I agree. Sometimes the simpler solution is better. I never really found the floating ball to be that effective. When one sees the illusion they instantly think "wires" which kinda spoils the levitation effect in the first place. I chalk it up to over-engineering and overthinking.
The floating ball illusion tarnishes the imagery of what a "crystal ball" is, how it looks and how it's used. Without context the "floating head in a ball" is just that and not the "crystal ball in a stand" classic apparatus of choice for fortune tellers. I feel like the illusion was more complete in it's original form where the only thing that floated was musical instruments.
If the intent was to "plus" the orginal effect one could argue that better lighting, wind, swirls of smoke or the entire table floating instead would yield a better story. Although If they ever decide to rework this scene, I would happily welcome a non-Floating Leota for old time sake.