I dunno ... I kind of like most animals I meet more than most folks. Let's put it this way, if there were two burning buildings and one was filled with cute 'wittle puppies (and maybe bunnies too, if no one had dined on them and made them into bunnyloaf:lookaroun) and the other was filled with say Disney lawyers ... well, you know which building this Spirit would be floating into!
The problem began before the park opened, though. It began when you were supposed to see a very dead Big Red to drive home the evils of poaching. But as soon as Michael Eisner saw it (even though he championed it originally with Joe Rohde), he said that it wasn't going to work in a Disney park. To be fair, while I never experienced that version in previews, I do know folks who did ... even Imagineers ... who felt it was too depressing and scary (for kids and the impressionable adults WDW seems to attract).
So, you wound up with the convoluted storyline where the poachers shoot Big Red, but only wound her. That (naturally) makes any sane Spirit wonder what the hell kind of poacher shoots an elephant and only grazes her (
this isn't Andrea and Merle's little bro --points to anyone who knows where that is from!:animwink

... But so long as Mrs. Red (this is Disney, so one has to assume she didn't have the baby out of elephantlock) isn't dead and gets reunited in the end (a la Dumbo) with her little one, you sorta get the idea poaching is bad, but you don't traumatize little Timmy for life.
But it has gotten more laughable over the years as they added more capacity to KS on busy days and you quickly lost the 'alone on safari in Africa vibe from the early days' when sitting in a traffic jam near the hippos pools and changed the narration and some of the ending. It has basically made no sense since 2007 because you aren't following a linear storyline at all.
So, I'm all for dumping it. ... And I'm really tired of being asked to go chase poachers during my MAGICal WDW vacations anyway. For what they charge to get in, there shouldn't be any poachers in Harambe and, if there are, I'm sure some local Osceola Sheriff's deputies would love to moonlight for cash and take care of them (Florida: Only Thing We Do Better Than Screw Up Elections and Build Strip Malls is SELL GUNS!!!)
Well, it doesn't really matter because until we discover something here in America, it does not exist!:drevil: ... Besides, I am so tired of hearing how you can never spot an Okapi when I have never taken a safari where I didn't spot an Okapi.
~You Have NOT Lived Until You've Taken a Spirited Safari!~