leaving WDW


Original Poster
this might sound like a dumb question, but its something i always have to try and deal with. I am so depressed when i leave WDW. My family and me go there about once every year. after about 4 days there i cant even enjoy myself because i keep thinking of how fast the vacation is going by. then when i get back home i am in a bad mood for about 2 weeks. does anyone else have this annoying problem and does anyone have any suggestions of what i should do. i told you this would sound dumb, but its something i had to get off my chest.

Mr Lightbeer

You don't sound dumb at all,you look it though :D .I think we all have Disney blues when we return home,but we solve that problem by hitting the Travel Agents to book the next trip.Keep looking through your photo's ,watch some video tape and keep posting on this board and that should see you through the months.You should also count yourself lucky,coming from the States,you can go a lot easier than us poor Brits.


I know what you mean! I am the same way, but while I am there I don't even let myself think about leaving, I try to totally stay in the whole Dsiney frame of mind. But the day we are leaving it's such an effort to get up and get over to the airport :( And the trip home is so sad and yes, that sad feeling sticks around for a while, but I do the same thing as Mr Lightbeer. Start looking into the next trip, put pictures into albums and look at them every now and then, watch videos you've taken. And sometimes it's nice just visiting the local Disney Store :) But I really think there is a condition called the WDW Blues......


Well-Known Member
Everybodies sad when the leave Walt Disney World. You have a week or two of incredible fun at the best place on earth and then you have to leave and go back to regular life. If only we could stay forever....


New Member
i think i have the most severe case of this... i'll start getting sad about coming home before i even reach orlando...

what i do to keep the 'vacation end blues' away is to keep checking sites like www.wdwmagic.com as well as going through my own pictures and videos... checking out disney sites on a daily basis keeps me excited about the next visit.

while in the parks, i constantly take a moment to just enjoy being there, because i know in what seems like a blink of an eye i'll be stuffed back onto an oversold flight heading home :(

maybe we need to form a support group for 'disney vacation returnees' :)


New Member
At least you know you're not alone with the feeling....kinda like "Mickey withdrawal."

It use to be a lot worse with us cuz my wife and daughter would cry as we left....but assuring them of another return to WDW is some comfort. That's when we started our April trips cuz we couldn't wait til the summer.

And if all else fails, you can always beat the spouse and kids and kick the dog, punch a hole in the wall, or lay on the floor and bang your head until you're unconscience. That works for me! :)


its them old 'Disney World Blues' just the sight of WDW in the rear view mirror sets it off ,even if we are only leaving site for the day. Its almost as painful as a death in the family as we leave on the last day.



New Member
I cry ever time we leave Disney! Of course I cry during all the parades and firworks because I love Disney so much! My husband thinks I'm silly. As soon as we get on the plane to come home I start planning our next trip. We go twice a year because I love it so much. I can't stand not being there. Everything reminds me of it when I get home. Noises, smells, or I can eat something that reminds me of the food down there. If you have it as bad as I do you should move down there. That's what the husband and I are doing next year. I'll be at disney everyday!!!! I don't want to work there, though(they don't make enough :( )


Original Poster
listen to how sick this is, as i enter my resort when i first get there i look for people checking out, and think imediatly of the end of the trip, sure i have fun but the whole trip i have that hanging in the back of my head, that im going to leave in 6 or 7 days. we go to all the parks once when we are there, so for example we go to magic kingdom the first day. When the day is over and we are leaving the park after seeing the fireworks, i have a sad feeling that i wont be back there for at least another year. Whats my problem????????

we usually always go in august so i got the long cleveland winter to look forward to when i get back, maybe thats part of the problem. Everytime i go, i tell my family im gonna move there, and the thing is im serious for some time about it.


New Member
Originally posted by lileonard
listen to how sick this is, as i enter my resort when i first get there i look for people checking out, and think imediatly of the end of the trip, sure i have fun but the whole trip i have that hanging in the back of my head, that im going to leave in 6 or 7 days.


I found your post amusing because we think the same thing but a little earlier....when we get off the plane. Yep, as we walk thru the airport we always notice those leaving Orlando with their Disney bags and comment about how their vacation is over and ours is just beginning....but our thoughts quickly turn and we realize that we, too, will soon be heading in the other direction.:)


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Original Poster
I went to WDW in feb 2000, my family were only planning to stay 5 days because we didnt know if we were gonna go in the summer. However my uncles family were staying for 8 days. First of all we were expecting warm weather. it was cool the whole week. The second day there I got the flu. I was miserable the whole rest of the trip fighting to have fun and enjoy the parks. Well that wasn't the worst part, the last day there I spent most of the night in a med center, and we had to wake up at 5 the next morning to check out. Keep in mind I live in Cleveland, so thats a long drive. The reason we did this is because I had to go back to school the following day. So after driving through the snow filled mountains we arrived home at 2 in the morning, to a lovely 20 degree temp. and snow blowing around. I had to be in school 4 hours from that point, plus i was still sick. So when I woke up that morning my uncle decides to call me from WDW telling me how nice it is there and told me to have fun in school. That by farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr is the worst case of disney blues I have ever had.

This is all the truth i didnt make any of this up to get attention or anything, I just wanted to share this tale with everone, We ended goin back in August and I had a great time which made up for the disaster vacation in feb. So when I leave WDW I just think of that and it will bring a smile to my face.

Sorry if i wasted your time by making you read this.:o


You didn't waste our time! It's nice reading others stories...What I do is think that when I leave I know I'll be going back soon. I think of some people who don't have that luxury, who maybe have never visited at all, and I feel very lucky.


New Member
This does not sound dumb. I think a large amount of people feel the same way. We are so excited the first few days then in the middle of the week we wonder what happen to those first few days and hate the thought of leaving.

To help us cope with leaving we start talking about our next vacation and actually start planning it. We still get Disneyitis really bad as we are going back from our vacation.

We feel your pain. Disneyitis is very hard to deal with. We are going back in October and it seems like it is much too far away.:eek:


Premium Member
As many others have stated, we all tend to get the Disney blues when we end our Disney vacation. However, what I find helps me get over the blues is to read the WDW Magic forums for updated and insightful information, as well as some humorous and clever posts each day. Just keeping current with what others are sharing, cheers me up.

Susan Savia

Well-Known Member
Usually by time we are finally on our WDW vacation, we have another trip in the planning stages and so on the long drive home we talk about that. Knowing we'll be back softens the 'going home blues' some.


Well-Known Member
Soooooo not abnormal! Most of us have admitted to having the Disney blues when we get home. :)

I am so homesick for the place that I literally could be sick! Haha :)


Well-Known Member
You're not alone, trust me! That's why I'm so happy there are boards like this with folks that love WDW and can talk about Disney all the time! The anticipation of visiting Disney again always makes me feel better. Sure, it's sad to leave but the next time you go it's always a new adventure. I love to plan the trip--that's half the fun for me. But yea, I usually get the Disney blues after I'm back home...although when the family is riding back to the airport we all wave and sadly say "Goodbye Disney."

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