Kali River Rapids Question


Original Poster
When we went to AK in 2002, I read a tip that you should place items that you don't want to get soaked in the "compartment" found in the middle of the raft. Our group decided to put our shoes and socks in there. My question is are these compartments still on the rafts? I've purchased two 2005 quide books (Birnbaums Official & the Unofficial by Bob Sehlinger) and neither of these mention this tip. In fact, the Official says to store items in lockers or with a non-riding member of your party.


Well-Known Member
The compartments are still there, but I honestly would not waste my time with this attraction. I found it to be a short, boring, dry, and smelly ride. We took every precaution to stay dry, and it was all for naught.


New Member
Yes, They are still there. The compartment is located at the very center of the raft. It is covered with a clear plastic lid to keep the items inside dry. The CM's are not letting guests take off their shoes anymore. If you do they are holding the ride until they are put back on. That happened a few times when we visited last month. You need to take the shoes off after you leave the dock.


New Member
If people are that worried about getting their shoes and socks wet I suggest not going...

Or if you must take your shoes and socks off you could bring a pair of flip-flops and just put those on before you board the attraction.


Well-Known Member
half the time too when you put your stuff in the middle it still ends up getting wet anyways cause there is either water already in it or water somehow gets in there.


New Member
The best way to keep anything dry on Kali is to go to any Disney park shop and ask for a shopping bag. Wrap up your belonging in the bag, then put it in the center. I got a small bag for my digital camera and cell phone. I got soaked, they stayed bone dry, even with the small puddle on the inside of the dry compartment.

Also works well for splash mountain


New Member
Best thing to do if you want to ride, is where a poncho. I know, you loose the effect of Kali, but at least my expensive camera will stay dry, and I am not walking around in wet clothes.

From my past experience, people wearing ponchos usually get the wettest on the ride. Weird huh?!?!?!?!
I am not walking around in wet clothes.
figmentfan-- ride Kali, then go watch the Festival of the Lion King- u should dry of a little... Or ride Kali last, so you don't have to walk around the parks all day soaked, u can go back to your hotel and change clothes :)


Well-Known Member
The absolute best thing to do to guarantee something stays dry is to rent a locker. And I'd also advise putting a change of clothes in said locker just in case.

My wife absolutely did not want to get wet on Kali, so my sage advise was for her to sit in whatever seat looked the driest. Turns out, that wasn't such good advice. She basically got dunked and was completely drenched. As we made the long march back from the ride, people pointed at her and laughed. She was not amused.

I wouldn't count on that area in the center. Ours was already pretty wet before we even got on.


Well-Known Member
the compartments are still there. when i went on them by myself in may 2005 i didnt get wet and was dissapointed about not getting wet plus the line was only 10 minutes long


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
wear chaco's, tevas or some other comfortable outdoor sandal that day and you can ride it all day long. add some nylon shorts and you should dry very quickly.

chaffing is not fun. lol


New Member
STR8FAN2005 said:
The compartments are still there, but I honestly would not waste my time with this attraction. I found it to be a short, boring, dry, and smelly ride. We took every precaution to stay dry, and it was all for naught.

I love it, a guy asks about compartments and you give him your advice on what you think of the ride. I dont think he cares what you think, like the rest of us. Bonehead.


Well-Known Member
TheBig2er said:
I love it, a guy asks about compartments and you give him your advice on what you think of the ride. I dont think he cares what you think, like the rest of us. Bonehead.

Just making conversation...geez.


New Member
Both my brother and I got drenched head to toe...it was as hot as heck outside so it felt lovely, even in my squishy shoes, to have some relief from the heat. I did dry off rather quickly though.


Well-Known Member
If your worried about your shoes put your feet up on the rail in the middle in front of your seat its designed for you to put your feet there. Just put them up and your feet won't get wet. I was the lucky one who got drenched and I just kept my feet up and didn't get them wet so that was the only oart of me that didn't get wet.

Yes the compartments are still there. So they are a little wet sometimes they are alot dryier than the rest of the ride.


Original Poster
TheBig2er said:
I love it, a guy asks about compartments and you give him your advice on what you think of the ride. I dont think he cares what you think, like the rest of us. Bonehead.

Not sure this was called for. Obviously, I have someone looking out for me. :lookaroun Thanks to everyone for their replies! Although I'm not a "he", I do care about what you all think, or I wouldn't post questions. Some of the responses may not directly answer my questions, but I value other's opinions.

Anyway, just curious as to why they stopped letting people take their shoes off. It worked great for us in '02. I don't mind the wet clothes, but don't care for soggy feet.


Account Suspended
STR8FAN2005 said:
The compartments are still there, but I honestly would not waste my time with this attraction. I found it to be a short, boring, dry, and smelly ride. We took every precaution to stay dry, and it was all for naught.

Wow, thats great. Next time, why not just answer the question and move on?

STR8FAN2005 said:
The compartments are still there.

Thats all you needed.

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
lebeau said:
The absolute best thing to do to guarantee something stays dry is to rent a locker. And I'd also advise putting a change of clothes in said locker just in case.

My wife absolutely did not want to get wet on Kali, so my sage advise was for her to sit in whatever seat looked the driest. Turns out, that wasn't such good advice. She basically got dunked and was completely drenched. As we made the long march back from the ride, people pointed at her and laughed. She was not amused.

I wouldn't count on that area in the center. Ours was already pretty wet before we even got on.
Just a minor passing thought, why would you get on a water ride if you don't want to get wet????:veryconfu

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