Lightning Lane at Walt Disney World


Well-Known Member
apparently DAS holders can prebook 2 attractions of their choosing prior to arrival and will be able to self schedule return times throughout the day on their own.

i realize I sound like a jerk but a) this will encourage abuse and b) I have to pay for something that they are being given free.

Heck I’d pay extra to schedule my 2 rides in advance.
Prebook 2 or use the day of system. Not both.

Vegas Disney Fan

Well-Known Member
I wonder how many LL passes you will be able to get in one day when it is all said in done. If I can ride every ride at MK without waiting more than 10 min per ride except Space and Mine Train it is for sure worth it. But if I get a pass between 10-11 and can't get another one until 1 or 2 what would be the point?
With maxpass we’d probably average a pass every 2 hours. Make a maxpass, ride a couple secondary rides, use the MP, make the new MP while in line for about 2 hours later, repeat. I loved MP.


Well-Known Member
I guess this also opens the door for marketing. "Stay Deluxe and receive Genie+ access for $0" $Stay club level to book at 6am"... it could go on and on.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
No Genie
  • Show up, get in standby lines
  • Can still use MDE

  • The app that will plan your day 'for free' by guiding you to your preferred attractions (standby lines) throughout the day.
  • Coming "this Fall" (no, no one knows when exactly, please don't ask)

Genie+ [G+$]
  • Purchasing
    • Costs $15 per day per guest per day at WDW; costs $20 at DL.
    • G+$ can be bought on a day-to-day basis. Even if you purchased, e.g., a 7-day ticket package -- you wouldn't need to purchase G+$ for all 7 days.
    • APs can purchase G+$ per day on each day they attend.
      • It is unknown at this time if Disney will have an option to pay one price to add G+$ to an AP for every visit (like a Park Hopper Pass can be added).
  • Benefit: Lightning Lanes [LL]
    • G+$ It gives you access to Lightning Lanes (LLs, previously, FP Queues), which are available one-at-a-time throughout the day.
      • In this way, you can schedule your LLs like Maxpass in DL or with the old paper passes.
    • Shows you the next available scheduling slot for a slew of rides (with the exception of select 'tier 1' rides) and you pick one, and show up at the time.
    • All guests can schedule their first LL at 7a at WDW. At DL, they can schedule their first LL once in the park.
    • You don't have to be in the park in which your next LL is scheduled (so, you can chose your LL at the resort, e.g., or at another park and then hop)
    • When can you grab your next LL? Book another LL when your return window opens for your current 'open' LL (or in 2 hours, whichever is sooner, which is the current DL practice of Maxpass)
  • Benefits, Miscellaneous:
    • at DL, Genie+$ gives you Photopass.
    • At WDW, G+$ doesn't give you photopass, but you get augmented reality lens and some audio tour tracks.

Individual Attractions Lightning Lanes $elect Experiences (LL$)
  • Buy up to two Lightning Lane $elections (formerly, "fastpasses") for select rides, which are most likely the old Tier 1
    • The select rides are most likely to be, but not fully confirmed, and can change with time are: Space, Mine Train, Test Track, Rat, Rise, Slinky, Kilimanjaro, and FoP (two from each park)
  • Disney Resort Guests at WDW can purchase LL$ at 7am day-of.
  • Non-resort-guests have to wait until the park opens to buy their LL$.
  • You don't have to be in the park in which your LL$ is scheduled
    • this way, you can chose your LL$ at the resort, e.g., or at another park and then hop
  • You don't have to purchase Genie+$15 in order to buy your one or two LL$ (Lightning Lane $elect Experience). A person looking for rides on Genie (regular, not 'plus') will see a button to *purchase* a LL for select rides.
  • Disney isn't sure what to call this. I guess we'll see which wording Disney will stick with. We've seen:
    • Lightning Lane Select Experiences
    • Individual Attraction Selections
    • Individual Attractions

Virtual Queues
  • Will be found under Genie (regular, not 'plus')
  • RotR and Rat will have them.
  • RotR will no longer have the 1 PM half-day lottery once Genie is active
  • If you miss the VQ lottery:
    • These attractions could possibly wind up with standby lines on slow days, or,
    • you may be able to buy a LL$ for it under Genie (regular, not 'plus')
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Well-Known Member
I assume shows will be excluded from the Tier 2 ‘attractions’ unlike Fastpass because it pushes the crowds more to them too?
Nope, it clearly says attractions and experiences. I would expect any show that had a FP entrance will be Genie+ eligible.

I'm holding out for Genie++ where I can pay a CM to stand in line for me.

They call that "VIP Tours".


Well-Known Member
I will say that I absolutely hate the 7 AM start time. That's ridiculous. Just open them up at park opening time.

Hopefully it won't really be an issue since the major headliners are separately purchased anyways, though. I can't imagine if you wait until 9:30 AM that everything you're interested in is already booked until late afternoon, especially since people only get one at a time.


Premium Member
Tripling down on FP, which arguably made the park-wide line situation worse, is certainly a thing they've done now.
It doesn't. This has been disproven over and over again. FP makes the park-wide line situation slightly better.

For rides that are full to capacity no matter the model, there is no net impact. FastPass makes rides that would otherwise run at less than 100% capacity more efficient by filling empty seats.


Well-Known Member
Surge same day pricing for headliners might be the most devious act that DIS has ever perpetrated on their “guests”

... Folowing along on the heels of surge anticipated-demand ticket pricing where on busier days, you've already spent more just to get in the gate.
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Well-Known Member
Has someone asked yet are the CMs gonna let the Lighting Line pass people by at the second check point at a higher frequency than they did with regular fastpass people?

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