Just got back from a week at Universal and the service is awful!!


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Original Poster
WDW will always beat out Universal if not for anything else but service. We just got back from a week vacation there. I can't believe just how rude the "employes" are. Most walked around like they hated their jobs and didn't care one bit you or your family's needs. We went to I.O.A. Saturday and the entire park lost power. It was a mad house for a while. My 4 year old son had been feeling a little bit sick that day. We had our own water in my backpack but it was hot. I went to buy a new cold drink for him to drink and they would not let me due to the outage. I said no problem since I had my own water. I then ask for a cup of ice since I couldn't buy water and the hootchie said that was against park rules and that I would either have to wait for power and computers to come back up or leave the park. You could see how sick my kid was and wouldn't help me. Another instance happened in the parking garage. We arrived @ 2:00 yesterday, pulled into the garage, was lining up like everyone else. It seemed like we were going to wind up in the 4th to last spot from the escalotors. Pretty good spots. But no. The chick sends us all the way down the end of the next row. When we got up there, there were 2 cars in the 4 spots and the girl was hugging all over the people in the cars. She had saved them for her friends. Jerk. One more instance was with Rip Saw Falls. We wanted to ride but it was broken. We asked the employee when they thought it may be ready because they were running empty plumes. We thought maybe soon. He said we have no idea which seems to be the only answer those folks over there know. I went on to say to him that the only thing Universal knows how to do is take your money. He said we do do that well. So if you are a Disney Cast Member I thank you for the best service ever. I probaly won't be going back to Universal again. THANK GOD FOR WDW.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't surprise me much. I would definately write a complaint letter to them explaining why you're taking your business elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
We did Universal once on our 2004 trip and we did IofA once on our 2004 trip. We enjoyed both places and plan to do at least one of them again next year when we go. However, we were done with both by 3 or 4 PM, and it was 4 days after Easter.

So as fun as they were, I am wondering whether or not I could actually fit both parks in one day next year so I can do the best rides of each, and still be out by 4 or 5.

Even if I can't the fact still remains that I was done with both parks by 4 PM, which makes me wonder how on God's green Earth someone can actually find enough to do there for a whole week. :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
Even if I can't the fact still remains that I was done with both parks by 4 PM, which makes me wonder how on God's green Earth someone can actually find enough to do there for a whole week. :ROFLOL:

Go to Harry Potter Land of course!!!! :lookaroun


New Member
The last time we went to Universal, back in 2001, we were on line for the MIB ride...apparently somebody got injured badly and they closed the line and asked everybody to leave. We decided to wait a few minutes and filter to the front of the line. To our amazement, they allowed us into the ride, through one of the side doors, and let the ride go with all of the lights on. We couldn't believe that they would keep the ride running and run the ride with all the lights on. That would never happen @ WDW. They would shut the ride down, do a complete inspection, and never run a ride that took all of the illusion out of it. Needless to say, we have never been back to Universal and have been a total of 17 times to WDW since that trip.


New Member
:shrug: :shrug:
The last time we went to Universal, back in 2001, we were on line for the MIB ride...apparently somebody got injured badly and they closed the line and asked everybody to leave. We decided to wait a few minutes and filter to the front of the line. To our amazement, they allowed us into the ride, through one of the side doors, and let the ride go with all of the lights on. We couldn't believe that they would keep the ride running and run the ride with all the lights on. That would never happen @ WDW. They would shut the ride down, do a complete inspection, and never run a ride that took all of the illusion out of it. Needless to say, we have never been back to Universal and have been a total of 17 times to WDW since that trip.


New Member
Sorry to hear you had such a terrible experience with Universal! It surprises me though, as any time I have gone we have had excellent service. The couple times I have been, we stayed at the Hard Rock Hotel there, the service was outstanding!
As for people who are talking about staying a week, I can see where you are coming from, but it depends how fast you like to take things I suppose. We stayed for I believe it was 5 days (after being at Disney for 9 days, where we were always felt we were hurrying to see things), and had a great time not having to rush to see everything, going back and forth between parks often, it was nice. And very convenient to be able to walk to the park, literally like 5 minutes, from the hotel.

...now enough with my raving about Universal, everyone is going to start tearing me apart! lol Disney still takes #1 hands down!! :)


New Member
I go to Universal and do both parks in one day and I do it in Oct from 10-6 ..
I can tell you they are just rude there.. Last Oct My son and his mother went on the Terridactile Flyers and even though the park was not crowded ..I just walked on Spiderman ...LOL The Flyer wait was a hour long, well couples were walking up past me as I was waiting for my family to be finished and the couples are all ed off because they were told they were not allowed to ride two adults on the ride in a flyer. Every time about every 5 Min as they came back down the entrance , I pointed up to them 2 adults on a flyer together that was currently flying over thier head. Most people would just be disgusted and say This is BS and I'm fed up with these guys, others who pointed out to the employee that theres two adults riding right there they would claim I don't know how they are but you can't do it.. Another thing that personally effected me was the all you can eat program they had a Universal . they advertised a price they charged more for it than it was advertised they charge more if you wanna use it in both parks on the same day. First place I go too I ask if I could also get a order of onion rings after I had just left the counter with a burger and fries and the guy says if you had asked before when you were ordering your burger that would of been fine ..but now you finish what you got and then come back.. and then threw in no sharing !! For kids the all you can eat food the selection stinks.. example deep fried Mac & Cheese & Fries... Unless you are going to eat 3 meals in the day at Universal all you can eat does not pay .. especially because when you enter the park at 10 am there is no place to get Breakfest that I know of so it was off to get burgers and fried mac & cheese for my kid I will never forget that morning . the unlimited drink is worth it but you can buy that solo I think..


New Member
we can get through universal in 1 day and not miss one attraction which is why we only stay one night, the best part about universal and IOA is there fast pass system. so staying on property is a must. BUT yeah WTH is going on with ripsaw falls that ride is broke EVERYTIME we go there. disney is so much better .


Last Oct My son and his mother went on the Terridactile Flyers and even though the park was not crowded ..I just walked on Spiderman ...LOL The Flyer wait was a hour long, well couples were walking up past me as I was waiting for my family to be finished and the couples are all ed off because they were told they were not allowed to ride two adults on the ride in a flyer. Every time about every 5 Min as they came back down the entrance , I pointed up to them 2 adults on a flyer together that was currently flying over thier head. Most people would just be disgusted and say This is BS and I'm fed up with these guys, others who pointed out to the employee that theres two adults riding right there they would claim I don't know how they are but you can't do it..
You need a child under the maximum height limit to be allowed on the ride.


Well-Known Member
Universal who ???

Sorry to hear about your terrible trip - but if you will go to the "competition" what do you expect. These places only attempt to copy Disney - they will never match it

PS - why two identical threads :confused:

Mr Bill

Well-Known Member
The last time we went to Universal, back in 2001, we were on line for the MIB ride...apparently somebody got injured badly and they closed the line and asked everybody to leave. We decided to wait a few minutes and filter to the front of the line. To our amazement, they allowed us into the ride, through one of the side doors, and let the ride go with all of the lights on. We couldn't believe that they would keep the ride running and run the ride with all the lights on. That would never happen @ WDW. They would shut the ride down, do a complete inspection, and never run a ride that took all of the illusion out of it. Needless to say, we have never been back to Universal and have been a total of 17 times to WDW since that trip.

Well sure, nobody's ever ridden Space Mountain with the lights on.


New Member
See it really bothers me when people say stuff like this, I will admit Universal isnt always up to the standards Disney is when it comes to service however I've had employees just as rude if not more so at Disney. Its the nature of the beast, when you have to hire any where between 20,000 and 50,000 you are bound to get some bad ones. Now unless you contacted guest services about the parking incident or asked for a manager when the employee wouldn't give you ice I really dont feel all that bad for you. There is no way for them to fix a problem if they dont know about specific things that go on. I do understand that Universal has a bit to go before it comes close to Disney's service but its not all that bad and Disney really isnt all its cracked up to be.


New Member
You need a child under the maximum height limit to be allowed on the ride.
Im watching two grown adults riding the ride above my head , every 5 min I see two grown adults over my head .. I was not complaining I dont care but there were in fact pairs of adults pointing up at pairs af adults riding the ride as they are being told " That's not possible! " and thier responce was " Look right up there ! " Do you wanna ask your self if they were at Disney would they run up and stop it right away ? I forgot to mention there were Universal execs monitering the ride at the load point as well..I was told that when my family finally returned from the ride and I told his mother what I was witnessing for the last hour..Sorry I forgot that little tid bit to my experience at universal..Also this might be a ride to avoid if you go to universal !! Maximum heights on kids .. Maybe you wanna wieght the people before they get on the ride if the ride is so percise ..who should be loading the ride carnival weight guessers ... cause a overwieght short kid might bring the ride down ? I don't like hanging in the air thats why I skipped the ride by the way.


Active Member
I've had some beefs with Universal service in the past, but it was wonderful on my trip last month. The employees I encountered were friendly, the parks were clean and we had a fabulous time.

Sorry you had a bad time. Complain to management if you want, but I'd use the word "employee" instead of "hootchie" when writing. Give respect to get it, ya know?

I don't get the whole anti-Universal thing by so many Disney fans. I love both and have annual passes to both, but I expect totally different experiences from both. I can't wait for my next trip. My friends and I will split our time - three days on Universal property (Portofino Bay, parks, Blue Man Group, HHN) and then move to Disney for six days.

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