system put in place for Fallon, Fast, and VB. Disney won't give up. When you use something in a manner for which it was not designed and in the process cause it to operate inefficiently or not at all, yes, you broke it.
If you can look at the parks right now and think things are hunky-dory, I seriously question your judgement.