Just got back and some observations I made


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by SpongeScott
Don't regret posting--this is a friendly exchange of viewpoints from people who love WDW. You see it one way, I see it another, that's all. You have not angered me and I hope I have not angered you. Keep enjoying the parks as shall I. :wave:

Thanks for the reply and no you did not anger me. I just did not mean for this to sound like I am bashing because I really wasn't. It was just a concern of mine because I care about it. And I will keep on enjoying them for sure. I am already trying to figure out how to fund next years trip.

Pixie Duster

New Member
I am not saying ignore the bad things, I am saying do not emphasize them unless they warrant a strong emphasis. I seek balance and if not balance then I focus on the good. It does not mean I am a person frolicking through the wildflowers sing "Shiny Happy People". If I see something wrong I also try to find something good. Kind of like accounting for every debit there needs to be a credit. SO for every bad thing look for a good thing to equal it out. Life is more enjoyable that way.

I hope I explained myself ok.

Anyway, as a CM I want to thank you as guests for caring so much about WDW. If there are any major problems please let our management know. And of course if you experience something great express to management or guest relations as well.


New Member
My friends and I are big Disney fans. My friends that work at WDW in maintenance know all the inside stories and share some of them with me.
They are really disappointed of all the changes there, reduction in manpower, not enough parts, lack of management skills.
Especially when it comes to show quality and immediate repairs. Show Quality used to be number one, now it is about number 5 or 6. If something is broke just turn it off instead of repairing it. As long as the ride keeps working, just worry about the OTHR. They want to repair many items like AA's or smokers, lighting, or laser, etc. But they get no support from management.
As long as Disney get compliments and not many negative letters about things not working or poor maintenance. They think the guests never notice, so why fix it, they are still happy.


Bottom line--if you see maintenance and upkeep problems.....tell City Hall or any Guest Relations. That is the way to get things done. They do listen, but if nobody is complaining they figure nobody notices. It is not un-Disney fan-like to report issues of this sort, quite the contrary. It is how fans support and protect the parks they love.

Now, having said that, keep in mind that WDW's budget doesn't change all that much from year to year. At the present time, much of the budget resources have been allocated for capital expenses, ie: building attractions. Think back to 10 years ago. Yes, the parks looked new, but no major new rides were being built except for Tower of Terror, along with the New Tomorrowland.
Currently there are three major projects, and one major re-themeing underway. The competion of these projects, between this fall and early 2006, will free up a large amount of capital to be used for maintenance and upkeep.

Also, a major worldwide celebration is going to start next spring, so look for all the parks to get a pretty good going-over between now and then.

Pixie Duster

New Member
You bring up a great point Lee. There are currently 3 and Ii guess you could 1/2 E-ticket attractions being built all at the same time. This hasn't happened in ages, so that may have a small effect on the situation.

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