Final Thoughts
While I was doing laundry the day we returned (I may be a little OCD), R decided to sort our pin collection. These were the purchases and trades we made this trip:
The pin from Cars 2 is one ours we took to trade but we didn't see any good enough to trade for it. Next trip! The Disney Depression really hit us hard this trip, which is why I think R got so into the pins. He usually just leaves it for me to do lol.
R had finished the book while on the plane so I had to document the novel that was so important to him this trip
This trip definitely didn't turn out how I expected it to. And it definitely was NOT the trip I wanted. But we still made the most of it, had fun, and enjoyed each other's company. Because of those 2 free tickets, we took advantage of the bounce back offer and scheduled a return trip for the week after Thanksgiving, since we had to reschedule that trip last year. We're still bouncing ideas before we get plane tickets. We might make a separate room reservation when room discounts are released and leave on Thanksgiving, to give us more time. Or we might extend our stay and go to Universal Studios at the end of the trip since an Orlando Informer Meet-up is scheduled that weekend. Or we might do a surf and turf and attempt a Disney cruise. We've been going back home often on the weekends with our house hunting but we haven't had any luck because of the lack of inventory. We considered making an offer on a house that has been on the market for months but the weekend we discussed it with our realtor, the sellers decided to actually
raise their asking price, which let me saying "oh heck no!" So now we're back to brainstorming all possibilities and wondering if we could actually make moving to Florida work. But our concerns would be the difficulty in trying to buy back home when we're ready to leave. We've lost out on good properties just being 2 hours away. We have real estate accounting questions so now we have to find someone to help us with that.
Since being back, I've been busy with doing everything I needed to do to be reimbursed for medical expenses with the travel insurance company (check was just received this week!), insurance companies (never fun!!), and doctor's appointments. There's been more neighbor issues. And we've been helping one of our (few) good neighbor's with watching her dog for part of the day she's at work. He's a very smart and good dog but he's not mine. And it confirmed it will be a while before I'm ready to have another dog again.
R added up our mileage this trip and it's so lacking compared to previous trips LOL.
Saturday - 7.08 miles
Sunday - 6.17 miles
Monday - 7.37 miles
Tuesday - 10.06 miles
Wednesday - 4.76 miles
Thursday - 6.92 miles
Friday - 7.84 miles
I also added up the money saved this trip using the Disney Visa and Magical Extras Card. I can say that the workers at the gift shop at Coronado were not very consistent with applying the Visa discount. And, I think I forgot to mention it, during the report, but the manager I talked to said she didn't think that Disney would ever bring back the service of delivering your park purchases back to the resort. She said that the shops at Disney Springs stopped their free shipping service to your home but Disney still offered it, for the time being. If you have a Disney receipt with the scan code, they can ship the items to your home for free if the total purchased is over a certain amount. But she said she expects that to change at any time.
Disney Visa - $66.04
Magical Extras - $5.55 (I forgot I had it)
Free Disney Gift Card - $200
And it was when I was totaling these figures that I realized I had forgotten I had $80 on the Disney Visa Redemption Card I wanted to use (oops). I had purchased a thank you present for our good next door present on our last Disney Springs day - a Mickey bar of soap and holder from Basin and a wax melt from Bowe's. They had watched our house for us and checked every day for the Amazon package that had gotten lost week's prior and was scheduled to be delivered while we were gone.
Our lessons learned this trip?
1. May is now just too hot for us. Never again

2. We're too old to stay at a resort with cheerleaders because they are just too dang loud for us
3. No more late park nights followed by an early morning park day. We're too old and can't hang

4. Rest days are fantastic!!!
5. R now wants Polite Pig multiple times each trip

6. It was great traveling without checked luggage and very convenient
7. Always find the time for the 30 DVC spiel if they are offering the $200 gift card!
8. Getting Amazon delivery was easy and convenient so we will definitely use that again in the future for liquids, etc.
9. If your eyes think you can eat 3 Gideon cookies, just get 2. They are bigger than they appear in the case.
10. I must remember to bring my old, fav Levi's to Disney Springs to get fixed while they are still there.
Also, (weighted) Lotso found his way home

When I got home, I checked the Disney Store app and he was 40% off and even more than that with the 10% Disney Visa. So I saved more money by waiting to buy him after I got home. I am now the proud owner of my first ever emotional support bear LOL.