Kingdom Hearts


Well-Known Member
I am going to admit that I bought the PS2 JUST for Kingdom Hea
rts. I bought a used machine, thats just like new, got KH, new, and Star Wars Starfighter, and an extra controller for 199....
and after chatting with a friend of mine at DL today, I realized that I am not the only one who gets Motion Sick from the whole thing! I can only play for a short amount of time, and I cant watch the space games at all....:lol:
But I am really pleased with the game itself, and I am NOT a game person...Just ask Caldisney....:p


New Member
Originally posted by Tigggrl
I am going to admit that I bought the PS2 JUST for Kingdom Hea
rts. I bought a used machine, thats just like new, got KH, new, and Star Wars Starfighter, and an extra controller for 199....
and after chatting with a friend of mine at DL today, I realized that I am not the only one who gets Motion Sick from the whole thing! I can only play for a short amount of time, and I cant watch the space games at all....:lol:
But I am really pleased with the game itself, and I am NOT a game person...Just ask Caldisney....:p

Yay Carla :sohappy: You're playing it too. I was hoping you would also play it. I Love the game. I need to play it again, and use the guidebook a friend bought me. I kept having to ask Vince what to do, he's really good at giving tips for it. The one thing I can't figure out is the gummi ship. I need to see what I've gotta do there.

Carla, What Level are you at now? And Alicia, have you beaten it yet?


New Member
Originally posted by Tigggrl
Maybe I will buy the guidebook today....:brick:

I wouldn't - it tends to ruin the game for you. If you get stuck your better bet is to just go to, that way you won't be tempted to flip ahead in the book and read beyond your problem as much.


New Member
Originally posted by StarscreamLSU
I wouldn't - it tends to ruin the game for you. If you get stuck your better bet is to just go to, that way you won't be tempted to flip ahead in the book and read beyond your problem as much.

I agree. Try to figure out as much on your own. It's fun to try different things. I will go back and use the guidebook for the things I just absolutely couldn't find, when the game ends. But first try it on your's Fun! :sohappy:


New Member
Being a rabid Disney and Square fan, I was very excited for Kingdom Hearts. I really enjoyed the game and it remains one of my all time favorites. The gameplay and battle system was great and lots of fun. The game just seemed too short. I was expecting to go to twenty or more different worlds. Not to mention the story could have gone into a little more detail. There wasn't really much of a point for Donald and Goofy to be there. Their storyline didn't really tie in with Sora's.


New Member
Originally posted by San
There wasn't really much of a point for Donald and Goofy to be there. Their storyline didn't really tie in with Sora's.

Yes it did -- they were the ones who had to find the key (Sora) and helped facilitate his transportation and stuff. They weren't meant to be massive players in the game, they're the Disney tie. Look at all your party members in FFX -- how many of them had a big play in the story? For the most part it was just Tidus, Yuna and Auron. The others were window dressing and plot devices.


New Member
ive become completely engrossed in KH of late! its so great! at the moment im in Hercules-land (yeah i know it has a proper name!) but got scared by the big ol' dog so found myself back in Traverse Town fighting a rather scary beast!

i love the game, but not fighting bits, i like puzzling damn it! i get bored easily of trying to kill things. luckily compared to Final Fantasy, fighting is a lot less annoying, and ive found myself just ignoring the small Heartless that pop up if i wanna get somewhere! they just get in my way!


Well-Known Member
Right now I'm in the 100 Acres part of "End of the World", so I think it'll end soon... :D I already beat the Hades Cup, but had no luck with Gold and Platinum, and same with the extra bosses at Neverland and Agrabah...

Quick question: can you do anything with that big crate outside of Ariel's Grotto?

The game really was good, and it was fun running into all the characters. I LOVE using Summon! :lol: But now I wanna beat it soon cause my brother got "Hulk" and I wanna punch stuff!!! :drevil:


New Member
Originally posted by misskat
ive become completely engrossed in KH of late! its so great! at the moment im in Hercules-land (yeah i know it has a proper name!) but got scared by the big ol' dog so found myself back in Traverse Town fighting a rather scary beast!

I'd suggest beating Deep Jungle before trying to take on Cerberus (the big ol' dog)... when you've completed Deep Jungle, you'll get a new keyblade that makes it a lot easier to kick some poodle-butt... :)


Well-Known Member
Ok, I finally beat the game last night, and the stupid thing froze during the final movie!! :mad: But it's ok, I already downloaded it... :D And I'm sorry, but boy, what a freaking disappointment... Seriously, I wonder why this is such a general rule. People spend tons of money and brain-power creating a game's plot and totally forget to put together a rewarding ending.


New Member
Originally posted by MKCustodial
Ok, I finally beat the game last night, and the stupid thing froze during the final movie!! :mad: But it's ok, I already downloaded it... :D And I'm sorry, but boy, what a freaking disappointment... Seriously, I wonder why this is such a general rule. People spend tons of money and brain-power creating a game's plot and totally forget to put together a rewarding ending.

I didn't have a problem with the ending -- when have Square games EVER had a really happy ending? They're always bittersweet, like this one was. Besides, it's setting up the plot for the sequel :)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by StarscreamLSU
I didn't have a problem with the ending -- when have Square games EVER had a really happy ending?

Don't know, never played any Square games, that I can think of. I was expecting more from a Disney game, that's all.


New Member
I'd suggest beating Deep Jungle before trying to take on Cerberus (the big ol' dog)... when you've completed Deep Jungle, you'll get a new keyblade that makes it a lot easier to kick some poodle-butt...

i had the new keyblade but was just being a bit i went back to TT and stocked up on ethers and such and managed to beat cerberus in the end. now im in the whale (Monstro?) and fighting the boss monster.

im getting very confused with the gummi ship though, im not sure what to do with all the new blocks i get, do they automatically make my ship better or do i have to do something?


Well-Known Member
When has Square given a game a happy ending? How about Final Fantasy 4?

Anyway, about the Gummi blocks: They don't automatically apply themselves. Later in the game once you've obtained LOADS of blocks, different blueprints, and have unlocked the chance to go to Cid and get the gummi architect piece or whatever you can start putting together custom gummi ships with the pieces you've been finding. It's very frustrating to use the design mode and while you can do some pretty cool stuff with it in the end the entire gummi section of the game is a total waste of time because all of the gummi levels you can fly through are so easy that the ship you start out with is more than powerful enough to beat the game. Even if you spend a lot of time collecting and using different gummi blocks you never get a chance to test your machine out with a decent challenge. It would be a fun section of the game if there were some harder levels to fly through, but as it is I'd rather spend my time doing something else.


New Member
as i suspected! i was wondering if i was going to miss out on something by not being bothered with the gummi blocks, the garage thing confuses and annoys me, and i seem to fly through the flying bits perfectly well without them!

another question.... when you go to warp holes, sometimes two arrow type things appear on the screen as the warp hole does, are you meant to fly through the warp hole in the direction of the arrow, or fly past the warp hole? or round it?*confused*


Active Member
I've never played a Final Fantasy game, but I love Kingdom Hearts. I'm on the end of the world board, so the end is near.

I would recommend the strategy guide. It helps so much, and I never looked ahead to ruin my experience. It helped me find all the dalmations, which was a nice bonus.

Does anyone know if they are coming out with a sequel? I've been trying to find information on it, but nothing.

also, i did find the gummi menu a waste. I never added anything on to my orgininal ship and I'm almost done.


New Member
Originally posted by stingrock23
Does anyone know if they are coming out with a sequel? I've been trying to find information on it, but nothing.

Yeah it's in the works, but both Square-Enix and Disney are tight lipped about it. Dn't expect to hear anything about it until next year's E3 (which is in May).


New Member
Originally posted by misskat
as i suspected! i was wondering if i was going to miss out on something by not being bothered with the gummi blocks, the garage thing confuses and annoys me, and i seem to fly through the flying bits perfectly well without them!

another question.... when you go to warp holes, sometimes two arrow type things appear on the screen as the warp hole does, are you meant to fly through the warp hole in the direction of the arrow, or fly past the warp hole? or round it?*confused*

Sorry... taking my sweet time getting over here to read again.
Gummi ship... my biggest gripe with KH. This was a pointless thing to have in an otherwise great game. The garage sucks... I've gone through trying to create my own ship based upon the pieces that I had collected and it wouldn't let me get it to work properly.

OK... about the warp holes... you can go around the warp holes or fly into it. It all depends upon where you want to be.
Why don't you just warp instead of flying? It makes life a lot easier :)

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