Late October Pop Rates?


Well-Known Member
I booked the $74/night offer from the WDW website, for 10/21-10/26 (5 nights). I was wondering what kind of rates people were getting in the same time frame from the AP discounts and the e-mail pin codes (I have both). Before I call on Tuesday I was just wondering if anyone got any of those rates much lower than the $74 I got - to see if it's worth trying to call up and have another discount applied. The only other rate I've heard about for that time was for $69 I believe, and if I can't save more than $25 ($5x5)I don't know if it's worth spending an hour on hold.

Thanks for any info!



New Member
I booked for Oct after receiving an email around the end of July. I paid $49.00 a night for Pop. Don't know why I got an offer via email. I don't have an AP.
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Well-Known Member
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Thanks for the replies guys. I will definately have to call up and try out the e-mail code. I knew people were getting the $49 rate in Nov and Dec, but since October is regular season at the Values, I had been hearing rates of like $69. Guess I'll try giving them a call to see if I can get the discount applied - after the current events have died down, of course.

Thanks again,

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Joevn said:
Disney has Pop for $55 a night on certain nights this fall if you don't have the e-mail code. See this post for details:


Actually, that's the offer I am currently booked at - my dates in October don't fall under the "value" season which is where the $55 figure comes from. I'm booked with the same offer, but it was $74 during the week I am visiting.

That said, I have decided after reading and talking here and elsewhere that it will be worth it to call just to see - it seems like I may be able to lower my rate a bit.

Thanks everyone,

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Well-Known Member
Sign up on the official Disney website to receive e-mails from them - that's how I got ym discounted $49/night rate at Pop Century for this October! :)
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wannabeBelle said:
I got $77 a night with the AP discount for Oct 23, 24,25. I wasnt aware the $49.00 rate was ever given during Regular season. Belle

Hehe, are you going to MNSSHP on the 24th? :)

I got a $74/night deal from the new Disney website sidebar offer (the one with the falling leaves and sound effect) for a regular room at Pop. You might wanna give them a call, Belle - might be able to bump you up to that.

I also have (as I said originally) one of the email codes people have been talking about. However, because my trip falls during regular season, I didn't know if the discount would be worth it (since as Belle has said I don't believe the $49 or even $55 rates are available for those dates normally).

I didn't have the chance to call today, I will tomorrow after I get out of work. I'll let you guys know how I make out. :)

AEfx, who would love to get a $49 rate so he can buy more pins!
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Well-Known Member
AEfx said:
Hehe, are you going to MNSSHP on the 24th? :)

I got a $74/night deal from the new Disney website sidebar offer (the one with the falling leaves and sound effect) for a regular room at Pop. You might wanna give them a call, Belle - might be able to bump you up to that.

I also have (as I said originally) one of the email codes people have been talking about. However, because my trip falls during regular season, I didn't know if the discount would be worth it (since as Belle has said I don't believe the $49 or even $55 rates are available for those dates normally).

I didn't have the chance to call today, I will tomorrow after I get out of work. I'll let you guys know how I make out. :)

AEfx, who would love to get a $49 rate so he can buy more pins!
Hey there Yeah that was the game plan possibly!!! I have been to MNNSHP and I thought it was cute. As far as the room the $77 I quoted was including tax so I probably got a $67-68-69 rate for the actual room itself. Belle
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AEfx said:
Hehe, are you going to MNSSHP on the 24th? :)

I got a $74/night deal from the new Disney website sidebar offer (the one with the falling leaves and sound effect) for a regular room at Pop. You might wanna give them a call, Belle - might be able to bump you up to that.

I also have (as I said originally) one of the email codes people have been talking about. However, because my trip falls during regular season, I didn't know if the discount would be worth it (since as Belle has said I don't believe the $49 or even $55 rates are available for those dates normally).

I didn't have the chance to call today, I will tomorrow after I get out of work. I'll let you guys know how I make out. :)

AEfx, who would love to get a $49 rate so he can buy more pins!

I am going down from Oct 18-22, and I have a rate of $68 a night.

Did you find anything lower than that? I would love to get 49-55 a night, but I know it might not happen!
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I wanted to wait as long as I could after the recent events to call, but I really needed to figure out my budget so I finally called today - and am happy I did. I got through almost immediately after the extensive announcements regarding the state of the resort post-hurricane, and spoke to a wonderful lady (who's name I am very sorry I did not get, as she was very patient and kind). I gave her the info about my existing reservation, then I asked her about my e-mail code.

To make a long story short, I was then on hold for about 5 minutes (maybe less, maybe more - I was so into the music I don't know ) while she spoke with her supervisor - my name didn't match my e-mail code, even though it was mine; it just had my first and middle name, and boy was I glad I used my first, middle, and last on the ressie. Of course, while I was on hold I didn't know all this, and was wondering if I had somehow upset the mouse by asking for a better deal on what was already a pretty good one...;)

Once we had that taken care of, she told me indeed I would get the $49 rate advertised in the e-mail I got (even though when she asked me what the offer was I said, "from $49", I never asked for that rate). I didn't complain, just thanked her profusely. She then asked about Circ tickets, which I said no to and she didn't try to "suggest" to me any further, and then she asked about PS's. I didn't realize they could do that as well (and was about to call WDW-DINE as soon as I got off the phone), and I think she was surprised when I said yes, I had several. I made all the ressies for my entire trip (5), and got all the times I wanted (it helped that I wanted 2PM lunches most days) except for Le Cellier - I had to take either 1:40 or 2:20. 2:20 was fine with me - gives me an extra 20 minutes to work up my appetite for the big steak I'm going to eat.

I'm really glad I called - I feel a little bad I got such a great rate, but the trip is a birthday present to myself so I think it's OK. ;) If you have a higher rate, keep looking for e-mails or other codes - they are available!

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Well-Known Member
I got the $49/night rate at PC for Oct 9-16 (regular season). I received a post card on Aug 7 addressed to my friend, but mail to my home. I already had an existing res under my name, but with my friend listed as guest #2 in the same room. Since her name was on my res, the CM allowed me to modify my existing rack rate res to the post card rate of $49/night. :D

We go every Oct during the Columbus Day holiday week, and always snag some sort of discount, but this is the best one yet! I'm not sure why WDW offered this great discount this Oct, but I am so grateful that they did and we were able to cash in on it. :sohappy:
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