So...arrived in Orlando and now our first Disney day. Opened up the app and wow, what a real mess - how confusing and how difficult to use.
All I wanted to do was make a LL+ reservation for Ratatouille...jeez
1)I have to go through all this My Disney Day...Tip board....
2)then defaults to Hollywood studios so I have to amend it to Epcot (all taking time)..
3)then it gives me recommendations (don't care).
4)..then go to edit my selections (haven't made any)...
5)click who is in my party.
6)..then I have a list of ALL attraction - ffs I just want to buy a LL+ for Ratatouille!!!!...toggle down to try and find RAT...(while unticking all the other rides because my sole purpose is getting RAT)
7)it then asks me for my favourites...(again I don't care, I just want to make a reservation ffs.)
8) Then asks about height restrictions? Again dont care....
then my Internet is slow so I get a 'no Internet message' so put me back tk the start of the process!!
Do 1,2 ,3,4,5,6,7,8 again
9) then asks if I want to (be ripped off...sorry buy) Genie Plus at $30 for my party)
Honestly....what on earth is this rubbish? I used to be a boss on FP+ but this system obviously is a total disaster.
I dread to think how families will get on with it, or anyone who's never visited Disney before.
It's a total shambles...confusing...horrendously long winded.
Luckily, haven seen how complicated snd long winded it is...I have to decided to save myself about $400 for our trio by ditching the whole thing and going in the stand by queues.
Whoever designed the passed this horrific system at Disney should be totally ashamed of themselves. A 3 year old could have designed a better system.
Oh well...thats our Disney days totally ruined as we will be waiting forever in long long queues
To be honest we have an unlimited 14 day pass for Orlando so we may not ever bother with any Disney Parks and just do Universals, Busch Gardens a few times and Sea World.
Bitterly disappointed...but hey, if it was Disneys sold purpose to reduce number by p1ssing paying customers off then they have done a damn good job.