Just Scheduled My Phone Interview


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I just called to Schedule my Phone interview for this Wensday at 1:20 est. And I cannot wait. Im nervous, but its an exceited nervous (if that makes sense). I hope I can calm myself before the interview. Wish me luck! -Crosses Fingers-



New Member
Good Luck! :) One of the beautiful things about a phone interview is that you can write down everything you'd like to say ahead of time and have your notes to glance at! :) Just be sure not to read them off the paper... ;)


Well-Known Member
Good luck! I was a nervous wreck before my interview, and it went fine! Now I'm going through the waiting period. I think that is worse then the interview period!:eek:


Well-Known Member
Good lUck and make sure you relax............just speak clearly..........know how to answer THE QUESTION...WHICH IS.......Why do you want to be in the WDW College Program.....and you'll be fine...Good luck and keep us posted....Radiohost:cool:


Well-Known Member
Just be glad you have one. I applied for some A.I.'s back in early January and haven't heard a thing yet. Though I do suppose that whole "you'll hear from us by April" thing does mean something.


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I just finished my interveiw and I think it went fairly well. It was about 20 min. I had a few phone issues, when my phone lines get wet it tends to make the calls static and what not but my interviewer was fine with it, she didn't mind at all. I was asked "what jobs I wanted in what order" I said Hospitality, Operations, Merchandise and QSF&B. She told me that they usually hold the Hospitality positions for seniors in college who have some experience. I am still considered a Freshmen and well you get the picture lol. I go to a 2 year school so I got confused :hammer: but she seemed happy to talk to me. She asked me about" If you were working Space Mountain and a small child was too short to ride what would you tell him" To make my answer shorter I said something like" I would refer them to another attraction, maybe Buzz, I hear hes looking for help to save the universe from the Evil Emporer Zurg" we both laughed, kind of spur of the moment answer lol. then she asked me what I would do if the store I was working was out of something a guest was looking for, what would I do? really it was a pretty easy interview, I really hope I get it. At the end of the interveiw she said "We'll be sending you information in a few weeks, usually about 3". Know I know im going to be waiting for this letter everyday and night out by the mailbox lol.



New Member
Thank you for the phone interview feedback. I expected a group interview in peson, but evidently they are only doing telephone interviews now. My presentation took place a few hours ago and luckily, my interview is tomorrow at 2:10 PM. It'll be a busy day tomorrow with two tests an interview and then work at night. I'm too excited to study!! But I must...



New Member
sum41914 said:
She told me that they usually hold the Hospitality positions for seniors in college who have some experience.

Odd...I was a freshman with no hotel experience and got placed at the Front Desk and the Grand. I guess my interviewer just really liked me. I mean really it was just last year how much could change?:lol:


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Original Poster
Good Luck on you interview tomarrow, just relax and have fun during the interview!

Yeah I was shocked when I herd her say that, I mean is says no where on the role checklists that any experience was required to get the position, I think that they try to leave it open for the Summer Alumni's(sp?) for the summer during the Fall Advantage maybe? But anywho, I hope I get Operations!



New Member
Thanks again. I left the interview with a very good feeling. It has been a week since the interview. With every passing moment my excitement is raised. Since the interview I have discovered: 1) My co-worker is spending her honeymoon at WDW in Sept, and 2) WDW will turn 35 during Fall 2006 (Oct 1st to be exact). I already know that my family is scheduled to be down there for Christmas. This was planned before I applied for the college program, so I still am celebrating Christmas in WDW, regardless of the outcome of the selection.

What exciting times!


God bless the "Ignore" button.
Welcome to the boards, Jenny, but...
This thread is five years old. I'm sure the interview has passed by now. :D
Thanks, though!

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