Just got back from a Wreck-It Ralph Screening

Calvin Coolidge

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
NOTE: I'm trying to avoid any meaty spoilers in this post (that is, beyond trailer-level stuff) but there might be some here. Be warned.

My verdict is: Mostly great.

To answer the question that gets asked every time a new WDFA film comes out - "How does this stack up with the classics?" - I'd say it holds its own pretty well. Is it a masterpiece at the level of Beauty and the Beast? No, probably not. But when it's stacked up against the other "boy movies" of the past 20 years or so (Aladdin, Tarzan, Hercules, and the like, not to mention the Cars franchise) I'd say it performs exceptionally.

It really ended up being more like Roger Rabbit and Enchanted than Toy Story, and I mean that in a good way. It didn't feel like it was trying to be a Pixar movie, which is something I was worried about.

The animation! Oh, there was a lot to love about this animation. I am a die-hard proponent of traditional animation techniques, but WIR not only took advantage of the CGI, it pulled off some pretty brilliant tricks. The way a number of the characters move, and the physics of many locations, is great fun and had details which are truly impressive. 8-Bit environments are rendered in modern CGI in some really playful and smart ways.

The two leads are strong. Both are well-animated and competently voiced. I think the real breakout might be Fix-It Felix, Jr. himself, though. (I'm working on a Halloween costume by Wednesday)

GREAT villain. Don't want to spoil anything here (it's not too much of a surprise) but I think the Big Bad of this movie might be one for the villains pantheon. Just really, really fun, and a great vocal performance to boot.

One complaint-There were definitely two tiers of humor here, one which was smart and earnest and one which was cheaper and more juvenile. The former category was successful, the latter grating. No worse than, say, Aladdin or Lion King in this measure, but I could still do without it.

There was some surprisingly edgy humor: little gags about PTSD and police profiling, but really nothing that I'd see as inappropriate for the little ones (none in my screening seemed to have any issues, or maybe I was too captivated to notice).

More than anything, this is a movie made with great love: love for classics, be they Pac-Man or Alice in Wonderland, and love for the medium of animation and it's potential. I highly recommend it. It's a touch saccharine (literally) without ever getting too cloying. We'll have to see how it turns out at the box office, but I think WDFA has a hit on their hands.

I am bad, and that's good. I will never be good, and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be than me.


Well-Known Member
We are going to see it saturday.....can't wait!

Calvin Coolidge

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
This is a must see for me this weekend. Still haven't decided whether or not to see it in 3D though. Did you happen to see "Paperman"? What did you think of it?

I actually missed most of Paperman, but I saw enough of it to know that the animation style is captivating and beautiful, and that I'm going to have to see Wreck-It Ralph again soon to see the whole short.

As far as 3D goes, I generally don't like 3D but it was never distracting this time. I can't promise it would add much to the experience, though. It all felt pretty natural

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
I actually missed most of Paperman, but I saw enough of it to know that the animation style is captivating and beautiful, and that I'm going to have to see Wreck-It Ralph again soon to see the whole short.

As far as 3D goes, I generally don't like 3D but it was never distracting this time. I can't promise it would add much to the experience, though. It all felt pretty natural

Thanks! :)

Calvin Coolidge

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Stray observation - this movie seemed more sequel-ready than Disney animated features typically do (rather like a Pixar movie in this regard). I wouldn't be surprised, if the box office results are good, to see a sequel or a series of animated shorts like you see with Cars or Pooh or Toy Story.


Well-Known Member
I love the hidden jokes in that movie...You have to have a quick reflex on seeing it..Including the Hidden Mickey in the film...

But, Paperman...Was Incredible! I would love to see a full length feature using that style of animation.. Rough sketch meets CG...


Well-Known Member
This movie was phenomenal. I loved it so much.

In all honesty? Wreck-It Ralph is my new favorite Disney movie. I never thought I would see another movie come from Walt Disney Animation that had as much heart and warmth as Lilo & Stitch (previously my favorite), but this movie changed that in a heartbeat. I don't know if it was because it was a nod to my generation and all of the great games we had back in the day or what, but it was just... amazing, and I really, really enjoyed it.

Paperman was equally as amazing. It was so sweet!

Overall I just had a very nice day today, I enjoyed my trip to the movies and the money was well spent!


Well-Known Member
I saw an early showing of this, and really enjoyed it. The video game references and in-jokes were numerous and often quite clever; they really added another layer to the movie for longtime gamers, but I don't think they would detract from the action or story for non-gamers. I also loved the credits -- be sure to stay until the very, very end!

In short...

I'M GONNA REC(ommend) IT!

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
I'm going on Sunday, and I can't wait. And I'm happy to report that, even with Sandy mucking up the works, Ralph is doing great business. Look for a 45 million-50 million weekend. Disney has a hit on its hands - and it was created entirely in the Mouse House with new characters that DISNEY created. Now THAT is something I can get excited about! Go Ralph!


Well-Known Member
I do wish that they would have done a montage of different games he'd try to get into just to get a medal..I was really hoping for a Tron based joke so much..


Well-Known Member
Just back from seeing it, and i really liked it. Can't add much to what everyone else has already said, but I will add my recommendation. And the opening short was cute and well done, too. And was it just me, or did King Candy remind you of the laughing uncle in Mary Poppins, the guy who was having the tea party on the ceiling?


Well-Known Member
We just got back and enjoyed the movie quite a bit. I have to say that the quality of the animation and 3D was so impressive I found myself fixated on it and missed parts of the dialogue. The textures of all the different objects was absolutely impressive!!!

King Candy's voice reminded me of Roger Rabbit and when I checked on IMDB I was amazed it was a different actor.


I just wonder why Ralph could not just go over to the other game and visit at the end of the movie like they could throughout the rest of it. It just seemed like they only got to see each other looking out of their games at the end...that left me a little confused is all.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Saw Wreck-It-Ralph this afternoon in a mostly full theater. Loved it! Absolutely beautiful animation, great story, wonderful characters - a real winner. I'm so proud and happy for WDAS! This was easily Pixar quality...in fact, one of the characters, King Candy, surpassed just about any character animation Pixar has ever done. He was very funny and expressive in a manic 2-D way. And very likable.


It's kinda too bad he turned out to be a bad guy...he was a terrific character I wouldn't mind seeing again. Maybe he could redeem himself in the next picture? (And you better believe there'll be another one. WDAS has a real hit in "Ralph". I can't wait to see what Disney will do with it next!)

EDITED TO ADD: And the "Paperman" animated short in front of "Ralph" was splendid! Is this a new direction for 2D at Disney? I sure hope so, because it was amazing! This was a perfect combination of old and new, and a glimpse of what future 2D-animated Disney movies could look like. Nuts to Star Wars - "Paperman" is the New Hope as far as I'm concerned.

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