Let's Take A Stand Against Tomorrowland '98!!

What Do You Think About Tomorrowland '98??

  • I hate it, I want the old attractions back

    Votes: 10 47.6%
  • I hate it, but with new attractions it should be okay

    Votes: 6 28.6%
  • I like it, it is a welcome change to me

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • I like it, but new attractions have to come, I don't care about restoring older ones

    Votes: 6 28.6%
  • I don't care, Disney can do as they please with Tomorrowland, I prefer the other lands of the park

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


New Member
Original Poster
Hi Everyone,

After viewing the Tomorrowland photos on the Save Disney website I was saddened quite a bit. To me it is horrible that Walt Disney’s vision for Tomorrowland was changed for “Tomorrowland ‘98” I just thought that I would share some links with everyone so we can all get involved =) Together we can restore the magic into Tomorrowland!!

Tomorrowland Photo Essay: Then And Now- This is the first photo essay that I saw that shows changes from the old Tomorrowland to “Tomorrowland ‘98”…

More From Today’s Tomorrowland- This is another recently added photo essay that shows even more horrible pictures of “Tomorrowland ‘98”…

Save Tomorrowland- This takes you to a pre-made letter that you can send to the Disney Chairman regarding the issue and an online petition is also available. Let’s restore Tomorrowland back to it’s original glory for the future…


PS: Please be patient, the links take a minute or two to load...


I saw these a few days ago. It did seem like there is alot of wasted space, but I don't think that there is much we ca do about it. - It's just progress. Heck there are plenty of changes I dislike abot WDW, but I still love the place.


Active Member
man just disturbing stuff, they just destroyed Walt's legacy. Eisner should've known that Walt's legacy should have the right to live on.

I almost didn't want to look, its just difficult knowing how hard Walt worked for that and how easy they decided to destroy it. SHAME ON YOU EISNER!


New Member
Uhhh ok? (Tommorowland comparison)

"The "alley" between Tomorrowland and Matterhorn has always needed theming. Over the years, Punks, Goths and other alleycats have been known to hang here. "

That just doesn't make the most sense? I thought they were attacking Disney? So punks and goths hang there and go do BAD STUFF? Man I need to get to Disneyland


New Member
First off calling it Michael Eisner's Tomorrowland is going a bit too far. I know Roy Disney blames Michael Eisner for the problems at Disney but never forget Roy was making money hand over fist all these years and never said one word until he started to loose his power – it’s sour grapes.

As to the state of Tomorrowland at Disneyland, I had the pleasure of going to Disneyland for my first time last summer and I have to admit that Tomorrowland was weak ay best, but I don’t think putting things back is the answer and I think Walt would say the same thing. The answer for Tomorrowland is to keep moving forward so back in 98 things didn’t workout the way they hoped for but where Disney dropped the ball was in not moving forward with an entire redesign of the land.

The best “Tomorrowland” any place is in Disneyland Paris I was struck by the themeing and the layout of Discoveryland and it looks like they tried to theme Disneyland after DLP and in my opinion that’s not such a bad idea, if they would just go through with it.


Well-Known Member
I saw Tomorrowland back in 98. I was thinking how much this place looks. But then i have been seeing it in photos from the years after my visit. I believe it was a good idea, however it didn't get a large enough budget to get it right.

Rocket rods: Needed backed curves... Now gone, isn't their something that can go here?

Autopia: Eventually got referbished, i did enjoy the original though....

Innoventions: Why did they need it, this would have been better being at DCA... (not bad idea, why not move it there, and fill some of their empty space they may have....)

I understand redoing the 3-D movie, but why not a more original one.

Star tours: original, could use a new ride movie and profile... But if alright.

Empty Space: Why cant Their be something there, like tomorrowland themed murchandice only availavble there... Stores, maby move the pizza port...

Pizza Port: Why did they have to build this instead of AE or similar to this, now it is a perfect space for Stitch, which i think will work...

Buzz is comming, and they are getting one similar to Tokyo which is nice to see..

However this is my opinion, and most of mine arn't good....


New Member
MartyMouse said:
First off calling it Michael Eisner's Tomorrowland is going a bit too far. I know Roy Disney blames Michael Eisner for the problems at Disney but never forget Roy was making money hand over fist all these years and never said one word until he started to loose his power – it’s sour grapes.

As to the state of Tomorrowland at Disneyland, I had the pleasure of going to Disneyland for my first time last summer and I have to admit that Tomorrowland was weak ay best, but I don’t think putting things back is the answer and I think Walt would say the same thing. The answer for Tomorrowland is to keep moving forward so back in 98 things didn’t workout the way they hoped for but where Disney dropped the ball was in not moving forward with an entire redesign of the land.

The best “Tomorrowland” any place is in Disneyland Paris I was struck by the themeing and the layout of Discoveryland and it looks like they tried to theme Disneyland after DLP and in my opinion that’s not such a bad idea, if they would just go through with it.
I agree with Marty. I've been to Disneyland at least once a year since I was born in 1980, and I can tell you - THANK GOD they updated tomorrowland in 1998. If you think was lacking now, you should have seen it in the 90's! It was "yesterdayland". Technology is growing so much faster now than it was when Walt opened the park, and for the park to be sucessful, it must change and evolve to suite new audiences. This means, yes, it does need new attractions added, of course, and old ones updated. And that area between the Matterhorn and Tomorrowland is sort of transitional. Once something is devised to go where the lagoon currently is, the problem there should be fixed.

Also, Disneyland caters to a FAR different audeince than Disneyworld. Disneyworld is pretty much seperate, out on it's own. Not in the middle of a bustling city. You're bound to see more teenage locals around just hanging out or looking for trouble (or fun!) than you are in WDW. WDW is mostly families or groups on vacation. For $80, the kids can get a Southeren Californian annual pass and come more often and just hang around. As long as they aren't committing a crime - who cares! It's business for Disney. You don't like 'em? Ignore em.


Well-Known Member
I do think Tomorrowland has a bright future, with its additions and all of the renovations taking place for this land. It will still be a bit lacking, but a VAST improvement over a year ago come May 5, 2005 :)


New Member
Can't they at least replace the old people mover with a "TTA" of sorts. By this I mean refurbish with new vehicles, and maybe even get rid of the shrubs and vines that cover the old track. Either Way, I think they should do something with the track, it brings "tears to my eyes".


Well-Known Member
DDB said:
Can't they at least replace the old people mover with a "TTA" of sorts. By this I mean refurbish with new vehicles, and maybe even get rid of the shrubs and vines that cover the old track. Either Way, I think they should do something with the track, it brings "tears to my eyes".
Rocket Rods ruined the PeopleMover track due to its lack of banking, causing the entire structure to become unstalbe. It will never be a ride again. I wish they would just take it down and be done with it. If it can never be fixed (it would need to be completely replaced), why keep it there?


New Member
ISTCNavigator57 said:
Rocket Rods ruined the PeopleMover track due to its lack of banking, causing the entire structure to become unstalbe. It will never be a ride again. I wish they would just take it down and be done with it. If it can never be fixed (it would need to be completely replaced), why keep it there?

Why not rebuild the track like they did on Space Mountain?


Well-Known Member
Space Mountain is more popular than the PeopleMover, and both cost a lot to rebuild. Space Mountain is probably costing $50-60 million, and I'm sure redoing the PeopleMover would cost at least that much.


New Member
I have not been to Disneyland..thus I cannot comment on the state of Tommorrow land. That being said...Everyone is looking at Walts original vision...and when something changes people need to place the blame...well the news is Walt was always looking towards the latest in innoventions and trends..if walt were still alive and running the show..you can sure bet things would change...maybe not the changes we are seeing now..things would continue to grow and change as time when on..possibly more so then what we have seen


Well-Known Member
change isn't a problem for Tomorrowland, it's the fact that half of this land is empty of rides and most of the rides they have are out-dated.


Well-Known Member
I think that, by going for the Jules Verne-style future decor, like Disneyland Paris, and much like WDW is going for one baby step at a time, Disney got rid of its own legacy and culture. The classic Tomorrowland was something envisioned by Imagineers based on what the world of the 60s thought the future would be. And they changed it because that vision of the future was outdated. Well, I don't see anything resembling the styles Jules Verne described in his books, so his future never came to be either. Now, if his views can be called fantastic, why can't the 60s future be a fantastical view of the future as well?

I know it'll never be back, but to me that was a perfect setting, almost like a history class, to get into Tomorrowland today and see how the world in the 60s thought we would be living. And I know there'll be some here saying "But then it wouldn't be TOMORROWland!" Well, how is Jules Verne's views TOMORROW? And referring to the Magic Kingdom, how exactly is Buzz Lightyear (space ranger) and Stitch (alien) related to the world of tomorrow? If they STILL wanna go down that road, they might as well change the name to Spaceland.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
I was extremely dissapointed when I went to Tomorrowland the first time I went to DL. It looks so bad. Now it looks like "Golden Architecture Land". The manin thing they changed about the whole land was it color scheme. It's color scheme! When WDW's got rehabbed, they added all of this decor, detail, the works!

I actually wouldn't blame Eisner much on this, but Paul Pressler. If it weren't for him and his stupid budget cuts, then tomorrowland would look great. But Eisner actually LET Pressler do this. If only Tomorrowland 2055 would have come....


Well-Known Member
I like the theming..it's very abstract and colorful, and if you look at Tomorrowland before at Disneyland and compare it to today, it has changed in just about every way possible. Besides the previously ugly Space Mountain (back to its usual white, now), I really like the look of Tomorrowland now. What I don't like is despite it being pretty (in my mind--I prefer trees and color to pavement and white) is the severe lack of rides. Even Innoventions or the dated Star Tours would be fine if this land had a full slate of attractions, but with an empty Submarine lagoon, nothing in the Circlevision theatre (thankfully changing in 11 months), a closed Space Mountain (thankfully changing in 13 months), and other losses like the conversion of the old Mission to Mars theatres not into Alien Encounter, like at wdw, but into a fast food restaurant (while closing other food locations, I might add), in addition to the ruined PeopleMover track due to Rocket Rods...plus the less than stunning placement of the Astro Orbiter...it's just so empty, even if I do think it looks nice. Buzz and Space Mountain will help though--both are, I would argue, new E-Rides for the land.


New Member
They have to fix the Peoplemover track and put a ride back up there and get a ride in the lagoon. If they do these 2 things in the next couple years then Tomorrowland will be ok. They also need to get an original 3D show to replace HISTA.

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