I think people are having a hard time understanding this because they're only seeing the big picture. It's not like Bob Iger is sitting somewhere looking at numbers and deciding to slash maintenance budgets. Large companies are divided into different segments with multiple departments in each. These types of decisions don't exactly come from the top. Each manager reports to someone and each one above them reports to someone and so on. There's obviously pressure to do things to keep revenue up that pressure is there in most companies even in the best of times. That's the kind of thing that gets us to cabanas in the MK. Everyone is trying to do their part to make their department look good, either by saving money, being more productive or raising revenue. The guy who goes into a meeting and says everything is still exactly the same for my department doesn't usually last long. So it's not a stretch that somewhere along the way people make some creative changes that affect maintenance. In some cases it may not even be changes but rather inaction to things that should be addressed.