Just got back from WDW and set a new personal record for Everest!


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I was able to get in 67 rides in one day!

My previous best was 40, my last trip I only managed 27 because of crowds, but this trip everything feel into line. Don't think I will ever top that number!

The day started out :eek: around 40 degrees

Then it turned into :lol: as I was having so much fun riding

The day progressed to :brick: with the cheerleader invasion

Mid-day the crowds were making me :lookaroun:

Afternoon I felt like :hammer:

And at 6 PM it was :hurl:



Well-Known Member
There isn't a ride in the world I would go on that many times. I'd be bored out of my mind after maybe 5 or 6 - tops. I've done Space and Thunder about 10 times per trip before, but that's over the course of 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
I enjoy EE a lot, but after riding 8 times in a row a couple of weeks ago, I was starting to feel a little sick. I definitely don't think I could ride that many times in a day


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Well, I was in pretty rough shape the last 20 or so rides. The backwards portion was killing me in particular.

One CM leaned over to check on me several times, she wanted to make sure I wasn't pushing it too far, which I wasn't. I know my limits.

It was fun though because over the course of the day some of the CM were getting into it with me. Asking me for a count, figuring up how many rides I might be able to get in. And that one particular CM wasn't too far off, said if everything went right with the lines I could get in 68 rides, so ended up being only one off.

It took all I had though. I never once stopped to eat or drink, and took 4 potty breaks. 10 straight hours basically.

Having said all of that, EE will get one or two rides from me on subsequent trips and that will be all.


Well-Known Member
the only noteworthy record we've ever accomplished was 13 rides in a row on Tower of Terror on Friday the 13th at a Passholder event. I really don't think 67 straight rides on ToT would be possible...we were feeling pretty weird after ride 10. :dazzle:


Well-Known Member
Fantastic. I wish I could have been with you. Got another ride in mind to tackle? My son and I were able to catch a lighter line crowd at Rock n Roller coaster multiple times (no where near your count, 10 times) and that was a blast.


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Fantastic. I wish I could have been with you. Got another ride in mind to tackle? My son and I were able to catch a lighter line crowd at Rock n Roller coaster multiple times (no where near your count, 10 times) and that was a blast.

I would love to try Tower of Terror for an all day ride-a-thon. Problem is the length of time it takes to go through the que with the video. Not sure I would have the patience.

About six years ago I gave Rock n Roller Coaster a shot. I made it around 18, I think but then moved on. The line was starting to back up. Rode it again last week and for some reason the fun factor of it has really diminished over the years. Can't put my finger on it but the ride just isn't what it used to be to me. Granted, I had a blast on it back in the day but going forward not sure how much more play I could give it. Happy to hear you and your son had a great time with it!

Susan Savia

Well-Known Member
Wow!!! We, too just got back from WDW and we thought riding Splash Mountain 3 times in a row inside of 15 minutes was pretty great!!! Also, a couple days we rode Test Track 3 times in a row inside of 15 minutes too. Amazing, but loved it. Whoo Hoo...

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Ok,Trying hard not to laugh.

Let me get ma head round this.You spent ten hours in total in one day on this attraction?.Whit?Question one,are you obsessed with EE. Question two,you say you needed four eh potty stops,like are we talking nappies,sorry,diaper changes here,and question three,What age are you?or in other words,do you still watch Spongebob?:ROFLOL:


New Member
Original Poster
Let me get ma head round this.You spent ten hours in total in one day on this attraction?.Whit?Question one,are you obsessed with EE. Question two,you say you needed four eh potty stops,like are we talking nappies,sorry,diaper changes here,and question three,What age are you?or in other words,do you still watch Spongebob?:ROFLOL:

Love the ride, think it is a brilliant design.

I'm 33, besides what do you have against Sponge Bob?


Impressive, I usually do it about 7-8 times a trip. But now that Ill be doing the college program this upcoming spring Ill be doing it much much more :sohappy:

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