Ladie's Rooms


New Member
Original Poster
I think the ladie's rooms should be larger. The women seem to be the ones who take all the small children, including little boys, to the rest rooms. That's one of the reasons we are always waiting in line while the men go in and out with no waiting at all. :rolleyes:


New Member
Originally posted by BDCatz
I think the ladie's rooms should be larger. The women seem to be the ones who take all the small children, including little boys, to the rest rooms. That's one of the reasons we are always waiting in line while the men go in and out with no waiting at all. :rolleyes:

I agree with you.... We will tell it to this website´s administrator, although I doubt he can do anything for us! :lol: ;)

*someone please move this to the proper board* :animwink:


Well-Known Member
So true!

Yes - it does seem like the lines at the ladies room always stretch longer than any other. The trials of being a woman . . .

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
[pokes head in]

[considers making comment about how much messier and more high-maintenance ladies' rooms typically are than mens' rooms based on own unfortunate career experience]

[sees glaring women and thinks of all the creative uses they could come up with for 3-inch spiked heels]

[leaves without opening mouth]



Well-Known Member
Smart move, Wilt! It could get messy (messier) quick!
Best to high tail it out of the private sanctuary of the female population before you regret it!


New Member
I will have to agree with you... sometimes the ladies´rooms are messier than the mens´rooms... :hurl:

Interesting how we had not touched this subject too many times and in depth in these forums... :lol: (as far as I remember)...and thankfully!

Not like in these other ones... [shameless plug] :D :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by BDCatz
I think the ladie's rooms should be larger. The women seem to be the ones who take all the small children, including little boys, to the rest rooms.

It's funny you should state this. I make it a point to change my son in the Men's Room for this very reason. My wife and I know there's almost never a wait @ the kiddie changing station. I can change a kid in less than 5 minutes (and he usually ends up clean too :D ).


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Ladie's Rooms

Originally posted by wdwhoneymooner
It's funny you should state this. I make it a point to change my son in the Men's Room for this very reason. My wife and I know there's almost never a wait @ the kiddie changing station. I can change a kid in less than 5 minutes (and he usually ends up clean too :D ).

Yip Yip Hooray for you! It's good to hear about dads that share in all the fun experiences in their child's everyday life!

My hat's off to you!


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Re: Ladie's Rooms

Originally posted by MsSnuzi
Yip Yip Hooray for you! It's good to hear about dads that share in all the fun experiences in their child's everyday life!

My hat's off to you!
When ours were younger, I was a Dad like that too--up to my elbows in baby po op. But if it was someone else's kid? Never been there, never done that.


New Member
Hey! I never even thought about talkin bout this on here! :lol: It is annoying to see a huge line for the woman's restrooms! Anyone have any say on the best bathrooms at WDW? :lol: :lookaroun ;)


Well-Known Member
Hey Scott! The important thing is you take care of your own! I should have known the dads on this site would be sure to do the right thing! We have a high standards here - nothing less would do!
[Tips her hat to another outstanding guy!]


Well-Known Member
Why wait in line for the bathroom? Just tinkle while in line for a ride, kill two birds with one stone.

I normally dont say 'tinkle', I had to edit it though. :xmas:


New Member
Original Poster
We need more guys like you!

If we had more guys like you wdwhoneymooner, it would certainly help cut down the long lines in the ladies rooms. Thankyou for taking some responsibility in that situation. :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by EpcoTim
Why wait in line for the bathroom? Just tinkle while in line for a ride, kill two birds with one stone.

I normally dont say 'tinkle', I had to edit it though. :xmas:

Interesting concept, although I'd change the phrasing of the last section. Maybe we could say "water two guests with one attempt to stay in line so you won't lose your place"?

I'd hate to involve a couple of innocent birds.



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MsSnuzi
Interesting concept, although I'd change the phrasing of the last section. Maybe we could say "water two guests with one attempt to stay in line so you won't lose your place"?

I'd hate to involve a couple of innocent birds.


Good thinking. Soak one que, save two hours.


Well-Known Member
Re: We need more guys like you!

Originally posted by BDCatz
If we had more guys like you wdwhoneymooner, it would certainly help cut down the long lines in the ladies rooms. Thankyou for taking some responsibility in that situation. :sohappy:

Let's see: Nine months of hormone fluctuations and labor pains to boot or changing a kid in the men's room a few times. Hhhmmmmmm..........


I thought ladie's rooms had lines everywhere... not just places where kids are.

I had always wondered alternatly:

1) What the HECK could they be doing in there that takes so long!
2) Are ladies rooms just smaller than mens rooms?

But then it became apparent to me, now this is a true story:

One day my wife and I were at the House of Blues in New Orleans listening to a band (I forget which now) and she saw me smoking a cigar... she asked me "Hey! Where did you get that!"

I replied "The men's room."

She at first looked disgusted, then said "No, really, where did you get that, I think I want a cigar"

I said "Seriously, I got it from the valet in the men's room, most clubs have a valet that will sell things in there."

She didn't believe me about the mints, cologne, cigars and towel service in men's rooms. I laughed, I had always assumed she knew these things.

I could see the spark of interest in her eyes even as I offered to go buy her a cigar so I suggested that I go talk to the valet and see if he would let her see his "shop" (you know how women and shopping are *ducks*). My wife, of course thought this would never work because of the "line". And I, of course said "What line, the men's room is almost always empty or has just one guy in it. She looked at me in disbelief.

So we walked over to the men's room. No one but the valet was in there. My wife stood outside and motioned the valet over. "Yes? How can I help you?" the valet asked. "I want to buy a cigar" my wife said pointing at his basket of goodies on the sink.

The valet laughed and said "Sure, come on in, there is no one in here and I will make sure any that come wait until you are finished."

Lisa, my wife, wandered into man's land made her purchase, wondered at all the items the valet had and came back out to me.

"Wow, you guys have weird things in there."

"What things?" I asked.

"Those things without walls" she said.

I thought about this for a minute.

"Those freaky looking toilets!"

"OH! They are called urinals!" I laughed.

"Yeah, that was neat."

Then it hit me. Men get out of the bathrooms so much sooner than women because of urinals.

So... I told my wife about my plan to end women's suffering for long bathroom lines. She eagerly listened for my solution which I then explained.


"Huh?" she querried.

"You know, for women. Then they could get in and out like guys do -- no more lines." I was beaming. "Of course, the women would have to be trained to do their business standing up..." I added.

My wife looked at me and said: "For a supposed genius, you sure are an idiot."

At least I didn't tell her about my plan "A".. that one involved installing urinal troughs like the less classy men's rooms have in them.

-- Lovecraft


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Lovecraft
I thought ladie's rooms had lines everywhere... not just places where kids are.

I had always wondered alternatly:

1) What the HECK could they be doing in there that takes so long!
2) Are ladies rooms just smaller than mens rooms?

But then it became apparent to me, now this is a true story:

One day my wife and I were at the House of Blues in New Orleans listening to a band (I forget which now) and she saw me smoking a cigar... she asked me "Hey! Where did you get that!"

I replied "The men's room."

She at first looked disgusted, then said "No, really, where did you get that, I think I want a cigar"

I said "Seriously, I got it from the valet in the men's room, most clubs have a valet that will sell things in there."

She didn't believe me about the mints, cologne, cigars and towel service in men's rooms. I laughed, I had always assumed she knew these things.

I could see the spark of interest in her eyes even as I offered to go buy her a cigar so I suggested that I go talk to the valet and see if he would let her see his "shop" (you know how women and shopping are *ducks*). My wife, of course thought this would never work because of the "line". And I, of course said "What line, the men's room is almost always empty or has just one guy in it. She looked at me in disbelief.

So we walked over to the men's room. No one but the valet was in there. My wife stood outside and motioned the valet over. "Yes? How can I help you?" the valet asked. "I want to buy a cigar" my wife said pointing at his basket of goodies on the sink.

The valet laughed and said "Sure, come on in, there is no one in here and I will make sure any that come wait until you are finished."

Lisa, my wife, wandered into man's land made her purchase, wondered at all the items the valet had and came back out to me.

"Wow, you guys have weird things in there."

"What things?" I asked.

"Those things without walls" she said.

I thought about this for a minute.

"Those freaky looking toilets!"

"OH! They are called urinals!" I laughed.

"Yeah, that was neat."

Then it hit me. Men get out of the bathrooms so much sooner than women because of urinals.

So... I told my wife about my plan to end women's suffering for long bathroom lines. She eagerly listened for my solution which I then explained.


"Huh?" she querried.

"You know, for women. Then they could get in and out like guys do -- no more lines." I was beaming. "Of course, the women would have to be trained to do their business standing up..." I added.

My wife looked at me and said: "For a supposed genius, you sure are an idiot."

At least I didn't tell her about my plan "A".. that one involved installing urinal troughs like the less classy men's rooms have in them.

-- Lovecraft

:lol: :sohappy::lol: :D :lol: :D

My gosh this is one of the funniest things in a while

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