Premium Member
It’s possible but I think the tier 1 limitation is designed to address this. If you can only book 1 tier 1 then they should not all be sold out at +7. On busy days the more popular times and maybe more popular rides could be.
If what I said above is not true then not sure economically it would benefit Disney to hold some back If the supply is less than demand overall. The 60 slots released at +7 in your example would all sell out with some people shut out and then you would have resort guests unhappy and not buying in to the system. They would possibly get in line with non-resort guests at day +3 or day off to hope to get one of those 20 extra slots released and if they got shut out again they don’t buy. The point is Disney sells the same 80 units whether 60 go to resort guests and 20 go to anyone who gets in at a later time or they release all 80 to resort guests at day +7. I think the 7 days is intended to give resort guests the more favorable time slots and rides but they expect to have openings still +3 and day of.
All potentially true, I don't have data to break down and my numbers are kind of just random. The inventory for LLMP can be substantially larger now due to the DAS changes too which makes most of this conversation useless!