Just got back and some observations I made


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
The one thing I would like to point out is if the people in charge would take care of a problem (rust, paint, broken things, etc.) when they happened they would be no big deal. But if you let it go, it will be very hard to fix because the cost will be so high when all lumped together. Also, if a rail is starting to rust and it gets sanded and painted the problem is sloved if done correctly. I saw parts or rails going up to the castle where the spindles had such bad rust where they met the rail they were jagged. They now really need to be replaced rather than repaired. What could have been a cheap fix now is an expensive fix.

So Disney does not only have to worry about it's image to it's public, but has to worry about cost to fix the problems being out of control.

Don't get me wrong, I am not Disney bashing. I only even think about this because WDW means so much to me. I would just not want it to get to the point where it won't or can't be fixed.

And as Pixie Duster mentioned there are plenty of good things to recognize to go with the bad. WDW is still my vacation destination of choice and I don't ever anticipate a change. I just hope things get turned around.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Pixie Duster
Guys I know things aren't what they used to be. But things are not complete crap either. If you spend your vacation looking for hte flaws then you are wasting your vacation.
If youare going to walk around taking pictures of the bad things then you are being one sided, why not also point out what areas look clean and maintained (ie landscape)...
I really, really like your outlook on life! :king:

You know, she is right; stop focusing on the negatives--which can be found anywhere with anything--and have a fun vacation. If everyone thinks it's so bad, have you written a letter to someone at Disney about it? Or do you just spew your dislikes here? Or how about for every one thing you find wrong on your trip, list 10 good things? Bashing every move that is made at WDW/Disney right now does not help to improve the image; you only continue to drag it down.


Actually, Scott, I think the bashing helps.

I am all for happy shiny people -- except when circumstance doesn't warrant shiny happiness.

While I agree that people should enjoy their vacation and have fun despite things being not up to par, they should by no means ignore the bad in a futile hope that it just goes away.

Your suggestion of writing letters and filing complaints is a good one but I do not feel that withholding grievances where grievances are due on a public forum such as this is a good move.

The WDWMagic site is chock full of positive comments about WDW-- most of the posts are very positive because we all love the parks and the ideals that Walt Disney infused in the company.

It is actually our duty to point out publicly when the magic begins to fade so that change may occur and future generations may experience the wholesome, healthy and stimulating effects of that magic.



Well-Known Member
I agree--to an extent. I don't want to squash opinions or turn wdwmagic into a feel good, stick-your-head-in-the-sand forum either, but how much is enough? After awhile, it just gets wearisome and depressing. What good is taking pictures of overflowing trash cans going to do? What can we do about it when someone posts that picture here? It just gets old after awhile when we are rehashing the same problems over and over and over again.


Well-Known Member
Those of us who have posted comments about the "flaws" in the kingdom do so because we give a DAMN!! What? You think we should walk around with rosy colored glasses ignoring the obvious lack of attention to basic maintenance? Really. Yes, I had a wonderful time at the kingdom recently. However, if my eyes were able to spot the "flaws" and so many other people have as well, then "Houston, we have a problem."


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by cherrynegra
Those of us who have posted comments about the "flaws" in the kingdom do so because we give a DAMN!! What? You think we should walk around with rosy colored glasses ignoring the obvious lack of attention to basic maintenance? Really. Yes, I had a wonderful time at the kingdom recently. However, if my eyes were able to spot the "flaws" and so many other people have as well, then "Houston, we have a problem."

Oooooo. Just realized as I reread my post that my post came out a whole lot bitchier than I thought. Mea culpa if I offended anybody. Didn't mean to. Just kinda got excited all of a sudden. Note to self. Lay off the diet soda.:hammer:

Hank Scorpio

New Member
I was there last September and every thing looked ok to me. If anything I was impressed with the level of cleaniness, in paticular at the All Stars Resort and at the AK.


I think we all can agree that WDW is not quite up to standards as of late, and the amount of maintenance is lower than it has been.

The problem is, if you go to WDW with these pre-conceived notions of gum, paint chips, rust and garbage, then that is what you be focused on. In my opinion, that would be a wasted trip, nothing but "the bad". However, if you go there for the magic (however less may be believed to be there), you will find the magic, not the mess, at least not first.

I don't think that I'm walking around wearing rose-colored glasses, I just believe that whatever you look for, you'll find, and you'll continue to find.

Reality dictates that even the most optimistic person will see through all of the show and see WDW's short comings, but at least at that point, the trash won't be the be-all end-all of your time in the resort.

Focus on the good & enjoy the magic...

If you see something wrong take note of it and report it in some fashion....especially if you care....but don't let an empty soda bottle negate the experience you had while watching RoE.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I think that with the amount of people who travel through WDW every year the place looks great. Can a few things be spruced up? Sure they can and I'm sure they will be...in time. Unfortunately the economic climate has reached into all sectors of life. Garbage cans aren't emptied as quickly as before, paint isn't touched up, trees trimmed, etc. Its human nature to point these out because they stand out more.(its something we are not used to seeing.) We do the best we can with what we are given and I think the CMs (at all levels) do a great job. Hopefully sometime in the near future the budget will be restored to a realistic level.

I have never had a bad trip to WDW (even when I was sick).
Sometimes things weren't quite up to perfection, but things seldom are. I'll continue to visit WDW for as long as the magic remains for me...which hopefully will be forever.


New Member

I recently visited Tokyo Disneyland (TDL), well January 2003 and I have to say, compared to Disneyworld, that resort is absolutely spotless. It looks brand new. Itseems that the compnay that owns TDL actually takes the time to insure their park looks As new as the day it opened over 20 years ago. I seem to remember a special on the travel channel where they said they like The Disney World resort to look just like it did when it opened in 1971. I guess Eisner decided to give himself a multi-million dollar bonus instead of using some of that money for resort maintenence and upkeep. An uncle of mine has the job of fixing some of the various attractions and he has told me that it's just a matter of time before something terribly goes wrong at Disneyworld because their budget has been reduced and management won't allow overtime. He also told me that there are times when they don't have the appropriate supplys to fix the rides properly. Have you ever heard an odd clang on Space Mountain that you didin't used to remember hearing, or a grinding noise on the Mad hatter Teacups? This has become a serious problem a WDW and it really needs to be addressed. If Eisner is going to cut budgets and keep accuiring unprofitable companies. He has to go. He has done some amazing things during his tenure but I believe he has gotten too greedy to see the best course for Disney to take. I'd rather see less new attractions and less outside ventures then see Disneyworld fall apart beofre our very eyes. Also could you immagine walt Walt would think about the current situation with Splash Mountain I think he be very upset to see an attraction open while have the A.A.'s aren'r working and the mountain is being painted, let's not forget the grand fianale of the ride, the big drop being waterless. it's almost like having a great appitizer followed by a cold Steak and after that getting a Stale browine for dessert. Just close the attraction already until the rehab is finished. I knnow I've gone off on a tangent here but I just can't believe some of the thinkgs i've seen and heard lately at Disney.

I have to say though I do believe Esiner did the right thing with Pixar. A 90-10 split was a terrible deal for Disney. Pixar can have the greatest computer animators in the world but if they don't have great stories and characters all the animators in the world aren't going to help you.


Well-Known Member
My honeymoon trip to WDW was tarnished a bit by the poor maintenance. As a first timer, my wife was probably not bothered by the poor upkeep as much as I was.

I'm glad to find out (from this website and others) it wasn't just my imagination that things at WDW are not what they used to be.

Let's hope the winds of change bring better maintenance to the parks!


Well-Known Member
All right. I'll take up the banner once more as well for those of us who are "flaw noticers." For me, the only reason why I keep commenting on the neglect is because I found it to be noticeable. The span in time between my trips to DW was eight years. In '95, I was completely amazed at how spotless the parks looked and how they appeared. As if time had no effect. Last year, I couldn't help but notice it. I think the fact that it had been so long in between trips really made it more noticeable. Don't get me wrong. I went on my last trip with no preconceived notions or biases. In fact, I found this website after my trip. It was only after reading others' experiences that I realized I wasn't the only one who had noticed things were getting a tad bit shabby. To that end, the fact that I had noticed these flaws and that others had as well, only inspired me to get more involved to save the Disney I had grown up with and have come to love.


Originally posted by SpongeScott
You know what? This is not just a WDW problem--this is a nationwide problem. Working in the retail sector, people are rude and ill-mannered, though not all. They leave their trash all over the store, they leave empty Starbuck cups on the shelf with merchandise, they leave merchandise anyplace they feel like dropping it because it's "our job" to clean up after them. Courtesy is a lost art.
Some people really are gross. Someone dumped their whole cup of soda all over our Brother Bear plush and then walked out of the store. At least $200 worth was destroyed and the time it took to windex the whole fixture down and we didn't even get an apology.


New Member
Part of Tokyo Disneyland's cleaniliness is due to the Japanese society. They work harder and take more pride in their surroundings.

I understand that people don't like some things like paint peeling, etc.


How does it seriously hurt your vacations?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by turkey leg boy
Part of Tokyo Disneyland's cleaniliness is due to the Japanese society. They work harder and take more pride in their surroundings.

I understand that people don't like some things like paint peeling, etc.


How does it seriously hurt your vacations?

It doesn't hurt now, but my concern is in the future will the park be the same if they don't clean it up. It gets to the point where it will be unmanageable. If they let it all go before repairing it will take forever to fix. It is not just paint peeling or sidewalk cracks or rusty railings either. There were multiple rides that had parts not moving. Many are the same parts that have not moved on past vacations I have been on. The Haunted Mansion for instance, the caretaker and the dog in the cemetary do not shake anymore. The dog has had this problem for years. Also I noticed while on line to get in our doom buggy that every once in a while the CM working the ride would have to lower the safty bar because it did not do it automatically.

I don't know, I guess after have the park be so well kept for years and to see things that are not taken care of bothers me. I just rather as others have said that what is there be maintained and well kept than keep adding more things.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mrtoad
It doesn't hurt now, but my concern is in the future will the park be the same if they don't clean it up. It gets to the point where it will be unmanageable. If they let it all go before repairing it will take forever to fix. It is not just paint peeling or sidewalk cracks or rusty railings either. There were multiple rides that had parts not moving. Many are the same parts that have not moved on past vacations I have been on. The Haunted Mansion for instance, the caretaker and the dog in the cemetary do not shake anymore. The dog has had this problem for years. Also I noticed while on line to get in our doom buggy that every once in a while the CM working the ride would have to lower the safty bar because it did not do it automatically.

I don't know, I guess after have the park be so well kept for years and to see things that are not taken care of bothers me. I just rather as others have said that what is there be maintained and well kept than keep adding more things.
Kinda sounds like you have a fatalist attitude toward the whole thing. WDW is huge and complex--at any given time, something is not going to work, something is going to be dirty, something is going to need paint, etc. So a safety bar had to be lowered--how do you know it didn't malfunction that day?

Also, have you stopped to think that the reason you saw the park well taken care of in the past was because you were younger and didn't notice/care about that aspect? Like Brent said, how does this seriously hurt your vacation other than your choosing to look at the bad things? Look at the joy in the eyes of the children that are there or the joy in the eyes of the adults who are there for the first time or are seeing the Disney magic come alive through their children--that overshadows any peeling paint or overflowing trash can to me. Try to do something you've never before in a park, look for something positive you've never seen before--make the absolute most of your time in the World.


New Member
The fact that something tragic will happen is what really bothers me also! I pesonally have never had a bad WDW experience. I also appreciate the the good in the world! But it is what we don't see that really bothers me!! Being so tight on money, maintance, and not having the parts to fix rides properly all points to what will eventually happen! I am also a very realistic person and we can not close our eyes to these problems! The minor things I can deal with!! WE NEED TO CARE!!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by SpongeScott
Kinda sounds like you have a fatalist attitude toward the whole thing. WDW is huge and complex--at any given time, something is not going to work, something is going to be dirty, something is going to need paint, etc. So a safety bar had to be lowered--how do you know it didn't malfunction that day?

Also, have you stopped to think that the reason you saw the park well taken care of in the past was because you were younger and didn't notice/care about that aspect? Like Brent said, how does this seriously hurt your vacation other than your choosing to look at the bad things? Look at the joy in the eyes of the children that are there or the joy in the eyes of the adults who are there for the first time or are seeing the Disney magic come alive through their children--that overshadows any peeling paint or overflowing trash can to me. Try to do something you've never before in a park, look for something positive you've never seen before--make the absolute most of your time in the World.

I have been to park many times since I have been an adult, I am not making up the changes I have seen.

And again, I do enjoy my trips there and don't plan on stopping going. I do see many great things in the park everytime I go. In fact I enjoyed EPCOT more this trip than any other I have been on. I was simply stating an observation that I made. I am not trying to make anyone angry what so ever. Or turn people against WDW in anyway. I love the place and that is why these things bother me.

I regret I ever postes this becuase what this has become was not my intention.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mrtoad
I have been to park many times since I have been an adult, I am not making up the changes I have seen.

And again, I do enjoy my trips there and don't plan on stopping going. I do see many great things in the park everytime I go. In fact I enjoyed EPCOT more this trip than any other I have been on. I was simply stating an observation that I made. I am not trying to make anyone angry what so ever. Or turn people against WDW in anyway. I love the place and that is why these things bother me.

I regret I ever postes this becuase what this has become was not my intention.
Don't regret posting--this is a friendly exchange of viewpoints from people who love WDW. You see it one way, I see it another, that's all. You have not angered me and I hope I have not angered you. Keep enjoying the parks as shall I. :wave:

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